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lerxt1990 last won the day on February 1 2022

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  1. Absolutely! Bill Hickman looking far more straggly.. great movie but I forgot Tony LoBianco was in it!
  2. There it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Aw thats a shame. he was a great actor. He also played a professor in a great episode of The Paper Chase tv show. But he'll always be that guy in French Connection to me.
  4. Pulling the thread more.. ********SPOILER MENTION OF SONG BELOW SKIP IF YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW*************************** She's A Rainbow hit me right where I live. They played it brilliantly, and being an old GenXer it transported me to my youth, that piano and the singing, and they played it VERY well. Also whether you are a slightly more than casual fan (like me) you realized quickly that you were watching legends play this stuff with every ounce of energy they had, not mailing it in. For me, Start Me Up to start was obviously great (although I couldnt get the image of Bill Gates and those dorks dancing to the song out of my head..) but what really hit was Honky Tonk WOman, Sympathy Devil, Gimmee SHelter (his black female backup singer crushed it), Cant Alway Get What you Want, and Midnight Rambler especially - which reminds you how they truly love the blues. Straight up did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did.
  5. Woman goes to dentist. Dentist says "Youre going to need a root canal." Woman says "Owwww, Id rather have a baby!" Dentist then says "Well tell me which one you want, I'll have to adjust the chair."
  6. I just saw the Stones last night and was frankly shocked at how good they were. The show was really good and even given the biological limitations of singing and dancing at 80; it made little difference.
  7. They need a merit system.. these guys are brutal (not all of them but some of them)
  8. Hahahahaa. It's a short thats been around a while, especially in Philly, but getting to wear it in England.. lol!
  9. I did :) Fun. Until our closer blew it in Game 2.
  10. He was brutal I remember fearing his arrival here in Philly.
  11. Three bean mix and two hard boiled eggs. It's literally the only food I have left. Need to go to the store!
  12. An oldie but a goodie.. It was excellent, sweet funny movie, and touching about growing old.
  13. It was a gag. But it tuned out to be real!
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