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Everything posted by bluefox4000

  1. oops weird double post
  2. Ok So my first initial reaction. I enjoyed that WAY more than i thought i would. To me this sounded like a more put together version of Black clouds. I must say right of the bat the song that popped for me most within the album was Night Terror. other Quick notes because it's only first listen. The funky break towards the end of a broken Man.....yes more of that. it was way too short. I love the general concept of the album being dreams Is it me or does the actual album from a production standpoint sound better than the Singles? i dunno why but the album Just Sounds better to me. The Shadow man Incident for the big 19 minute epic is awfully straight forward and i for one Appreciate that. the weakest song here for me now that we have the full picture.....Midnight Messiah and the weirdest point i'll ever make and this is coming from me now........Having Portnoy back felt really cozy. AND zero portnoy growls here......thank you dude!!!!!!! So first knee jerk score. a comfy 8/10. more thoughts soon. I REALLY liked it. Mick probably write more thoughts as i listen.
  3. judging billy on Atilla.........did i ever tell you you REALLY suck. lol Go back to pj and shut up (Atilla is bad, Billy will agree lol) Mick
  4. too Low is a great album. early to mid 80's Elton is very good. Better than i think folks give it credit. The late part of that decade is rough though. Mick
  5. honestly 90's is my least fav decade for him album wise (only 3 studio albums if you discount Lion King) but MIE is an often forgotten gem. he came back BIG in the 2000's for me. Mick
  6. Journey-Raised on Radio (9/10) I love Journey. Mick
  7. there's some hidden gems on this one. I got my girlfriend his autobiography this past christmas. she's a big fan and it was one of my fav bio's i've read. Mick
  8. Mostly harry Chapin. and now adding Journey/Steve perry. Mick
  9. Steve Perry-Street Talk (10/10) An AOR album i never talk about but a classic in every sense. And Perry is my fav AOR vocalist. Mick
  10. I have to say all 3 singles haave grown on me. And having portnoy back has settled nicely with me. Do i expect this album to be my fav or some earth shattering work. No. but at this stage it's dumb to expect that. but i am now far more optimistic that i think i'll enjoy it than i was. Do i miss Magini, yes but life goes on. Mick
  11. thank you guys......where else am i gonna talk about All my Yacht Rock missed this place. good work. Mick
  12. Laura Nyro- Eli and the Thirteenth Confession (10/10) Mick
  13. wow RIP Garth. Genius musician. i have to play The Band Today. Can't believe they're all gone. Mick
  14. just give me the rum from nimrod to 21CB i don't even need Dookie Mick
  15. i played like some of this if this was a legit direction they went in.......i'd be the ONLY Maiden fan who'd love it, lol Mick
  16. Laura Nyro- New York Tendaberry (10/10) Ive been obsessed with this artist. Her songwriting is quirky often also catchy but sad and down. This particular album is way less catchy and more odd. criminally underrated and important artist for females. Mick
  17. Laura Nyro One of the most Influential and sadly kinda forgotten female artists ever. Like if you want to know where Kate bush's vocal style originated from. it's CLEARLY laura. I love her. Mick
  18. My Green Day. 1. Warning 2. 21st Century Breakdown 3. Nimrod 4. American Idiot 5. Insomniac 6. Dookie 7. Father of All...... putting a gap because the rest are a cut.... below for me. 8 Uno. 9. kerplunk 10. 1039.....the rest of that dumb title, lol 11. Tre 12. Dos 13. Revolution Radio 14. Sleepers.....i mean Saviours Mick
  19. Green Day-Nimrod (10/10) now THIS is more like it!!! This album is actually when i beame a real fan. I knew Dookie who didn't? I even owned because EVERYONE did but i never payed attention to it. i was also busy with the beatles in 94. lol But Nimrod made me love this band. and it was 97. one of my best years. i was 12 and loving life. so good memories with this album. Mick
  20. um......uh...........it has the band playing on it? lol Seriously i've said this in the past. I actually can forgive a bad album but a lazy album i can't deal with. I HATE lazy albums with all my heart. Mick
  21. Well to add to this conversation. Last night i played Green Day Revolution Radio (5/10) Father of All (8/10) Saviors (/ So the last 3. Rev Radio i found ok. But clearly a retread of a pair of albums (AI and 21CB) that were both MUCH MUCH better. Father of all is a blast and i'll die on this hill. is it modern and produced like a pop record? yea but who cares? at like 26 minutes it actually qualifies more as an EP than an LP. as such i find it a fun little excursion. the songs are fun punchy and catchy as hell. is it my fav? no. don't take this that way. but i'll play this often. Now Saviors can go die in a fire. As EP said it is one of the most lazy albums of 2024. It's like the band got up and said "uh we really dton't wanna do an album but it's been 4 years so here ya go." and they just fart this out. Now imagine this. 4 years. this is the same gap between Warning and AI. think of that. Now this album might have fared better after Warning in 04. but it didn't come out back then. and while nothing is horrid. It's the phoning in that sucks. Mick
  22. MAYH is my fav of the first 3. I too am not a black metal guy at all. so early Opeth is generally not my area. Still Life is where things start popping off. Mick
  23. Been playing lots of bob Dylan and Steely Dan and Jackson Browne. 3 very wordy artists but all very different Dylan is Dylan and writes in very abstract images and metaphors and who knows what he's saying half the time, lol Browne is so good at writing about relationships and the human experience. And the Dan is great at wacky stories about down on their luck and unethical folk. and the humor in their lyrics is so dark, lol people say they write about nothing and that's false and it's annoying that that claim persists. Mick
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