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JohnRogers last won the day on June 10

JohnRogers had the most liked content!


32830 Stellar

About JohnRogers

  • Birthday March 8

Member Information

  • Location
    New Seoul, NJ
  • Interests
    muscle cars, movies, the real OG 1978 Battlestar Galactica, road trips, THC edibles
  • Gender

Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    R40, Denver
  • Favorite Rush Song
    The Spirit of Radio
  • Favorite Rush Album
    Permanent Waves
  • Best Rush Experience
    3rd row Radio City Music Hall
  • Other Favorite Bands
    Queensryche, The Who

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3599 profile views
  1. I like the blue one with out the 'ring rear wing.
  2. I don’t normally support unions but unionization would lend an air of credibility for these hard working moms, engineering, law and medical students.
  3. Some dude that believes in climate change was trying to impress me with the heat pumps he has in his Pennsylvania house.
  4. Still too young to not earn more benjamins.
  5. I'm thinking about learning HVAC, also buying tools and a van when I move to Florida.
  6. I fixed my own toilet today, I am a man of the people.
  7. Whoa, there is something called the C7 Grand Sport...I'm gonna need more coffee.
  8. The whole infrastructure game needs reform. In this day and age with the technology we have there shouldn’t be massive price hikes, projects going way over schedule. The approval/permitting, study and all the other shit should happen much faster. Frankly, this is something that Trump should’ve taken care of during his first administration. Where is Mayor Pete?
  9. Listen, Jack, I like trains. That's my calendar on the wall. Still, when I have to drive or Uber to the train and the journey is going to take me 90 minutes more. I'll drive every time. You side stepped my approval reform remark.
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