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What's the weather like right now?


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The negative numbers are gone!   High of 19° today, 35 tomorrow, mid to upper 30's all week!  Mid 40's next week!   :sundog:

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Overcast & warm with light rain. It's officially yucky out there.

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It’s been cloudy and soggy as shit. I miss the sun.

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The sun is finally out. I took a walk and now I’m listening to Breakfast in America.

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January 30th:  10-day forecast = 40's, maybe even 50, and near 40 mid-February...... :ohmy: 


We've had one 10" snowfall, a week of single digits below zero and that's it.  NCAA this winter.  "No Complaints At All"

Edited by Principled Man
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First known tornado in Wisconsin in the month of February.  South of Madison.


Instead of frigid temps and snow everywhere, we have 50's and rain....and now tornados!  


February Tornado

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On 1/11/2024 at 10:04 AM, goose said:

12" plus of new snow dumped last night.  After 2 hours of shoveling* the wife and I had a great snow shoe hike in the early sun with the dog.  I love a bluebird morning after a big storm!

How are you holding up with all the snow dumps in the last 10 days?   It's been weird here.  First unseasonably warm about 10 days ago 60's.  Then lots of rain in the valley, snow piling up in the mountains  (avalanches galore).  To the first of this week, crazy winds.  Some areas by the GSL had 65 mph, we got 35 mph and seeing yard furniture blowing down the street.  Now we are back to warm again, puddles.  

It's like the old saying, wait 10 minutes and the weather will change....boy howdy.

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4 hours ago, Rhyta said:

How are you holding up with all the snow dumps in the last 10 days?   It's been weird here.  First unseasonably warm about 10 days ago 60's.  Then lots of rain in the valley, snow piling up in the mountains  (avalanches galore).  To the first of this week, crazy winds.  Some areas by the GSL had 65 mph, we got 35 mph and seeing yard furniture blowing down the street.  Now we are back to warm again, puddles.  

It's like the old saying, wait 10 minutes and the weather will change....boy howdy.

It started with big rains, then a couples of days got cold enough to snow.  About 24" piled up, which meant lots of shoveling but great snowshoe conditions.  The dog was very happy.  Now it's warm again and the snow is melting here in the valley.  Up high the snow really piled up, and spring skiing is going to be great.  Another Miracle March!

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Soggy spring weather here in the foothills, but snow up high.  Skiing is great as a result, and resorts will stay open for three more weeks.  Sun should break Monday and I have the week off to enjoy the best Spring skiing in the world!  :sundog::d13::sundog:

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Possible tornadoes in my area tomorrow!  :unsure:  A rare event here in peaceful Western Wisconsin.  We don't want any trouble!     

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On 5/20/2024 at 3:51 PM, Principled Man said:

Possible tornadoes in my area tomorrow!  :unsure:  A rare event here in peaceful Western Wisconsin.  We don't want any trouble!     

We have been spared.  The system roared through at warp speed.  😊

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Perfect weather right now.  Lows in the 40s, highs in the 70s, extending to low 80s next week. :sundog:

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Steve Thompson, a meteorologist with the Oklahoma Mesonet, took this magnificent photo near Palo Duro Canyon, in North Texas.  



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After two straight weeks of vile 90°+ heat, it's been raining most of today.  Broward County office of NWS issued a flood warning for low lying areas. Not affecting me, but one extreme to another is nuts.

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As I am writing it has been steadily raining  without stopping since I woke up at 7. My sidewalk, the grassy swale between the sidewalk and the street, and the entire street is flooded  to the West for at least a mile and around the Y intersection to the East and North for several blocks.  My trash container, placed out on the swale for pickup last night, has been overturned by the rain and is resting against my neighbor's tree. In the 37 years I've lived here I have not seen such relentless precipitation. No flooding of the house, thank God.

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I am basically stuck in the house today, marooned by a still mid- shin lake in front of my house, now being used as a wading and feeding ground for various egrets, ibises, and other waterfowl.  I'm not attempting to drive out, and doubt a meal delivery service would want to chance driving in.  Living on cereal and sandwiches again today.  Any more rain, and it will get bad.


UPDATE:  4 pm Bear Lake has receded enough that I can safely get out of the driveway.  Off to Publix, load up on food.  Driving home 45 minutes later guess what?  That's right, it starts raining again. As I pull into the driveway the emergency alert tone goes off on the phone.  NWS renews the Emergency Flood Warning to 8 pm, wtf else is new.  I pack groceries  into fridge and cupboards and sit b4 dinner.


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2 hours ago, pjbear05 said:

I am basically stuck in the house today, marooned by a still mid- shin lake in front of my house, now being used as a wading and feeding ground for various egrets, ibises, and other waterfowl.  I'm not attempting to drive out, and doubt a meal delivery service would want to chance driving in.  Living on cereal and sandwiches again today.  Any more rain, and it will get bad.

Geez, hang in there and stay safe!


It's been hot and dry here in NorNev,  but will drop ten degrees over the next several days, thankfully

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I have built a few projects in my life.


I am considering building an ark.


Um? ...  I am having a difficult time working in the rain, around the rain and in between the rain. 


A little less than four months until I am at the retirement checkered flag.


By then, It will be snowing ... OK,



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Finished another 3 days of rain ... sunny today but looking like rain after midnight. 


Crops look good, but the lawn cutting is becoming epic


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