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Found this on the web tonight . Super cool . Alex and Geddy together again. At the South Park 25th anniversary concert , Red Rocks !!!!!




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Great stuff!!

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This one is a little clearer


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It was great seeing them! 

Les Claypool: still weird! Still annoying!

And why couldn't I stop watching Matt Stone play drums? It was like seeing a dog walking on its hind legs!

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  • Haha 1

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful surprise.  This is the first time they've performed together since R40, isn't it? For a long time I thought we'd never see that again, and even with the announcement of Geddy and Alex being at the Taylor Hawkins tribute shows in about a month, I still had my doubts they would actually play and not just make some nice speeches. But who would've guessed this would be the context of this moment, a South Park 25th anniversary concert at Red Rocks, with Primus sharing the stage. I absolutely believe Les Claypool wasn't kidding even a little bit when he started talking about this being one of the greatest moments of his life. To being playing Rush with Geddy and Alex, in front of a great crowd at a legendary venue, honestly what could top that? Not much in the way of gigs, that's for sure.  I'm so happy Geddy and Alex decided to do this.

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Yes, I had thought they might only just present at the Foos, but after this, I guess they are going to perform. Unless South Park was just a one-off, but given the timing, it seems like a warm up for next month's shows.

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It was an unexpected surprise .... raising hopes of things to come.

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3 hours ago, edhunter said:

Ooof. Geddy sounds rough.

Alex as well.  :unsure:


Cool to see them together having fun, but musically it's a bit :scared:

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4 hours ago, edhunter said:

Ooof. Geddy sounds rough.

I agree.  Bad song choice as Ged can't be expected to pull off CTTH vocally.  But they had some fun in retirement so you can't knock'em for that.  40th anniversary bluray had many yodeling cringe worthy moments and he's not getting any younger.

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46 minutes ago, Pressure/Hopenosis said:

I agree.  Bad song choice as Ged can't be expected to pull off CTTH vocally. 

Not right out of the gate, anyway.


Fun event though.

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8 hours ago, edhunter said:

Ooof. Geddy sounds rough.

The other singer made him sound great!  :biggrin:


This was really cool to see, made me very happy! Wish I could have been there, maybe they'll start doing more stuff like this and I can catch them sometime. :smile:

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I did sorta hear Alex struggling a bit, though it was pretty shoddy sound quality in the first place and any guitarist with arthritis that's out of practice is probably gonna struggle a bit on a one off gig. As far as Geddy goes, I though he actually sang CTTH better here than he did at my R40 show! Like someone said, he isn't getting any younger, and yet not being on a touring schedule and just needing to prep for one song at one show seems to have helped him out. It's still absolutely not as great as he was able to sing it even 20 years ago, and the high notes are totally gone (you can hear Les falsetto-ing them in the back though, which is nice), but the fact that 7 years after the last time he had to perform that song he can still do it about as well as he did then is honestly very impressive.

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1 minute ago, shabadoo25 said:

Who had Matt Stone on their next drummer for Rush after Neil bingo card?

Not me!


I wonder who will drum at the Foos gigs? I feel like Dave won't do it. No doubt those are gonna be hard enough to get through, and living something that was probably a dream of Taylor's after he's gone might feel a bit wrong.

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Nice to see them playing again, if only for a short while. They both deserve to have a little fun!

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Looks like they had a good time, but my god, that was rough.

  • Like 1
  • The title was changed to RUSH AT SOUTH PARK 25TH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT!

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