Tombstone Mountain Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 QUOTE (Workaholic Man @ Sep 27 2012, 07:35 AM) I think it deserves to stay up. [/quote] Yes, it should keep going. It's important for good Rush fans to see how bad Rush fans act. Good Rush fans should see how the other half lives - as childish, petty, self-centered brats who throw tantrums every single time the band goes on tour. WAHHHHH!!!! THEY DIDN'T PLAY MY FAVORITE SONG!!!! WAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I HATE THE SET LIST, MOMMY!!!! MAKE THEM CHANGE IT!!!!! Titty Baby Central!!! My show kicked major ass and I'm really glad they chose the material they did
Principled Man Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Sep 27 2012, 07:39 AM)My show kicked major ass and I'm really glad they chose the material they did They should get props just for doing something so different. It takes a lot of guts for any band to do something so unexpected, especially when the fans are so demanding. I wasn't a huge fan of a couple songs in the first set, but I loved the fact that they pulled them out of the Vault. They play the songs that THEY want to play. Good for them......
go2wrk@95974 Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 RUSH is RUSH..regardless if they play 70's-80's-90's , or 2000's tunes. Just enjoy it for what it is: ROCK & ROLL!!!! ...Afterall, who knows when it's all gonna end. Be grateful for the music, and the fact they're still around, after 40 + many great band's can say that????
GeminiRising79 Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 QUOTE (DBJetsman @ Sep 27 2012, 12:14 AM) QUOTE (Tommy Sawyer @ Sep 26 2012, 08:18 PM) How is thread still around??? I think it deserves to stay up. I agree with everything this thread author said. Rush basically said "F*** you" to ALL of their 70s fans and now we're left with a whole lot of s*** from their lowest period in their career. Wow. Someone who makes sense.
micgtr71 Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 Vote with your dollar and stay home. Watch the exit stage left video again. I love the 70s too but the set is what it is and whatever. I will go and enjoy the decade I grew up in.
eshine Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Sep 29 2012, 07:23 PM) QUOTE (DBJetsman @ Sep 27 2012, 12:14 AM) QUOTE (Tommy Sawyer @ Sep 26 2012, 08:18 PM) How is thread still around??? I think it deserves to stay up. I agree with everything this thread author said. Rush basically said "F*** you" to ALL of their 70s fans and now we're left with a whole lot of s*** from their lowest period in their career. Wow. Someone who makes sense. To you and a small, ankle biting minority. You guys sound utterly pathetic with your whining. Cmon, - complaining about too much "new" Rush being played and not enough 70s stuff. Power Windows is 27 f*cking years old. The 80s were one of Rush's most prolific and successful periolds. I would LOVE the hysterics had Rush chosen to favor a bunch of tunes from Roll The Bones lol. The show has been a total success so far - receiving overwhelming praise by critics and fans alike. And really, I dont even believe the sincerity of your gripes. I think most of what you trolls post here is attention seeking horsesh*t.
earth2112shine Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 QUOTE (Astroboy2112 @ Sep 10 2012, 12:34 AM) I dont believe the whole "they're not playing 70's songs cuz Geddy cant sing it" explanation. They are playing working man as well as Temples. Ged sang Circumstances & Bangkok on the S&A tour. I believe the real reason is the LYRICS. They picked songs that best suited the concept of Clockwork Angels. All the songs being played deal with social issues, humanism, man vs machine,etc and match the themes explored on CA and it's novel. I think this whole show is ONE big concept show. Poster Dayglow explained really well on another thread. You better believe that before it's all said and done they will play 2112 in it's entirety in a future tour. It's just that some of those songs old fans want dont fit the themes of CA and what they are triying to say TODAY. Excellent, well said !!
bigalfan Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 Yup! Subdivisions, Big Money, Territories, The Analog Kid, Far Cry, Caravan, The Anarchist, Carnies, Headlong Flight, Seven Cities of Gold, The Garden, Dreamline, Red Sector A, YYZ, The Spirit of Radio, Tom Sawyer and three sections from 2112 all SUCK! Yeah- they suck so bad, I have to go see them play these crap selections at least one more time just to make sure they suck as bad as they did the first time. I'm a 70s lover. Started listening to when ATWaS came out - I can tell you this tour - and the boys - are kicking ass. How about just enjoying it for what it is - three amazing musicians who have touched all of our lives and are still out there, all these years later, making great music? How about enjoying where they're at now and marveling at what they're doing at this stage of their career? How about being thankful they're still around and just produced an album that ranks up there with some of their best works and THEY'RE PLAYING MOST OF IT ON TOUR RIGHT NOW!!?? Nope! Can't do it! Sucks! Sucks! Sucks! ...yeah......okay.......
ShlappinDahBass Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 QUOTE (bigalfan @ Sep 30 2012, 06:54 AM) Yup! Subdivisions, Big Money, Territories, The Analog Kid, Far Cry, Caravan, The Anarchist, Carnies, Headlong Flight, Seven Cities of Gold, The Garden, Dreamline, Red Sector A, YYZ, The Spirit of Radio, Tom Sawyer and three sections from 2112 all SUCK! Yeah- they suck so bad, I have to go see them play these crap selections at least one more time just to make sure they suck as bad as they did the first time. I'm a 70s lover. Started listening to when ATWaS came out - I can tell you this tour - and the boys - are kicking ass. How about just enjoying it for what it is - three amazing musicians who have touched all of our lives and are still out there, all these years later, making great music? How about enjoying where they're at now and marveling at what they're doing at this stage of their career? How about being thankful they're still around and just produced an album that ranks up there with some of their best works and THEY'RE PLAYING MOST OF IT ON TOUR RIGHT NOW!!?? Nope! Can't do it! Sucks! Sucks! Sucks! ...yeah......okay....... Talk about malignant narcissism with most of the posters on this thread.
Todem Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 QUOTE (Tommy Sawyer @ Sep 26 2012, 11:18 PM) How is thread still around??? I was just asking myself that same question. This thread brought out the worst in me.
av450 Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 QUOTE (earth2112shine @ Sep 30 2012, 03:30 AM) QUOTE (Astroboy2112 @ Sep 10 2012, 12:34 AM) I dont believe the whole "they're not playing 70's songs cuz Geddy cant sing it" explanation. They are playing working man as well as Temples. Ged sang Circumstances & Bangkok on the S&A tour. I believe the real reason is the LYRICS. They picked songs that best suited the concept of Clockwork Angels. All the songs being played deal with social issues, humanism, man vs machine,etc and match the themes explored on CA and it's novel. I think this whole show is ONE big concept show. Poster Dayglow explained really well on another thread. You better believe that before it's all said and done they will play 2112 in it's entirety in a future tour. It's just that some of those songs old fans want dont fit the themes of CA and what they are triying to say TODAY. Excellent, well said !! Geddy has said that They can't play a farewell to kings anymore because he can't sing it without hurting his voice
Godeater2112 Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 Haha! I heard about the stupid threads in here but have been avoiding looking so I wouldn't spoil my first show. Good god people are whiners. If you are worried so much you might hate the show or the setlist or the performance or whatever... then either a) don't f**king go or check what the setlist is first and if you hate it then don't go. How hard is that? The other night was my 29th show, and I was floored by the setlist, it was easily the biggest craziest departure for Rush in our generation. I can see some people (like me) being incredibly happy to see so much different stuff, especially the set one 80s era material. I saw a bunch of songs I'd never heard live before and it was amazing. I'm sure a lot of more casual fans were a bit WTF about the entire affair. My theory? This has ZERO to do with Geddy's voice or anything like that. I think the past 10 years they've been slamming their synth era work a bit and avid fans have not had the chance to see many of their favorites. They decided to do a 180 a floor us with a bunch of fresh tracks, brilliant! I would bet the plan is to do an R40 type deal next, which might be the tour they go out on, and THAT set will truly be an OPUS of their awesomest classics.. leaving an opening this tour to do some rarer stuff. Long live !!!
rushgoober Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 I just read through this entire thread. It took awhile, and some of the name calling was pretty pathetic, but I got through it. Some thoughts: 1. People are entitled to their opinions, even unpopular ones. It's a shame that some people can't allow others to have theirs and instead have to be referred to as an asshole or not a real Rush fan or the worst kind of fan or a whiny little bitch just for having an unpopular one. If a person is disappointed by something Rush does and they want to vent about it, they're entitled. It's a Rush discussion board. 2. Everyone's opinions are valuable to them AND VALID, even if you disagree with said opinions. There is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. Someone doesn't like the set list, they don't go. Someone doesn't care about the set list or they love it, they go. It doesn't make the person who doesn't want to go wrong or a bad person - they're entitled to not go for whatever reason they choose. 3. If you care enough to be disappointed by something the band has done or is doing, you're a real Rush fan - you might not be the happy go lucky rainbows and butterflies Rush can do no wrong kind of fan, but you're still a fan. 4. While I do understand that they're doing all they can to protect Geddy's voice (playing every other night, rotating harder songs every other show, etc.), I really do think it's a pretty weak set list. I love the new album, but they could have cut a couple of those songs out. AND, there are certain songs that IMHO just HAVE to be played that aren't - Limelight, Red Barchetta, Closer to the Heart, The Trees, Freewill - take a few of the synth era songs out (and I LOVE the synth era), replace them with those, and we would have had a set list. And you have to add in at least ONE epic - I don't even care which one - Xanadu, La Villa, NatSci, TCE, hell, even Jacob's Ladder will do. Then again, if he can't hit the notes on any of those songs, he just can't do it, but his voice isn't sounding great on the easier to sing songs either so... 5. As Geddy's voice continues to deteriorate live, it makes me think more and more they should have hung it up a few years ago, but then we wouldn't have the excellent Clockwork Angels, so it's a tough call. My solution? Make albums, stop touring. It's a shame, as their playing is top notch and better than ever, but the glaring elephant in the room problem of Geddy's voice live is simply not up to their standards of professionalism. See my first point if you disagree since I dare to have an unpopular opinion and am stating it, but call me an asshole if you must. 6. I'm not planning on seeing them this tour just due to life circumstances that won't allow it, but honestly, now that I've seen the set list, it takes a lot of the edge off of not being able to see them. I saw them plenty in the 80's, so I'm not missing out on all the 80's deep album cuts.
Tarkus406 Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 Re: Geddy's voice live. I was thinking about this last night, as I was listening to a part of the St Louis bootleg (the show I went to). When at the concert, his voice sounded very good, and I WAS listening to the quality of his singing, trying to hear what I would normally hear on a boot. However, only a few little flats and sharps stood out. He still sounded powerful and just plain bitchin! Then listening to the bootleg I heard nothing but a warbly old man yelping at the crowd like a 12 year old hound with a busted leg. My thoughts are that the problem isn't with his voice, but the quality of these audience-based ROIOs. Their microphones are working their asses off to pick out all the deliciousness radiating through the room but they only seem to accentuate the extreme highs (yelping) in his voice. Makes for a nauseating listen. I have no problem with his yelping noises, his voice just does that. But when you make it so that you're hearing those noises over everything else, it sounds like crap. In person it really doesn't take from the music. It's just the Gedmeister singing with a different style than he did 30 years ago. It really is only on bootleg recordings when I have a problem listening to Geddy sing. Otherwise, it's gold.
tangy Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 QUOTE (rushgoober @ Sep 30 2012, 10:09 AM) I just read through this entire thread. It took awhile, and some of the name calling was pretty pathetic, but I got through it. Some thoughts: 1. People are entitled to their opinions, even unpopular ones. It's a shame that some people can't allow others to have theirs and instead have to be referred to as an asshole or not a real Rush fan or the worst kind of fan or a whiny little bitch just for having an unpopular one. If a person is disappointed by something Rush does and they want to vent about it, they're entitled. It's a Rush discussion board. 2. Everyone's opinions are valuable to them AND VALID, even if you disagree with said opinions. There is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. Someone doesn't like the set list, they don't go. Someone doesn't care about the set list or they love it, they go. It doesn't make the person who doesn't want to go wrong or a bad person - they're entitled to not go for whatever reason they choose. 3. If you care enough to be disappointed by something the band has done or is doing, you're a real Rush fan - you might not be the happy go lucky rainbows and butterflies Rush can do no wrong kind of fan, but you're still a fan. 4. While I do understand that they're doing all they can to protect Geddy's voice (playing every other night, rotating harder songs every other show, etc.), I really do think it's a pretty weak set list. I love the new album, but they could have cut a couple of those songs out. AND, there are certain songs that IMHO just HAVE to be played that aren't - Limelight, Red Barchetta, Closer to the Heart, The Trees, Freewill - take a few of the synth era songs out (and I LOVE the synth era), replace them with those, and we would have had a set list. And you have to add in at least ONE epic - I don't even care which one - Xanadu, La Villa, NatSci, TCE, hell, even Jacob's Ladder will do. Then again, if he can't hit the notes on any of those songs, he just can't do it, but his voice isn't sounding great on the easier to sing songs either so... 5. As Geddy's voice continues to deteriorate live, it makes me think more and more they should have hung it up a few years ago, but then we wouldn't have the excellent Clockwork Angels, so it's a tough call. My solution? Make albums, stop touring. It's a shame, as their playing is top notch and better than ever, but the glaring elephant in the room problem of Geddy's voice live is simply not up to their standards of professionalism. See my first point if you disagree since I dare to have an unpopular opinion and am stating it, but call me an asshole if you must. 6. I'm not planning on seeing them this tour just due to life circumstances that won't allow it, but honestly, now that I've seen the set list, it takes a lot of the edge off of not being able to see them. I saw them plenty in the 80's, so I'm not missing out on all the 80's deep album cuts. well said there Goober! not in complete agreement, in particular with #5 but overall i say
rushgoober Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 (edited) QUOTE (Tarkus406 @ Sep 30 2012, 09:11 AM) Re: Geddy's voice live. I was thinking about this last night, as I was listening to a part of the St Louis bootleg (the show I went to). When at the concert, his voice sounded very good, and I WAS listening to the quality of his singing, trying to hear what I would normally hear on a boot. However, only a few little flats and sharps stood out. He still sounded powerful and just plain bitchin! Then listening to the bootleg I heard nothing but a warbly old man yelping at the crowd like a 12 year old hound with a busted leg. My thoughts are that the problem isn't with his voice, but the quality of these audience-based ROIOs. Their microphones are working their asses off to pick out all the deliciousness radiating through the room but they only seem to accentuate the extreme highs (yelping) in his voice. Makes for a nauseating listen. I have no problem with his yelping noises, his voice just does that. But when you make it so that you're hearing those noises over everything else, it sounds like crap. In person it really doesn't take from the music. It's just the Gedmeister singing with a different style than he did 30 years ago. It really is only on bootleg recordings when I have a problem listening to Geddy sing. Otherwise, it's gold. Then why are official live recordings and DVD's also featuring a lousy sounding Geddy? It can't just be the cheap recordings. Honestly, I've seen plenty of clips from other bands on youtube and I never notice badly sung vocals... because the vocals aren't being sung badly. Edited October 1, 2012 by rushgoober
Tommy Sawyer Posted October 1, 2012 Posted October 1, 2012 They're not playing epics! Moar 70s! Too much new stuff!
eshine Posted October 1, 2012 Posted October 1, 2012 QUOTE (rushgoober @ Sep 30 2012, 02:45 PM) QUOTE (Tarkus406 @ Sep 30 2012, 09:11 AM) Re: Geddy's voice live. I was thinking about this last night, as I was listening to a part of the St Louis bootleg (the show I went to). When at the concert, his voice sounded very good, and I WAS listening to the quality of his singing, trying to hear what I would normally hear on a boot. However, only a few little flats and sharps stood out. He still sounded powerful and just plain bitchin! Then listening to the bootleg I heard nothing but a warbly old man yelping at the crowd like a 12 year old hound with a busted leg. My thoughts are that the problem isn't with his voice, but the quality of these audience-based ROIOs. Their microphones are working their asses off to pick out all the deliciousness radiating through the room but they only seem to accentuate the extreme highs (yelping) in his voice. Makes for a nauseating listen. I have no problem with his yelping noises, his voice just does that. But when you make it so that you're hearing those noises over everything else, it sounds like crap. In person it really doesn't take from the music. It's just the Gedmeister singing with a different style than he did 30 years ago. It really is only on bootleg recordings when I have a problem listening to Geddy sing. Otherwise, it's gold. Then why are official live recordings and DVD's also featuring a lousy sounding Geddy? It can't just be the cheap recordings. Honestly, I've seen plenty of clips from other bands on youtube and I never notice badly sung vocals... because the vocals aren't being sung badly. Can't go with ya on this one, Goob - while Ged definitely struggled last tour - I think he is in really fine voice on this one. All the boots and you-tube vids he sounds great to my ears. Sure a little rougher around the edges buyt he isn't struggling like he did on the TMT (particularly the DVD) I also think The Snakes tour and DVD was one of his finest vocal performances. I'm willing to forgive the guy for a few squeeks here and there. He still brings it - and this tour is a perfect example of their professionalism. He obviously realized that a show full of old standards was taxing on his voice, so he made an adjustment and its working. He sounds fantastic on the new stuff especially, which is a surprise because I thought he would really have a hard time replicating those songs. To me, he sounds even better live.
greg2112 Posted October 1, 2012 Posted October 1, 2012 QUOTE (rushgoober @ Sep 30 2012, 10:09 AM) I just read through this entire thread. It took awhile, and some of the name calling was pretty pathetic, but I got through it. Some thoughts: 1. People are entitled to their opinions, even unpopular ones. It's a shame that some people can't allow others to have theirs and instead have to be referred to as an asshole or not a real Rush fan or the worst kind of fan or a whiny little bitch just for having an unpopular one. If a person is disappointed by something Rush does and they want to vent about it, they're entitled. It's a Rush discussion board. 2. Everyone's opinions are valuable to them AND VALID, even if you disagree with said opinions. There is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. Someone doesn't like the set list, they don't go. Someone doesn't care about the set list or they love it, they go. It doesn't make the person who doesn't want to go wrong or a bad person - they're entitled to not go for whatever reason they choose. 3. If you care enough to be disappointed by something the band has done or is doing, you're a real Rush fan - you might not be the happy go lucky rainbows and butterflies Rush can do no wrong kind of fan, but you're still a fan. 4. While I do understand that they're doing all they can to protect Geddy's voice (playing every other night, rotating harder songs every other show, etc.), I really do think it's a pretty weak set list. I love the new album, but they could have cut a couple of those songs out. AND, there are certain songs that IMHO just HAVE to be played that aren't - Limelight, Red Barchetta, Closer to the Heart, The Trees, Freewill - take a few of the synth era songs out (and I LOVE the synth era), replace them with those, and we would have had a set list. And you have to add in at least ONE epic - I don't even care which one - Xanadu, La Villa, NatSci, TCE, hell, even Jacob's Ladder will do. Then again, if he can't hit the notes on any of those songs, he just can't do it, but his voice isn't sounding great on the easier to sing songs either so... 5. As Geddy's voice continues to deteriorate live, it makes me think more and more they should have hung it up a few years ago, but then we wouldn't have the excellent Clockwork Angels, so it's a tough call. My solution? Make albums, stop touring. It's a shame, as their playing is top notch and better than ever, but the glaring elephant in the room problem of Geddy's voice live is simply not up to their standards of professionalism. See my first point if you disagree since I dare to have an unpopular opinion and am stating it, but call me an asshole if you must. 6. I'm not planning on seeing them this tour just due to life circumstances that won't allow it, but honestly, now that I've seen the set list, it takes a lot of the edge off of not being able to see them. I saw them plenty in the 80's, so I'm not missing out on all the 80's deep album cuts. Well said, Goober. This should be the final word in this thread.
Todem Posted October 1, 2012 Posted October 1, 2012 QUOTE (rushgoober @ Sep 30 2012, 11:09 AM) I just read through this entire thread. It took awhile, and some of the name calling was pretty pathetic, but I got through it. Some thoughts: 1. People are entitled to their opinions, even unpopular ones. It's a shame that some people can't allow others to have theirs and instead have to be referred to as an asshole or not a real Rush fan or the worst kind of fan or a whiny little bitch just for having an unpopular one. If a person is disappointed by something Rush does and they want to vent about it, they're entitled. It's a Rush discussion board. 2. Everyone's opinions are valuable to them AND VALID, even if you disagree with said opinions. There is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. Someone doesn't like the set list, they don't go. Someone doesn't care about the set list or they love it, they go. It doesn't make the person who doesn't want to go wrong or a bad person - they're entitled to not go for whatever reason they choose. 3. If you care enough to be disappointed by something the band has done or is doing, you're a real Rush fan - you might not be the happy go lucky rainbows and butterflies Rush can do no wrong kind of fan, but you're still a fan. 4. While I do understand that they're doing all they can to protect Geddy's voice (playing every other night, rotating harder songs every other show, etc.), I really do think it's a pretty weak set list. I love the new album, but they could have cut a couple of those songs out. AND, there are certain songs that IMHO just HAVE to be played that aren't - Limelight, Red Barchetta, Closer to the Heart, The Trees, Freewill - take a few of the synth era songs out (and I LOVE the synth era), replace them with those, and we would have had a set list. And you have to add in at least ONE epic - I don't even care which one - Xanadu, La Villa, NatSci, TCE, hell, even Jacob's Ladder will do. Then again, if he can't hit the notes on any of those songs, he just can't do it, but his voice isn't sounding great on the easier to sing songs either so... 5. As Geddy's voice continues to deteriorate live, it makes me think more and more they should have hung it up a few years ago, but then we wouldn't have the excellent Clockwork Angels, so it's a tough call. My solution? Make albums, stop touring. It's a shame, as their playing is top notch and better than ever, but the glaring elephant in the room problem of Geddy's voice live is simply not up to their standards of professionalism. See my first point if you disagree since I dare to have an unpopular opinion and am stating it, but call me an asshole if you must. 6. I'm not planning on seeing them this tour just due to life circumstances that won't allow it, but honestly, now that I've seen the set list, it takes a lot of the edge off of not being able to see them. I saw them plenty in the 80's, so I'm not missing out on all the 80's deep album cuts. While I agree with pretty much a lot of what you said and not so much of some things. One thing I will stand by. I see some Rush fans each and every tour (since the advent of the internet message boards and set list revelation) act like whiney little bitches. Stamped sealed and delievered. And you know what.....that is my opinion.
drgrendel Posted October 1, 2012 Posted October 1, 2012 QUOTE (rushgoober @ Sep 30 2012, 11:09 AM) I just read through this entire thread. It took awhile, and some of the name calling was pretty pathetic, but I got through it. Some thoughts: 1. People are entitled to their opinions, even unpopular ones. It's a shame that some people can't allow others to have theirs and instead have to be referred to as an asshole or not a real Rush fan or the worst kind of fan or a whiny little bitch just for having an unpopular one. If a person is disappointed by something Rush does and they want to vent about it, they're entitled. It's a Rush discussion board. 2. Everyone's opinions are valuable to them AND VALID, even if you disagree with said opinions. There is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. Someone doesn't like the set list, they don't go. Someone doesn't care about the set list or they love it, they go. It doesn't make the person who doesn't want to go wrong or a bad person - they're entitled to not go for whatever reason they choose. 3. If you care enough to be disappointed by something the band has done or is doing, you're a real Rush fan - you might not be the happy go lucky rainbows and butterflies Rush can do no wrong kind of fan, but you're still a fan. 4. While I do understand that they're doing all they can to protect Geddy's voice (playing every other night, rotating harder songs every other show, etc.), I really do think it's a pretty weak set list. I love the new album, but they could have cut a couple of those songs out. AND, there are certain songs that IMHO just HAVE to be played that aren't - Limelight, Red Barchetta, Closer to the Heart, The Trees, Freewill - take a few of the synth era songs out (and I LOVE the synth era), replace them with those, and we would have had a set list. And you have to add in at least ONE epic - I don't even care which one - Xanadu, La Villa, NatSci, TCE, hell, even Jacob's Ladder will do. Then again, if he can't hit the notes on any of those songs, he just can't do it, but his voice isn't sounding great on the easier to sing songs either so... 5. As Geddy's voice continues to deteriorate live, it makes me think more and more they should have hung it up a few years ago, but then we wouldn't have the excellent Clockwork Angels, so it's a tough call. My solution? Make albums, stop touring. It's a shame, as their playing is top notch and better than ever, but the glaring elephant in the room problem of Geddy's voice live is simply not up to their standards of professionalism. See my first point if you disagree since I dare to have an unpopular opinion and am stating it, but call me an asshole if you must. 6. I'm not planning on seeing them this tour just due to life circumstances that won't allow it, but honestly, now that I've seen the set list, it takes a lot of the edge off of not being able to see them. I saw them plenty in the 80's, so I'm not missing out on all the 80's deep album cuts.
eshine Posted October 1, 2012 Posted October 1, 2012 QUOTE (greg2112 @ Oct 1 2012, 06:26 AM) QUOTE (rushgoober @ Sep 30 2012, 10:09 AM) I just read through this entire thread. It took awhile, and some of the name calling was pretty pathetic, but I got through it. Some thoughts: 1. People are entitled to their opinions, even unpopular ones. It's a shame that some people can't allow others to have theirs and instead have to be referred to as an asshole or not a real Rush fan or the worst kind of fan or a whiny little bitch just for having an unpopular one. If a person is disappointed by something Rush does and they want to vent about it, they're entitled. It's a Rush discussion board. 2. Everyone's opinions are valuable to them AND VALID, even if you disagree with said opinions. There is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. Someone doesn't like the set list, they don't go. Someone doesn't care about the set list or they love it, they go. It doesn't make the person who doesn't want to go wrong or a bad person - they're entitled to not go for whatever reason they choose. 3. If you care enough to be disappointed by something the band has done or is doing, you're a real Rush fan - you might not be the happy go lucky rainbows and butterflies Rush can do no wrong kind of fan, but you're still a fan. 4. While I do understand that they're doing all they can to protect Geddy's voice (playing every other night, rotating harder songs every other show, etc.), I really do think it's a pretty weak set list. I love the new album, but they could have cut a couple of those songs out. AND, there are certain songs that IMHO just HAVE to be played that aren't - Limelight, Red Barchetta, Closer to the Heart, The Trees, Freewill - take a few of the synth era songs out (and I LOVE the synth era), replace them with those, and we would have had a set list. And you have to add in at least ONE epic - I don't even care which one - Xanadu, La Villa, NatSci, TCE, hell, even Jacob's Ladder will do. Then again, if he can't hit the notes on any of those songs, he just can't do it, but his voice isn't sounding great on the easier to sing songs either so... 5. As Geddy's voice continues to deteriorate live, it makes me think more and more they should have hung it up a few years ago, but then we wouldn't have the excellent Clockwork Angels, so it's a tough call. My solution? Make albums, stop touring. It's a shame, as their playing is top notch and better than ever, but the glaring elephant in the room problem of Geddy's voice live is simply not up to their standards of professionalism. See my first point if you disagree since I dare to have an unpopular opinion and am stating it, but call me an asshole if you must. 6. I'm not planning on seeing them this tour just due to life circumstances that won't allow it, but honestly, now that I've seen the set list, it takes a lot of the edge off of not being able to see them. I saw them plenty in the 80's, so I'm not missing out on all the 80's deep album cuts. Well said, Goober. This should be the final word in this thread. I'm sorry, but no - it should not be the final word of this thread and I really like Goober very much. For one thing - not every opinion on this board is valid. There are some total jerks on this board who do the typical troll thing and play for reactions. And Goobs brutal assesment of Geds vocals are totally wrong and unfair, particularly with regards to this tour. there is no "elephant in the room" Ged is sounding great on this tour. Goobs assesment is unfounded.
Tombstone Mountain Posted October 1, 2012 Posted October 1, 2012 Dear Goobs, One of the reasons you need to see them this tour is because of Geddy's is on point. He sounds so strong. The bootleg vids don't do him justice. Love, TM
eshine Posted October 1, 2012 Posted October 1, 2012 QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Oct 1 2012, 12:43 PM) Dear Goobs, One of the reasons you need to see them this tour is because of Geddy's is on point. He sounds so strong. The bootleg vids don't do him justice. Love, TM +1
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