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What pissed you off today? v.2


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34 minutes ago, grep said:

Meanwhile, the conservative war on contraceptives is starting to ramp up.

Because that will save defenseless lives too, right?  Has nothing at all to do with enforcing a particular morality. Nope, Not at all.....



If you believe life starts at conception, then devices which cause a living being to die are abortofacients and should fall into the same category as other procedures that terminate human life.    Your comment about enforcing a particular morality is just as wrong now as it was before, this changes nothing.


To speak of a war on contraceptives is misleading at best when you're not specific about it being a certain type.   Contraceptives which prevent fertilization should not only be legal, but encouraged and made easier to obtain, and in fact for people for whom affordability is a real issue, subsidized or even available for free.

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19 hours ago, grep said:

Meanwhile, the conservative war on contraceptives is starting to ramp up.

Because that will save defenseless lives too, right?  Has nothing at all to do with enforcing a particular morality. Nope, Not at all.....



Conservative war on contraceptives? 


A failed attempt at passing a bill in one state. A prolife governor  in another state promising to veto another bill with contraceptive restrictions. A legislator in Idaho expressing an opinion you don’t agree with. 


Hardly constitutes a war. 


What I seem to be noticing is the American public is done with extremists on both sides of this issue. 

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So sick of this shit.  At least the gunman punk in the Texas shooting at an elementary school is dead although I guarantee you if he was white like Dylan Roof and the Buffalo shooter he'd be arrested instead.  It's not race baiting, it's the forking truth.  RATM were right.  Some of them are the same that burn crosses.  RIP to all who dead including his grandmother before this and well wishes to the injured.







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40 minutes ago, invisible airwave said:

So sick of this shit.  At least the gunman punk in the Texas shooting at an elementary school is dead although I guarantee you if he was white like Dylan Roof and the Buffalo shooter he'd be arrested instead.  It's not race baiting, it's the forking truth.  RATM were right.  Some of them are the same that burn crosses.  RIP to all who dead including his grandmother before this and well wishes to the injured.







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17 hours ago, invisible airwave said:

I guarantee you if he was white like Dylan Roof and the Buffalo shooter he'd be arrested instead

This statement.  The ignorance and racism are just off the charts.  

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On 5/24/2022 at 3:49 PM, invisible airwave said:

So sick of this shit.  At least the gunman punk in the Texas shooting at an elementary school is dead although I guarantee you if he was white like Dylan Roof and the Buffalo shooter he'd be arrested instead.  It's not race baiting, it's the forking truth. 


Man, sometimes you're just such a c***. 

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On 5/24/2022 at 6:49 PM, invisible airwave said:

So sick of this shit.  At least the gunman punk in the Texas shooting at an elementary school is dead although I guarantee you if he was white like Dylan Roof and the Buffalo shooter he'd be arrested instead.  It's not race baiting, it's the forking truth.  RATM were right.  Some of them are the same that burn crosses.  RIP to all who dead including his grandmother before this and well wishes to the injured.








The race of the shooter had nothing to do with the Buffalo shooter staying alive. The cops convinced him to drop his weapon and that's when they took him into custody. If he didn't drop his weapon he would have been killed by the police. It wouldn't have mattered what his ethnicity was. The same with the Texas shooter. I don't care what race he was. Someone who is sick enough to rampage through an elementary school killing young children should be filled with enough bullet holes that his body can't even be identified as being human afterwards.

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Ugh!  Such a horrible day here in PA.  General universe was out to get us!  Husband and I have had covid for the last 10 days. we are starting to feel better, but we both still have weird spells feeling hot and chills and a little dizzy.  We were supposed to spend today just hanging out, doing some bills and resting.  Instead, the Dr. calls in the afternoon and says they found some weird protein in my husband's blood work when he was in for covid last week, that often indicates cardiac problems and blood clots.  They wanted him at the hospital, right away, for sonograms of his legs to see about possible blood clots.  So yeah, that. And switching our groceries to instacart instead of pick up since we didn't know how long at the hospital, and eating late.  And, very thankfully, no blood clots for my husband. :notworthy:


So we are starting to relax and he goes to go to bed early, it's been a long day. Then he comes back out and says, "the bed is flooded."  Aieee.  yes, we are the only people in the US to still have a waterbed and it is leaking on the side.  So, move our favorite lamps and clocks to another bedroom and deal with the yucky wet bed tomorrow.  It has to be better!  :blink: :blink:  (and no deep vein blood clots!  thankful for that! )

Edited by blueschica
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3 hours ago, blueschica said:

Ugh!  Such a horrible day here in PA.  General universe was out to get us!  Husband and I have had covid for the last 10 days. we are starting to feel better, but we both still have weird spells feeling hot and chills and a little dizzy.  We were supposed to spend today just hanging out, doing some bills and resting.  Instead, the Dr. calls in the afternoon and says they found some weird protein in my husband's blood work when he was in for covid last week, that often indicates cardiac problems and blood clots.  They wanted him at the hospital, right away, for sonograms of his legs to see about possible blood clots.  So yeah, that. And switching our groceries to instacart instead of pick up since we didn't know how long at the hospital, and eating late.  And, very thankfully, no blood clots for my husband. :notworthy:


So we are starting to relax and he goes to go to bed early, it's been a long day. Then he comes back out and says, "the bed is flooded."  Aieee.  yes, we are the only people in the US to still have a waterbed and it is leaking on the side.  So, move our favorite lamps and clocks to another bedroom and deal with the yucky wet bed tomorrow.  It has to be better!  :blink: :blink:  (and no deep vein blood clots!  thankful for that! )

So sorry you had to go through all that.  Glad there were no clots in your husband's legs.

Hope you both get to feeling better and Covid be gone!  :hug2:

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21 hours ago, Rhyta said:

So sorry you had to go through all that.  Glad there were no clots in your husband's legs.

Hope you both get to feeling better and Covid be gone!  :hug2:

Thank you! Seems to be 2 or 3 good days in a row now and then a bad one. Ready to be done with this!

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I posted Todd in the Shadows' latest Trainreckords episode on the 1988 CSNY album, American Dream, on a thread here and it was taken off because of copyright reasons.  They've done this to many reviews of channels I subscribe to like Cinema Snob on Stone Gremlin and now Todd.  Shit has to stop.  Snob's April Fool's Day movie review got struck down until it was finally allowed a month later because Paramount are greedy jerks.


Only those who subscribe to his Patreon page can see it now.

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On 6/8/2022 at 12:13 AM, blueschica said:

Ugh!  Such a horrible day here in PA.  General universe was out to get us!  Husband and I have had covid for the last 10 days. we are starting to feel better, but we both still have weird spells feeling hot and chills and a little dizzy.  We were supposed to spend today just hanging out, doing some bills and resting.  Instead, the Dr. calls in the afternoon and says they found some weird protein in my husband's blood work when he was in for covid last week, that often indicates cardiac problems and blood clots.  They wanted him at the hospital, right away, for sonograms of his legs to see about possible blood clots.  So yeah, that. And switching our groceries to instacart instead of pick up since we didn't know how long at the hospital, and eating late.  And, very thankfully, no blood clots for my husband. :notworthy:


So we are starting to relax and he goes to go to bed early, it's been a long day. Then he comes back out and says, "the bed is flooded."  Aieee.  yes, we are the only people in the US to still have a waterbed and it is leaking on the side.  So, move our favorite lamps and clocks to another bedroom and deal with the yucky wet bed tomorrow.  It has to be better!  :blink: :blink:  (and no deep vein blood clots!  thankful for that! )

Yikes! Hang in there and you might not be the only people to still have a waterbed, but congrats of the bragging, and goodness, what an ordeal!

Glad you seem to be recovering.

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Regarding today's news.  This bears repeating.  Pro life my ass especially with their AR15 freedumb obsession.  Pregnant women die of covid too.  Goddamn hypocrites including my cult brainwashed mom that I cut ties with a year ago.  George Carlin was right.  Once you're born, they don't care about you.





Edited by invisible airwave
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41 minutes ago, invisible airwave said:

Regarding today's news.  This bears repeating.  Pro life my ass especially with their AR15 freedumb obsession.  Pregnant women die of covid too.  Goddamn hypocrites including my cult brainwashed mom that I cut ties with a year ago.  George Carlin was right.  Once you're born, they don't care about you.





I know no one expects someone like you to actually be able to understand any issue with a modicum of complexity, but that screed is embarrassing even for you.

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Welcome back to the era of coat hangers and dirty back rooms. 

Abortion won't go away, only the methods will change.


Good job guys. Really. /s

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4 hours ago, laughedatbytime said:

I know no one expects someone like you to actually be able to understand any issue with a modicum of complexity, but that screed is embarrassing even for you.

You know..... I don't want to make any enemies here. But i gotta tell you - you need to lay off the high handed arrogance.

Your posts are well thought out, and well written. You are clearly intelligent, and understand the issues.

problem is that you refuse to see the other side.  Your tone and demeanor are basically a well written "my way or the highway".  Which frankly makes one not want to try to find common ground with you.

Lighten up, and please stop being so condescending. Especially on the day that your side 'won'.

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25 minutes ago, grep said:

You know..... I don't want to make any enemies here. But i gotta tell you - you need to lay off the high handed arrogance.

Your posts are well thought out, and well written. You are clearly intelligent, and understand the issues.

problem is that you refuse to see the other side.  Your tone and demeanor are basically a well written "my way or the highway".  Which frankly makes one not want to try to find common ground with you.

Lighten up, and please stop being so condescending. Especially on the day that your side 'won'.

And I read your post that precedes this one I quoted and scratch my head as to how it could be taken as anything other than what you describe above.



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34 minutes ago, grep said:

You know..... I don't want to make any enemies here. But i gotta tell you - you need to lay off the high handed arrogance.

Your posts are well thought out, and well written. You are clearly intelligent, and understand the issues.

problem is that you refuse to see the other side.  Your tone and demeanor are basically a well written "my way or the highway".  Which frankly makes one not want to try to find common ground with you.

Lighten up, and please stop being so condescending. Especially on the day that your side 'won'.

I do see the other side,.  I just reject most of their arguments (and obfuscations designed to confuse the issue, which at heart comes down to a question of which right supersedes which, the right of the unborn child to life vs the right of the mother not to be forced to go through pregnancy; all the rest of the pro abortion side misses the point, in some cases unintentionally, some not.)


I think.the right of the unborn child to life supersedes the right of the mother not to have to go through pregnancy, with the exception that she has the right to self-defense if the pregnancy continuing would threaten her life.  


The arguments I presented by IA are self-evidently not serious and do not deserve to be treated as such.

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58 minutes ago, grep said:

Welcome back to the era of coat hangers and dirty back rooms. 

Abortion won't go away, only the methods will change.


Good job guys. Really. /s

Just like murder and theft (or any other crime won't go away if laws against them were repealed.


By the way, a former spokesperson for the abortion lobby admitted that the number of fatalities from.botched abortions pre-Roe was completely inflated by the abortion lobby for the purpose of changing public opinion.  They were the tobacco lobby before there ever was a tobacco lobby.


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43 minutes ago, laughedatbytime said:

I do see the other side,.  I just reject most of their arguments (and obfuscations designed to confuse the issue, which at heart comes down to a question of which right supersedes which, the right of the unborn child to life vs the right of the mother not to be forced to go through pregnancy; all the rest of the pro abortion side misses the point, in some cases unintentionally, some not.)


I think.the right of the unborn child to life supersedes the right of the mother not to have to go through pregnancy, with the exception that she has the right to self-defense if the pregnancy continuing would threaten her life.  


The arguments I presented by IA are self-evidently not serious and do not deserve to be treated as such.

Exactly my point. 

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57 minutes ago, goose said:

And I read your post that precedes this one I quoted and scratch my head as to how it could be taken as anything other than what you describe above.



Congratulating those who won on imposing a misery, in context, that hasn't been seen in the US in nearly 50 years.  That's not condescending, it's saying that a price will be paid for the moral victory. 


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2 hours ago, grep said:

Exactly my point. 

I didn't realize seeing and understanding someone's argument compels one to therefore agree with it.  If you don't believe I have stripped away all of the superfluity from the pro- abortion argument, tell me which argument is central enough to the debate to warrant consideration beyond the core argument I identified.  I've heard most of them and found them wanting, so I should be able to describe why I do so fairly quickly and would be glad to do so.


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