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Why do some RUSH fans Hate "Roll The Bones"?


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It's the rap section that gets the hate from everyone for the most part. Even though Rush is considered a prog band and all they were doing was experimenting with that part just like any prog band does with their music. Still, too many snob fans thought Rush was lowering themselves by doing rap in a song. It was just them being their goofy selfs for a minute and some fans hated it because Rush is supposed to be super serious all the time.


I love the song myself. I even sing along with the rap part.


Yes yes yes but a little bit of no...


Yeah, in general, it’s the rap. But, i really don’t think fans think “Rush is supposed to be super serious all the time.” This is because fans already know that Rush isn’t super serious all the time. We all know about their goofy sense of humor and Neil’s attempts at fun word play ((note: “attempts at)). We all know that Rush was just having fun with the rap...it’s simply that many of us didn’t like it. And not necessarily JUST because it was rap. There’s very little rap that I like but some does exist. The Roll The Bones rap bit isn’t one.


The snob part you commented on I agree with though.


If I omitted the rap section, I’d give it a “C”. With the rap section it gets a “C-“. So the rap’s not too big of a factor to me anyway.



P.S. Why do you “sing along” with the rap part? It’s a rap. :P




Well, "sing" wasn't really the right word to use. Is saying "talk" along better?

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Why do some RUSH fans Hate "Roll The Bones"?


Because it's not heavy metal enough with no crushing riffs nor screaming 2112 vocals. The drums are plastic-sounding with no power and no sharpness the songs are wishy washy and too commercial and the lyrics are dopey talking about the cold war like anything had really changed going from the Soviet Union to Russia and here we are today the Russian leader is a former KGB Colonel.

Walesa became the first President of Poland, after the cold war was over. He was succeeded by an ex-member of the Communist Party. Now it's run by Conservatives. Duck, relax. Get busy with the facts. Things change, keep watching.
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I've noticed that a lot of RUSH fans dislike the "Roll The Bones" song. I would like to know why this is? I like the song fine, and the Lyrics are inventive [for RUSH at the time of The Album's release] My Qualifications are, started playing percussion when I was 6-7( Mom's giant fork and Spoon wall decorations from the kitchen on her Tupperware containers) Took Piano for 7 years, and starting in 5th grade, in the school band, percussion, all instruments, drums, keyboards etc. So tell me please WHY do these people HATE "Roll The Bones"?


Because some people are miserable skid marks on the underwear of life...also because the “rap” is cringeworthy.

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But I believe

There's a ghost of a chance

We can find a Rush song/album/band member to love

And make it last ....

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The small gets big, it's a rig.


It sounds so creepy when Peart gets “sexy”.


The night has a thousand sexyphones.


So get over here and rock

And jump my bones......GET BUSY!!

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The attitude towards rap is the most obvious one.


I’m alright with the rap that was around at the time of it, though. Most rap of the past decade and a half can piss off, though. Last rap album that held any interest to me is Speakerboxxx/TLB by Outkast.


So what you’re saying is...you’re down wit’ O-P-P?

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I like Bravado and quite like Dreamline and the instrumental.

Other than that I don’t think I’ve played the whole album through since I first listened to it when it was released.

The albums HYF through T4E are shoddy in my opinion displaying a band who neither knew their strengths or limitations. They’re so self-conscious and Rush stopped being Rush for me.

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I like Bravado and quite like Dreamline and the instrumental.

Other than that I don’t think I’ve played the whole album through since I first listened to it when it was released.

The albums HYF through T4E are shoddy in my opinion displaying a band who neither knew their strengths or limitations. They’re so self-conscious and Rush stopped being Rush for me.


Why do you say they were self-conscious?

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I don't hate Dog Years nearly as much as others here. The song wasn't meant to be any type of serious statement or work of art and the band was obviously having fun cutting loose with a punkish arrangement

On an album that contains truly execrable material like Half the World, it isn't worth even a second of time hating on Dog Years.

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