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59 Very Good

About Godeater2112

  • Birthday 08/08/1973

Contact Methods

  • Website URL

Member Information

  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
  • Gender

Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    Las Vegas MGM Grand, July 25th 2015
  • Favorite Rush Song
    u gotta be kidding right?
  • Favorite Rush Album
    Permanent Waves
  • Best Rush Experience
    Meeting Alex and Geddy at our hotel in Rotterdam during Snakes and Arrows tour... getting to photograph them perform twice.
  • Musical Instruments You Play
    guitar(s), novice bass, novice drums

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  1. I haven't been here forever, but I needed to stop by and share my condolences with all of our Rush family, who are shocked by this sad news today. Rest in peace Neil, thank you for all the music.
  2. Godeater, I replaced the old megaupload .exe link in your opening post with the above one. Will you upload a new .scr version at some point, or should I delete that link altogether? I'm afraid it seems like I may have misplaced that one, so please go ahead and remove the link if you haven't already. Also.. GO ISLES!!!! Rooting for the underdogs this year, my Sens, the Isles, Calgary etc. :cheers:
  3. Waiiiillllllllllll..!! :boohoo: Whatever is the matter?! I can't see it! :( Click the link... Hit the big yellow shiny DOWNLOAD button on the right hand side. Type in the CAPTCA code answer. Wait 60 seconds and the download will start. It works! Just tried it now! If you can't figure it out, let me know if you have any alternate way I could get you a file about 10MB in size.
  4. Unless you are looking for friendly faces to sit with, you can always try this site, floors starting at $186. http://www.ticketnet...ts-2485739.aspx Usually I do the Toronto and Montreal shows religiously, but I'll be in France that week instead. Represent well for me! :cheers:
  5. I will be very pleased if you are mistaken, which I believe you will be! :madra:
  6. I'm glad those are ones you WANT to hear because I'd bet you get two of them. Hint: no Lamneth or Cold Fire.
  7. Got a feeling about this one, throwback Count Floyd intro and all. I am bringing my 3D glasses. :dweez:
  8. Excellent! I have one of me with Steve Vai from 2005, so it's like 10 years ago! You can only see the back of me here though, (luckily maybe)... http://i.imgur.com/R4KajWf.jpg Are you coming to this side of the pong this tour pal? It would be amazing to meet the global legend that is treeduck!
  9. I'm not digging the rules of the topic, so instead here I 5 things I pray they don't play: - Roll the Bones - Anything from Clockwork Angels except The Garden - Faithless - Faithless - The Big Money
  10. Being in front of Geddy is a lot more fun and interactive, if you are a guy. :) Alex can be very serious, mind you he IS busy and doesn't interact much *most* shows, but he watches and rewards the worthy with picks and t-shirts and such. :) That's not why I would want to sit in front of him. I want to watch the master at work. Whether he acknowledges my presence or not doesn't matter. Well then it doesn't matter who you sit in front of, they are all beyond mesmerizing!
  11. Haha! I'm not THAT old, but I did help a cute little old lady clean out her shed once and found this old newspaper! :D http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s294/Godeater2112/ksfjfhsdkjsfd.jpg
  12. Selling very well... As of now Houston, Buffalo, Philly and Denver are already sold out!
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