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  2. When NFL officials "let them play" all game long but then call ticky-tack penalties in the last two minutes. No team is safe from this unprofessional and hypocritical performance issue. Example: Packers v. Buccaneers. NFC Championship Game, 2020 Season: The officials "let them play" all game long. No ticky-tack penalties were called downfield.....until inside the last two minutes, when they called a ticky-tack penalty on the Packers' secondary, which enabled the Bucs to run out the clock.
  3. Was going to post the Drew Pearson Hail Mary video but the NFL has it blocked.
  4. The Rivieras California Sun Good Morning Vietnam Soundtrack ... no sun here, but we just recieved the first snowflakes of the Autumn!
  5. Combat sports also welcome to the discussion Did the ref stop it too soon? Not soon enough? Judge's score card completely whack??
  6. Some people say forgive and forget, but those people aren't sports fans What are the blown calls, missed infractions, bad referee decisions or other such tomfoolery that STILL get your goat, even years after the fact?? Bonus points if said blunder had an impact beyond just the one game
  7. Today
  8. Sad news.....His version of Phantom of the Opera will always be the definitive one. Two cracking albums
  9. Another thing I forgot to add to my earlier rant: isn't it weird that some of the best songs on Rush albums are the ones they recorded very late in the process...as opposed to the other tracks which they slaved over for MONTHS? I don't know all of them, but New World Man from Signals sticks out, but Force Ten from HYF and Show Don't Tell from Presto are even more prominent...because IMO HYF and Presto would have been seriously lacking in rock energy if they had been put out without those tracks. HYF without Force Ten would have been a glorified Alan Parsons Project or Supertramp album. If Presto had come out without Show Don't Tell, I would have donated it long ago, because the only other 'rocker' song on the album (Superconductor) is one of Rush's worst tracks ever. In New World Man's case, it fits in well with the existing album which is full of strong tracks. I believe Vital Signs was also a last-minute add, but like NWM it fit in well with the rest of MP. Was Stick It Out from Counterparts also a last-minute add?
  10. To be fair, they weren’t a legacy band at this point… Or at least, they were fighting against being a legacy band. So, staying current and promoting the latest record was the priority and like most musicians, they were excited to bring their latest works from the record to the stage. They even played the entire GUP record live (although not all in the same night)….part of the reason we’re all here checking in on the status of the box and what it might offer.
  11. I don't know what they could possibly add to a 'bonus edition' of HYF, Presto, or even RTB. For me, this was the nadir of 80s Rush...and unfortunately my first Rush concert was on the HYF tour, where anything before 1980 was completely ignored (exception being CTTH) except for a half-assed medley of Syrinx/Strangiato/In The Mood at the very end. Instead they forced SIX songs from HYF down our throats. On the Presto tour they did the EXACT SAME THING...CTTH earlier in the set, then nothing from before 1980 until the very end with the SAME medley (pretty much). At least they only forced five songs from Presto on us... Maybe a live disc from the RTB tour would be worth it, but not from the other two tours. As much as I love this band, they sure made some strange choices in the 80s. In addition to the setlists from HYF and Presto, their strategy for making videos left a lot to be desired, and in the 80s MTV was king and they didn't take advantage of it well. They didn't even make a video for their highest-charting single (New World Man), but they wasted time making one for Countdown? No video for Force Ten, but they make a lame one with Time Stand Still??
  12. If the debut album had the production quality of their later work, it might be the best metal album of all time.
  13. Funnily enough it was listening to Maiden's debut album that got me hooked on that style of music and pointed me in the direction of Rush, so I've a lot to thank them for
  14. Sad news, he was due to play Glasgow in the very near future and I was considering going along for nostalgic reasons He seemed quite a complex character and probably not a great role model, but a very distinctive voice and persona that defined the original Maiden era. I doubt they would've been as huge without Bruce Dickinson, but they were never bettered with Paul at the microphone IMO...
  15. Hold Your Fire and Roll The Bones are their two albums that emotionally impact me the most. Snakes And Arrows is getting there as well. Vapor Trails also.
  16. 16,000 points for a handful of warm theater-style popcorn
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