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Everything posted by Entre_Perpetuo

  1. Your subconscious way of engaging with the forum while it was down!
  2. I was waiting for your backlog, lol
  3. That’s the only one of his post A Single Man I’ve got a hold of. Really need to nab 2 Low 4 0 sometime. I’ve been singing I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues all day.
  4. She had excellent taste.
  5. I was super pleasantly surprised. I’d spun it before but never paid much attention. Elton does mature waaaaay better than the 70s would have suggested.
  6. Seeing this thread this morning put I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues into my head, which isn’t a song I’ve ever spent very much time with, nor one I even own. So it’s only today that I’ve come to really appreciate how beautiful and touching it is. One of the best songs they ever wrote.
  7. See what happens when treeduck can’t post? He starts buying Elton John CD’s in bulk!
  8. 1. Captain Fantastic And The Brown Dirt Cowboy 2. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 3. Tumbleweed Connection 4. Madman Across The Water 5. Blue Moves 6. 11-17-70 7. Honky Chateaux 8. Elton John 9. Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only The Piano Player 10. Caribou Ha! I got to ten! I may have heard one or two more of his albums, but not much. Songs? Gee that’s harder… I’ll have to think about it.
  9. It’s back!! thank you 73!!!
  10. https://jackdell.bandcamp.com/track/strep-throat-demo
  11. Rose Gray - Louder, Please! Tunng - Love You All Over Again
  12. Give me all of Dookie and all of Nimrod, plus 21 Guns and Brain Stew, and I actually can agree.
  13. Lambrini Girls - Who Let The Dogs Out Sol Reactor - S.O.L.
  14. It’s one of those where the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts, so it feels kinda perfect even if you know there are a few songs that don’t quite stack up to the best songs, which are in fact actually perfect.
  15. Ugh, and tonight I am in misery.
  16. Rev Rad has a handful of songs that hit me right on first listen and sound as good as anything they’ve done. It also has a handful that are maybe too dumb to die. What does Saviors even have?
  17. I actually had a lot of fun with Father Of All, but I never spin it anymore.
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