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What Made You Laugh Today?


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I just got the idea to a horribly bad horror movie:


A fishing boat that catches these huge crabs gets in trouble when the crabs disarm the crew, and wreck havoc onboard the ship.

I can just see the the poster fore me.


"The Deadliest Catch ... Is You"




(if any makes that movie, I want royalties for my exceptional great idea haha)


Hey, that sounds better than many of the movies out there now!

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I just got the idea to a horribly bad horror movie:


A fishing boat that catches these huge crabs gets in trouble when the crabs disarm the crew, and wreck havoc onboard the ship.

I can just see the the poster fore me.


"The Deadliest Catch ... Is You"




(if any makes that movie, I want royalties for my exceptional great idea haha)


Hey, that sounds better than many of the movies out there now!

I'd go see it.

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Those L*berty Mutual Ins. commercials on the television make me laugh - with the Human League's song, 'Human' playing in the backround.


I love the guy that turns to enter the house from the bbq grill and collides into the doorscreen and he and the food go flying everywhere...


I can relate. well...


maybe I'm just a clumsy ox that could lose twenty pounds... :P

Edited by librarian
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One of my 6th grade students held up the last piece of copy paper and asked if she could "go make copies of it so we would have more blank paper."
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I think everyone's been through this.

Funniest. Video. Ever.


:LMAO: :rfl: :LOL:


It's like they put a camera in my office!




7 red lines...



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Someone that worked at Home Depot made this. It had to have been. This was true on a daily basis when i worked there. I miss that place.

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The user name "Caress of Veal" in today's birthdays :laughing guy:


Happy 108th Birthday Caress of Veal

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