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1740 Stellar

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    I'm always here.
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    History, Nature, Science.
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  • Best Rush Experience
    Listening to them. Been into them since 81
  • Other Favorite Bands
    Joy Division N.M.A. Meat Puppets Holdsworth
  • Musical Instruments You Play
    drums guitar

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  1. Cornell was amazing no doubt, but there's a balance between ability and some emotion with Staley that just great. Hope you and your son enjoyed the music : )
  2. Yeah Blackmore has many many riffs. Guess it's the social impact, or notoriety. Blackmore has those types too, but Page has lots of greats including acoustic guitar. I find them more impactful than B'more, Blackmore's seem more technical -which is great. It's not such a gap, they all did great stuff.
  3. Totally agree. Nirvana/Kurt wrote some amazing songs. IMO people know enough to realise that they're simple and easy, but not enough to know that it takes rare talent to write the melodies and emotion around that simplicity. I guess that may be the magic you allude to. The music then gets slated as"overrated " as a result.
  4. For guitar riffs I'd have to pick Page over Blackmore and May. Page was a sloppy player, and as an overall player Blackmore was tight and exciting, especially for solos. May brought finesse and was also a great allround player. His solos and tone are great. If it were an allround players list, my listing would be different. But when it comes down to riffs alone, It's Iommi, then Page following on for me. They did memorable riffs, and quite a lot of them.
  5. Ye gods why. What's your reasoning?
  6. Iommi....................Page, Blackmore, May.
  7. Yeah it's going to be tough for England, but an interesting game no doubt. Wish they had a Gascoine type player - thinking out the box, unpredictable. They always get predictable in the last quarter, in attack. I want England to win, but see it a Spain victory.
  8. Yeah, strangely enough. England seemed to have stepped it up some with this game -it's great end 2 end. Tho IF they get to the final, Spain look strong.
  9. England have bucked up against The Netherlands from past games. Hungry attacking -great
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