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Are you seeing Dream Theater on this tour?


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i really wanna see them in october, but i'll most likely have to go by myself. on the bright side it'll motivate me to get my drivers license. i've missed the last few opportunities i've had to see them and i would be so sad if i missed this chance. i have a question for anyone who's seen them: does the crowd get rough? if i go then i'll be seeing them in Los Angeles and i've never gone to a concert alone. i just wanna be safe and i want my mom to have the peace of mind knowing that i'll be safe. they've been one of my favorite bands for a few years now and i've been dying to see them lol.
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You've got nothing to worry about with the crowd. They're into the show but are well behaved. Not sure why you would think Dream Theater fans would be a rough bunch anyways. This isn't a Lamb Of God show or anything lol.

honestly after seeing iron maiden im a bit paranoid of going to metal shows. i didn't expect the crowd for Maiden to be as crazy as it was.
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Maiden's got a devoted and enthusiastic crowd so I don't blame you for being a bit paranoid. DT fans for the most part are chill and not really the moshing type of crowd. I speak for myself when I saw them during the Along For The Ride Tour (self-titled era), you're most likely gonna find every other 2-3 people exuberantly headbanging, fist-pumping or air guitar/drumming/keyboarding. I even saw (and I'm absolutely serious about this) a few people who did some "dancing" during the ragtime part of Dance Of Eternity.


I think you'll be fine. Dream Theater fans are a passionate bunch, but they're not to the point of potentially causing harm to others/themselves.

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You've got nothing to worry about with the crowd. They're into the show but are well behaved. Not sure why you would think Dream Theater fans would be a rough bunch anyways. This isn't a Lamb Of God show or anything lol.

honestly after seeing iron maiden im a bit paranoid of going to metal shows. i didn't expect the crowd for Maiden to be as crazy as it was.


What kind of seating did you have for Maiden? I've seen them five times and while the crowd is into it, I never noticed them getting too rowdy. The fans go crazy for them in South America and Europe though.

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Who goes to a metal concert with the mindset a worked up crowd is a negative thing?


Good grief...

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Who goes to a metal concert with the mindset a worked up crowd is a negative thing?


Good grief...


Especially if it's general admission. There's certainly gonna be some moving around. Obviously, some metal bands have rowdier crowds than others.


I understand her concern though. Metal crowds are mainly made up of guys. A smaller lady might not be able to stand her ground as well if the crowd gets too out of hand.

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Who goes to a metal concert with the mindset a worked up crowd is a negative thing?


Good grief...


Especially if it's general admission. There's certainly gonna be some moving around. Obviously, some metal bands have rowdier crowds than others.


I understand her concern though. Metal crowds are mainly made up of guys. A smaller lady might not be able to stand her ground as well if the crowd gets too out of hand.

Of course, a worked up crowd is great...but pushing people, throwing punches and getting one's self unintentionally in the line of fire and calling it "moshing" isn't. I've seen horror stories of concertgoers getting hurt badly cause of people who've done that under the name of moshing.


I'd say how rowdy a crowd can be depends on the genre of music they play. Since Dream Theater's music is all technical and pure virtuosity, I think you'd have to be a complete c*** to even try moshing or start some shit at one of their shows. I did a search on the venue where Jamie's looking to see DT, and it's an all seating venue, so general admission's out of the question. If someone gets rowdy, an usher would definitely notice and ask the person to leave if they don't calm down.

Edited by PolarizeMe
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i really wanna see them in october, but i'll most likely have to go by myself. on the bright side it'll motivate me to get my drivers license. i've missed the last few opportunities i've had to see them and i would be so sad if i missed this chance. i have a question for anyone who's seen them: does the crowd get rough? if i go then i'll be seeing them in Los Angeles and i've never gone to a concert alone. i just wanna be safe and i want my mom to have the peace of mind knowing that i'll be safe. they've been one of my favorite bands for a few years now and i've been dying to see them lol.


The crowd at the show won't be a problem. I think they are playing theaters with seats again this tour.


I'm sitting this one out myself (only time I've sat out a Dream Theater Tour ever. Guess I should have feelings about that but I don't) because this is the only tour Dream Theater isn't playing any really new or unreleased songs.)


Have fun! It will be one of the best shows you've ever seen in your life.

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I'm a long time fan, and I've seen them multiple times on the same tours, but I skipped The Astonishing tour and I'm not sure I'm going to see them now, even though they'll play here. Dunno what it is, I guess I fell out of love with them. Maybe when they have another album that I enjoy, I'll consider seeing them live again.
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I'm a long time fan, and I've seen them multiple times on the same tours, but I skipped The Astonishing tour and I'm not sure I'm going to see them now, even though they'll play here. Dunno what it is, I guess I fell out of love with them. Maybe when they have another album that I enjoy, I'll consider seeing them live again.

I've totally fallen out of love with DT post-2014. Didn't even listen to The Astonishing except for w/e singles they released prior to its release and concluded that it was in my best interest to not even bother trying. Even playing the entire I&W album plus A Change Of Seasons can't convince me to go see them on this tour...the performances I've seen of it on YT was quite a depressing undertaking for me personally. I would've totally been excited about it if this happened back in 2012 during its 20th anniversary year.


It's strange, but for some undefined reason, I have a problem w/DT playing I&W a half step down...yet if this was some other band I like playing their older songs down tuned I don't seem to have a problem with it. :huh:

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To me, it's not the fact that I&W is tuned down... it's the timing of this tour. They did The Astonishing live in full, and played ONLY that, night after night on the previous tour. Ticket sales were quite disappointing, and at the end of the tour they caved and included two or three fan favorites at the end of the set, but that didn't help. Actually, I met a few fans from North America who said they bought tickets for that tour because the sales started prior to the album being released, and wouldn't have done it had they heard the album first.


So the whole idea of doing this tour with their most famous album and a best of from their career AT THIS POINT IN TIME seems like a blatant cash grab. I may change my mind until November, but right now, I'd say I'm not going.

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You've got nothing to worry about with the crowd. They're into the show but are well behaved. Not sure why you would think Dream Theater fans would be a rough bunch anyways. This isn't a Lamb Of God show or anything lol.

honestly after seeing iron maiden im a bit paranoid of going to metal shows. i didn't expect the crowd for Maiden to be as crazy as it was.

Dream Theater audience is filled with prog nerds. Tame audience, great place to meet a husband. Lot's of young college educated dudes.

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To me, it's not the fact that I&W is tuned down... it's the timing of this tour. They did The Astonishing live in full, and played ONLY that, night after night on the previous tour. Ticket sales were quite disappointing, and at the end of the tour they caved and included two or three fan favorites at the end of the set, but that didn't help. Actually, I met a few fans from North America who said they bought tickets for that tour because the sales started prior to the album being released, and wouldn't have done it had they heard the album first.


So the whole idea of doing this tour with their most famous album and a best of from their career AT THIS POINT IN TIME seems like a blatant cash grab. I may change my mind until November, but right now, I'd say I'm not going.


No matter how it comes to be, every time a band does a nostalgia/anniversary tour of some kind it's a blatant cash grab. Anthrax did that his year for the 30th anniversary of Among The Living. Considering they were touring for a new album and then decided to do that instead means it was all about the money.


Same thing when Rush did all of MP. They didn't have much trouble moving tickets during their last few tours but that tour while not needed, certainly was done to help fatten their retirement funds.


As for Dream Theater, they probably ended up losing money on The Astonishing tour and a lot of fans weren't very happy with the set being the new album and nothing else. So, this tour is a way to make up money and get some goodwill back with the fans. Of course, not cancelling/rescheduling shows because the venues didn't meet the bands specifications for the production of the current tour doesn't help to get back in the good graces of some fans who weren't happy.

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I thought they broke up?


Since when has there ever been rumour of this?

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