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Who's the worst "Comic" actor from this list?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's the worst "Comic" actor from this list?

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Posted (edited)

Who is the worst of these so-called comic actors?


You can vote for more than one if you can't make your mind up.

Edited by treeduck

Rob Schneider


Wouldn’t have seen Hot Chick were it not for McAdams. At least Sandler is good in his dramas, Same for Stiller in movies like Greenberg and Permanent Midnight. Corden gets on my nerves as well.

I`m not voting only because I would actively avoid anything with any of them starring. In any other era in human history, their talentlessness would have resulted in starvation.
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Can't vote on this ..... there are some prize a-holes here ..... spoilt for choice!
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Posted (edited)

I`m not voting only because I would actively avoid anything with any of them starring. In any other era in human history, their talentlessness would have resulted in starvation.


Even Punch Drunk Love? Can’t lie, Sandler is an underrated dramatic actor. One of PTA’s best.

Edited by invisible airwave
Posted (edited)

Rob Schneider.


Never cared for him much on SNL and don't recall him finding him all that funny in any movie roles. He benefited from how good the rest of the SNL cast was when he was on the show. They made it seem like he was funny. Bottom tier comedic actor for sure.

Edited by J2112YYZ
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__ Will Ferrell

__ Seth Rogan

__ Adam Sandler

__ Owen Wilson

__ Ben Stiller

__ Brendan Fraser

__ Rob Schneider

__ Russell Brand

__ Jim Carrey

__ Steve Carell

__ Denis Leary

__ James Corden

__ Jimmy Fallon

__ Tom Green

__ Eddie Izzard


_X_ All Of The Above

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Rob Schneider.


Never cared for him much on SNL and don't recall him finding him all that funny in any movie roles.

IMO, Deuce Bigalow was pretty funny, and he was good in Grown Ups as the guy with the senior citizen wife.

I`m not voting only because I would actively avoid anything with any of them starring. In any other era in human history, their talentlessness would have resulted in starvation.


Even Punch Drunk Love? Can’t lie, Sandler is an underrated dramatic actor. One of PTA’s best.

I avoid these actors! I really do. The brand of "comedy" films most appear in is not for me. Obviously plenty of people disagree with me :bitchslap:
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No Amy Schumer?


She's not really an actress though. She's always been a stand up comic first.


She had a surprisingly decent small dramatic role in Thank You For Your Service, a little seen war movie with Miles Teller from a few years ago.


Trainwreck is one of the most overrated movies I’ve seen, though. Snatched sucked as well. Comedy legend Goldie Hawn came out of retirement for this?

Will Ferrell is probably the unfunniest person alive. Why he is so popular is a mystery to me.


Ferrell and (most of) the others on the list are not just unfunny, but also irritatingly unfunny. I usually find myself wanting to slap the snot out of whatever characters they're playing! :huh: :D

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Zack Galafinikis (or whatever) belongs on this list.
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Most of the guys on that list are certainly shit and/or they keep running the same crappy jokes.


I wouldn't put Steve Carell in there though as I did enjoy him in 40 year old virgin and Little Miss Sunshine.


Watch this movie if you haven't already as everyone in it is good:




Will Ferrel I'd probably the unfunniet person alive. Why he is so popular is a mystery to me.


I've been saying that for years. I've said it on TRF a dozen or so many times but this is the first time I've read anyone else ripping him. Just terrible terrible comedy in every sense: the jokes, the delivery, you name it.

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Corden and Fallon are as enjoyable as moldy bread.


Owen Wilson isn't the worst on the list but he's pretty forgettable. I have him at a 1-4 movie record, and he never made me laugh in any of them.


Sandler, Stiller, and Carrey all have been in movies I've enjoyed but it's like 1 or 2 movies each and overall I dislike them. Carrey's schtick is the most obnoxious of the three. He's better off doing something more dramatic like Man on the Moon.


Ferrell and Schneider are the worst of the bunch for me. Ferrell wins it though.


Will Ferrel I'd probably the unfunniet person alive. Why he is so popular is a mystery to me.


I've been saying that for years. I've said it on TRF a dozen or so many times but this is the first time I've read anyone else ripping him. Just terrible terrible comedy in every sense: the jokes, the delivery, you name it.


Will Farrell's delivery is very annoying. It negates any potential comedy that was there for me.

I turn off Adam Sandler. I just can't.

Great SNL skit with Ferrell and Fallon. Fallon can't keep a straight face.


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Russell Brand, Tom Green, David Spade...all annoying and not funny.

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