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2110 Stellar

About snowdogged

  • Birthday 10/11/1967

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  • Interests
    Yo momma
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Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    Clockwork Angels, Montreal
  • Favorite Rush Song
    Too Many
  • Favorite Rush Album
    First 8 Studio Albums
  • Other Favorite Bands
    The Beatles, The Who
  • Musical Instruments You Play
    The armpits (But, only other people's)

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  1. Great!!! I just followed you and then told you who I am.
  2. A good part of the U.S. is now testing what the results of doing those things will be, things may turn out alright, or Mexico might gladly end up paying to finish that wall.
  3. While they may be over counting deaths, there are also under-counted deaths because people who die from it at home and were not tested do not count as covid 19 deaths. It's impossible to tell if the actual number of deaths is higher or lower than the given numbers. I just have to revisit this... So you think that people are dying at home of a respiratory illness in the midst of this very widely known pandemic and medical examiners and coroners are not performing a simply Covid-19 blood test during the autopsy to see why they died? I just want to make sure I am understanding you correctly on this. There is a thread about it.http://www.therushfo...rus-fatalities/ No, I'm not asking you for a thread or some article you read or anything. I am asking You if you believe that people are dying in their homes from respiratory illness and the medical examiner and coroners are not testing them for Covid 19. Do you believe that? Does that really make sense to you? That in the middle of a respiratory illness pandemic, people dying in their homes who didn't go to the doctor even though they were ill, are not tested for something like Covid 19 when the reason for death is unknown? Based on the article linked to that thread they were not doing so at that time in NYC. There were something like 8 times more deaths in people's homes per day than usual in NYC at that time.
  4. While they may be over counting deaths, there are also under-counted deaths because people who die from it at home and were not tested do not count as covid 19 deaths. It's impossible to tell if the actual number of deaths is higher or lower than the given numbers. I just have to revisit this... So you think that people are dying at home of a respiratory illness in the midst of this very widely known pandemic and medical examiners and coroners are not performing a simply Covid-19 blood test during the autopsy to see why they died? I just want to make sure I am understanding you correctly on this. There is a thread about it. http://www.therushforum.com/index.php?/topic/109562-staggering-surge-of-nyers-dying-in-their-homes-suggests-city-is-undercounting-coronavirus-fatalities/
  5. Absolutely not. This is not a political issue. It is a social issue as well as a health issue. What if we have another huge natural disaster, like another hurricane or an earthquake? Should we also discuss it in that dysfunctional Forum? Don't make it into a political issue, and there will be no problem. It's a public health issue that has been made political. Some of us are intellectually capable of separating the two. It hasn't turned into much of a political issue in this thread from what I have read. Why does it even matter to you? You seem to be the only one trying to start an argument here.
  6. You might be able to see the virus if it is on the lens with that? I may able to see the alien freaks who planted the damned bug on our planet! I bought this wonderful telescope about a month ago, and the clouds and rain, as expected, are punishing me for it. Wow, that's a beast! I wish you nothing but clear skies. The picture was not showing for me before.
  7. You might be able to see the virus if it is on the lens with that?
  8. While they may be over counted deaths, there are also under-counted deaths because people who die from it at home and were not tested do not count as covid 19 deaths. It's impossible to tell if the actual number of deaths is higher or lower than the given numbers. Then you admit that the numbers given are not correct, right? Absolutely, but it's impossible for us to know if the actual deaths from it are higher or lower than the figures given. I think that we have to be cautious opening things up. While I agree that businesses have to start reopening, there should still be measures taken to try and practice social distancing. Last I read scientists had found over 200 mutations of this virus. It rapidly mutates and could mutate into something much worse.
  9. While they may be over counting deaths, there are also under-counted deaths because people who die from it at home and were not tested do not count as covid 19 deaths. It's impossible to tell if the actual number of deaths is higher or lower than the given numbers.
  10. I think that he could cut it vocally if they were to make a new album, assuming his voice has not greatly deteriorated over the past few 3 years. His vocals sounded pretty good on Clockwork Angels. As for live, If his voice would be close to what it was the last tour which was not too great, but he could still sing most of the material from Signals on OK. I'd rather have a chance to see them live again even if his voice is not great.
  11. Yeah, one thing that made Neil stand out above so many other drummers out there was his compositional skills. I know that he did not get any credit for writing the music on any of the Rush songs, but his drum parts just added a completely different element to Rush's songs that you would be hard pressed to find another drummer out there who could even come close to emulating what he added to Rush's music.
  12. No, they did not send the kids back to school. They ended up deciding against it in the end.
  13. I don't know where you're getting your info from but simply going back to work does not mean you will get the virus and die. Unless your job involves a lot of travel or contact with the public you will be at a higher risk. Even then it's not a given that you will get it. It's supposed to be a slow reopen everywhere. So it's not like everything goes back to how it was four months ago with everyone just going about things as normal. What would you consider "a lot of contact with the public"? A prostitute?
  14. I hope he gets a mild case. He is in the age range where it might be dangerous for him if he gets hit hard with it.
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