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J2112YYZ last won the day on May 22

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About J2112YYZ

  • Birthday 08/18/1978

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  • Location
    Buffalo, NY
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Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    6/19/15 R40 in Toronto
  • Favorite Rush Song
  • Favorite Rush Album
    A Farewell To Kings
  • Best Rush Experience
    Seeing them three times on the T4E tour and from the first row at the Syracuse state fair on the Time Machine tour. Seeing them play all of Xanadu on R40.
  • Other Favorite Bands
    Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Nevermore, Megadeth, Anthrax, Metallica, Dream Theater, Dio, Nightwish, Judas Priest, Within Temptation, Alice In Chains, Epica, Alter Bridge, Lacuna Coil, Machine Head, The Warning, Ghost, Spiritbox, Trivium, Jinjer

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  1. I know their popularity was more sustained in the UK and probably the rest of Europe over the years. But they got pretty big with their first few albums over here then they faded a little bit. Still, they had enough big hits in the US that people remember them pretty well.
  2. They were big here as well. Couldn't escape them in the mid 90s.
  3. Oh, I hope they're not as annoying this time around. They won't be forced down my throat by radio and MTV like they were before so probably not.
  4. Possibly it was just from years of wear and tear. Still trying to hit some of those high pitched screams at his age probably didn't help.
  5. Create a separate playlist for Hardwired like I did. All of disc 1, Confusion and Spit Out The Bone. Now you have an 8 song classic album like Lightning and Puppets. Most of Hardwired disc 2 is filler.
  6. I thought you considered most things with electric guitar in it to be metal.
  7. How can you have a funeral for something that never existed? Rogan has never been a funny stand up comedian. Just because he has good comedians on his podcast doesn't actually make him one. The only reason people pay attention to his stand up is because he is a commentator for UFC and hosting Fear Factor. Two very high profile gigs which have allowed people to know who he is. When it comes to comedy he's not even good enough to work a dead comedy club on a Tuesday night.
  8. I definitely liked this song more than Perfume but both songs have the same issue for me. Why is the chorus in both of them buried in the mix and you can't make out the words? The chorus is supposed to be the hook in the song that gets stuck in people's heads that makes them want to sing along. That's not possible when every time I hear the chorus I can't make out a damn word. Perfume might be the guiltiest song of all time when it comes to that. This is clean, melodic metal there's no reason I should have this hard of a time understanding the lyrics in a chorus.
  9. Pau has the nicest "open the pit" request I've ever heard 😄
  10. I honestly never knew that there was a debate over which of these albums was better. I've always gotten the impression that Mindcrime was the preferred album by the majority of fans over the years.
  11. That's exactly how I feel about their three newest singles. Nightwish is taking a hiatus after this new album. Floor Jansen and Simone Simons are doing solo stuff now. Maybe Lacuna Coil needs to think about taking a break, try some new things musically in different projects and come back together in a couple years with some refreshed creativity. These three new songs just sound like bonus tracks that weren't good enough to make an album.
  12. Mindcrime and it's not even close. Empire never did much for me. Best I Can, the title track, Silent Lucidity and Anybody Listening are great. Everything else on the album has always been meh to me. I get after the success of Mindcrime a more accessible sounding album was in order but I just don't think accessible really catered to their songwriting strengths. Some bands are great at it but I don't think Queensryche was.
  13. Skynyrd is the only band on the list that I'm a fan of. They're one of my dad's favorites. I've seen them live a handful of times with him during the mid 90s and early 2000s. I think they had a few original guys in the band at the time. That is also the only version of the band I have ever known since I'm not old enough to have seen the original lineup. I wouldn't bother going to see them anymore. I'm more interested in seeing younger bands live these days. With the exception of Iron Maiden, Alice Cooper and maybe one or two others, I don't have much interest in seeing older acts, zombie or otherwise these days.
  14. Makes sense with Tyler's vocal injury. At his age that's probably not something he can come back from in a short period of time.
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