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4812 Stellar

About Fridge

  • Birthday 05/23/1967

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Member Information

  • Location
    Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • Interests
    Living things

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Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    S&A tour: Oct 3rd 2007 Glasgow, Scotland
  • Favorite Rush Song
  • Favorite Rush Album
  • Best Rush Experience
    Moving Pictures tour
  • Other Favorite Bands
    Kings X, Crowded House, The Wildhearts, Slayer
  • Musical Instruments You Play

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  1. Hmmmm....why is the guy playing a bunch of stuff from LVS when the Sportscaster wasn't even used on that album as it didn't exist then?
  2. Well here you are, you lucky people! This our 10th (jeez 10th!) album together entitled "Obscured By Clowns"....as ever, feel free to listen and we would be very grateful for any feedback... https://sloppyfootcowboys.bandcamp.com/album/obscured-by-clowns
  3. Sad news.....His version of Phantom of the Opera will always be the definitive one. Two cracking albums
  4. Interesting point....I was recording some bass earlier, and this post made me think about it and I noticed that my hand would frequently wander to the knobs in the lulls in the notes as a sort of unconsious time keeping excercise....I think it's that and nothing more, as there doesn't seem to be any tonal/volume bass changes in the parts Geddy does descbibed above.
  5. You're either a rather unsuccessful troll, an idiot, or both....I'm not quite sure which yet.
  6. You're reading waaayyyy too much into this.....all Neil is refering to is the light that has been reflected three times.....sun to earth, earth to moon and moon back to earth again....the fact he uses a quasi-religious term to express it is purely poetic licence.
  7. That's an important point actually......particularly in the early albums Geddy will have written a fair percentage of guitar lines....because he was such a monster on the bass, he must be at least a competent guitarist, and probably a pretty good one.
  8. Sure, I bet the wartime comic hero could spank his plank
  9. Lifeson by a country mile.......yes, Page has an undoubted influence, but I just don't idolise him the way others do.
  10. Thanks for the feedback John and taking the time to listen, and believe me, any praise for my guitar playing from a player like yourself is very much appreciated!....I loved RP1 and enjoyed the Lifesonesque approach to the guitar work.
  11. Sorry I haven't been around for a few days, so first time seeing this....Really appreciate your time here Jim in listening and commenting, and believe me, praise from such an accomplished player as yourself re guitar playing is very gratifying indeed....it's by no means a perfect album, but we're proud of it and it's great that there's something for everyone here.
  12. Hey folks...our 9th and latest offering...as usual, feel free to listen and constructive feedback always welcome https://sloppyfootcowboys.bandcamp.com/album/straitjacket
  13. When I started working in Casualty then Psychiatric wards.....long hair was far too easy a target for aggressive drunks and mentally disturbed people. After having several clumps painfully pulled out by the roots I though f**k it and started using clippers.
  14. Neither...that title was claimed long ago by ABBA's SOS....
  15. Very nice Stephen, great job with the vocal production, you achieved both warmth and clarity....heartfelt message lyrically too. Still hearing a hint of The Big O in your voice which is certainly no bad thing! Lovely acoustic guitar tone too.
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