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I'll start by saying I've been a part of the Rush online community for nearly 25 years.


I'd always intended to hold up a sign at a concert that said "looking for Rush fans to date!" lol (well not really, but...)


Only there aren't going to be many more concerts.


Sooo... have any of you met a Rush fan and started dating? I'm completely serious, but I also would never ever attract someone who's already committed. My real name is Amy and some of you may remember me from TNMS.

Posted (edited)

for 7 years now. but i converted her. she hated Rush in the beginning.





Edited by bluefox4000
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No. But I'm lucky enough that even though my wife doesn't like them, she knows that they are really good at what they do.
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No. Would be pretty cool to have in common though if it were possible... :codger:
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My wife! It was one of our icebreakers on our first date. She's not as big a fan as I am, but she goes with me every time we get a chance to go.
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I'm wondering if I should put it in a personal ad... ;) I am the real deal. I've met several guys (as friends!) over the years at gigs and now that I'm free.... no more gigs. :( My 75-year-old mother took me to my first gig when I was 15,and sent me the news of Geddy's 62nd birthday. We are a Rush family! lol
  • Like 5

I'm wondering if I should put it in a personal ad... ;) I am the real deal. I've met several guys (as friends!) over the years at gigs and now that I'm free.... no more gigs. :( My 75-year-old mother took me to my first gig when I was 15,and sent me the news of Geddy's 62nd birthday. We are a Rush family! lol


I wish I could've somehow run into you 10 years ago. ;) I used to believe the stereotype that women were about as likely to be into Rush as The Three Stooges.


My girlfriend *does* like Rush, but only casually. I took her to the TM tour. Would be awesome to be with someone who got as excited that they're playing Cygnus X-1 as I do. :)

Yep, I dated a guy a few months back who liked Rush and went to see them during the S&A tour (yeah that was 7 years ago haha), but he was more of a casual fan and didn't keep up with them as much. He was also kind of a dick, but that's another story :smash:

I fell in love with a Rush fan. It was one of the many things we had in common when we first met long ago. I bought her a 2112 vinyl album for her birthday, and bought her first 2112 compact disc. Zoom to the present day, after a torrid love affair, a broken engagement, 20 years apart, and being on good terms, I still text her whenever I see Rush in concert.


"Whenever I see Rush, I think of us!" I always tell her..... :) :) :)

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I had a crush on one but it faded.
The way you've put that you make it seem like RUSH is the only band a "Rush fan" would like. I like hundreds of bands, and most RUSH fans don't just like RUSH.
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Not since the restraining order.


She told you to leave that thing alone, but you didn't listen again! :tsk: :tsk:

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Didn't mean to imply that a person should ONLY like Rush. A teenaged boyfriend got me into the band when I was 15. You know those hours spent listening to every album on vinyl.... yeah. After that none of my boyfriends liked Rush; they either hated Rush or were not that into music at all. Would just be nice to have this in common with someone, is all. I'm fortunate to have a lot of friends who I in turn turned onto Rush or met on the 'Net 20+ years ago so that when I have gone to other cities for shows there have always been friends there.
Posted (edited)

My husband had heard of them, and knew some of their songs, enjoyed listening to them with me, but after he saw them live, wow, he is almost more of a fanatical fan than I am, lol


good thing too because there is not a big Rush following in my area, most people think of Rush Limbaugh if I mention Rush, none of my current friend listen to them

Edited by hcm

Didn't mean to imply that a person should ONLY like Rush. A teenaged boyfriend got me into the band when I was 15. You know those hours spent listening to every album on vinyl.... yeah. After that none of my boyfriends liked Rush; they either hated Rush or were not that into music at all. Would just be nice to have this in common with someone, is all. I'm fortunate to have a lot of friends who I in turn turned onto Rush or met on the 'Net 20+ years ago so that when I have gone to other cities for shows there have always been friends there.

He should be a Yes fan too and then you would have it all... :codger:

I would never want to date another Rush fan.


Then there would be the same never-ending arguments about albums and songs that happen on TRF.


...and it wouldn't last.

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