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Dr. Lifeson Speaks


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Pretty cool stuff! No disrespect to Geddy and the remarkable story of his mother's courage and perseverance, but of the two speeches, I was more impressed (and hopefully inspired) by Alex's.


"You don't always win if you try, but you always fail if you don't". Now that's a 'Far Cry' from "Blah, blah,blah,blah." :LOL:

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Please tell me I wasn't the only one expecting "blah blah blah"


You probably were. The members of Rush are respectful, it was only because it was a RRHOF speech that Alex did that I'm quite sure. He did it for the the fans who grew to spite for neglecting Rush for so long ... If someone thinks otherwise, they should ask themselves whether Alex would have done it if circumstances were different; more favorable of the band and it's fans to begin with.


What this university did for "the boys" was a fantastic gesture. Alex would have to have been a total douche to do that... And he's not.

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Please tell me I wasn't the only one expecting "blah blah blah"


You probably were. The members of Rush are respectful, it was only because it was a RRHOF speech that Alex did that I'm quite sure. He did it for the the fans who grew to spite for neglecting Rush for so long ... If someone thinks otherwise, they should ask themselves whether Alex would have done it if circumstances were different; more favorable of the band and it's fans to begin with.


What this university did for "the boys" was a fantastic gesture. Alex would have to have been a total douche to do that... And he's not.


My post was more intended for humor purposes. But you put it quite nicely :cheers:

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Please tell me I wasn't the only one expecting "blah blah blah"


You probably were. The members of Rush are respectful, it was only because it was a RRHOF speech that Alex did that I'm quite sure. He did it for the the fans who grew to spite for neglecting Rush for so long ... If someone thinks otherwise, they should ask themselves whether Alex would have done it if circumstances were different; more favorable of the band and it's fans to begin with.


What this university did for "the boys" was a fantastic gesture. Alex would have to have been a total douche to do that... And he's not.


My post was more intended for humor purposes. But you put it quite nicely :cheers:


Ah, alright. Np either way ;)

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Pretty cool stuff! No disrespect to Geddy and the remarkable story of his mother's courage and perseverance, but of the two speeches, I was more impressed (and hopefully inspired) by Alex's.


"You don't always win if you try, but you always fail if you don't". Now that's a 'Far Cry' from "Blah, blah,blah,blah." :LOL:

Alex's speech was much better.


I'm not into the whole celebrity warship thing. I fail to see how meeting or seeing a celebrity would make my life better, but that said, I would still love to meet Alex. He seems like one absolutely cool guy, and funny as hell.

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Where were he and Alex coming from that they got turned away by fog. I know Alex is a pilot. Was he flying I wonder?


He was not. They got as close as circling to land, but had to turn back because of the fog.

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Great speech. I do like it better than Geddy's, which is good as well. Alex made good inspirational points with the right timing in the humor end that makes us want to go out into the world and do our best and so forth.
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Alex's speech was much better.

I know judging their speeches is strictly a matter of opinion, but I also enjoyed Alex's speech more. The pizza toppings reference was hilarious.

Perhaps I misheard this—but it sounds like Alex says "least of which is getting this . . . honour." I'm sure he meant to say "not least of which..."

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