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There is a new interview with Neil in Modern Drummer magazine. There are two bits I found interesting (both in the last few paragraphs). One is that Neil loves seeing people singing and air drumming along with the music. The other is this quote:



MD: What's in the future? If Rush isn't touring, will you still record? Write prose? Be a dad?

Neil: You just answered it. There's no strict answer, but those possibilities are all there.



So, we may still get new music from Rush! *fingers crossed*



  • Like 10

There is a new interview with Neil in Modern Drummer magazine. There are two bits I found interesting (both in the last few paragraphs). One is that Neil loves seeing people singing and air drumming along with the music. The other is this quote:



MD: What's in the future? If Rush isn't touring, will you still record? Write prose? Be a dad?

Neil: You just answered it. There's no strict answer, but those possibilities are all there.



So, we may still get new music from Rush! *fingers crossed*



So it's possible he'll be a dad? Thought it might be a little more certain than that at this point...

  • Like 5

Great topic. I almost considered creating a thread called Hope when I saw Alex in the corner of this upcoming cover.




I actually thought you were spoofing, as I overlooked where you specified the corner- as the guy in the main body of the page looks slightly like '70s Alex, with a mustache.


Great topic. I almost considered creating a thread called Hope when I saw Alex in the corner of this upcoming cover.




I actually thought you were spoofing, as I overlooked where you specified the corner- as the guy in the main body of the page looks slightly like '70s Alex, with a mustache.

I thought he has a real AFTK/Hemispheres Neil vibe going :Neil:

  • Like 2

There is a new interview with Neil in Modern Drummer magazine. There are two bits I found interesting (both in the last few paragraphs). One is that Neil loves seeing people singing and air drumming along with the music. The other is this quote:



MD: What's in the future? If Rush isn't touring, will you still record? Write prose? Be a dad?

Neil: You just answered it. There's no strict answer, but those possibilities are all there.




So, we may still get new music from Rush! *fingers crossed*




That interview was done in June, so I don't think we can take much from it.


But there is always hope.....


Great topic. I almost considered creating a thread called Hope when I saw Alex in the corner of this upcoming cover.




I actually thought you were spoofing, as I overlooked where you specified the corner- as the guy in the main body of the page looks slightly like '70s Alex, with a mustache.

I thought he has a real AFTK/Hemispheres Neil vibe going :Neil:



I am sure they will do some kind of recording again

There is a new interview with Neil in Modern Drummer magazine. There are two bits I found interesting (both in the last few paragraphs). One is that Neil loves seeing people singing and air drumming along with the music. The other is this quote:



MD: What's in the future? If Rush isn't touring, will you still record? Write prose? Be a dad?

Neil: You just answered it. There's no strict answer, but those possibilities are all there.



So, we may still get new music from Rush! *fingers crossed*



So it's possible he'll be a dad? Thought it might be a little more certain than that at this point...

Still waiting on the results from the DNA test
  • Like 2

There is a new interview with Neil in Modern Drummer magazine. There are two bits I found interesting (both in the last few paragraphs). One is that Neil loves seeing people singing and air drumming along with the music. The other is this quote:



MD: What's in the future? If Rush isn't touring, will you still record? Write prose? Be a dad?

Neil: You just answered it. There's no strict answer, but those possibilities are all there.



So, we may still get new music from Rush! *fingers crossed*



So it's possible he'll be a dad? Thought it might be a little more certain than that at this point...

Still waiting on the results from the DNA test

Great...now we can expect forty threads about that episode of Maury.

  • Like 1

We will be getting new music from :rush: , you can take that to the bank.

To quote Neil quoting himself: "The only thing to expect from Rush is no expectations"

Very cool Stones tune.
  • Like 1

If David Bowie is releasing music successfully without touring, Rush can too.

Interesting point. Was Bowie's last album successful???

If they record new material you can guarantee that over half of this forum will bitch about it.
  • Like 1

We will be getting new music from :rush: , you can take that to the bank.

To quote Neil quoting himself: "The only thing to expect from Rush is no expectations"

Very cool Stones tune.


Yes! One of my favourites, from the end of the Brian Jones era.


"Take me to the station

And put me on a train

I've got no expectations

To pass through here again..." :musicnote:

  • Like 1

If they record new material you can guarantee that over half of this forum will bitch about it.

No, it'll just sound like over half because of the intensity. I'd guess a third would bitch, a third would praise it and say it's the best thing since Moving Pictures, and a third would say it's ok/good.


If David Bowie is releasing music successfully without touring, Rush can too.

Interesting point. Was Bowie's last album successful???

Yeah, it was a hit in the classic rock world. He's got another coming in January


If David Bowie is releasing music successfully without touring, Rush can too.

Interesting point. Was Bowie's last album successful???

Yeah, it was a hit in the classic rock world. He's got another coming in January

There was an article about 20 years ago in which Peart stated the possibility of making albums without touring behind them. They've always kept their options open (in any kind of regard really) so yeah I can imagine them going the Bowie route

Posted (edited)

If they record new material you can guarantee that over half of this forum will bitch about it.

No, it'll just sound like over half because of the intensity. I'd guess a third would bitch, a third would praise it and say it's the best thing since Moving Pictures, and a third would say it's ok/good.


And sadly, that third that would bitch about it would do so repeatedly, as if we needed to hear multiple negative comments from each of them :(

Edited by x1yyz
Posted (edited)
Rush has always seemed to love patterns so I've got to think they'll record another album to complete the four-release-between-live-album approach that held through Different Stages (granted they've been releasing live albums every other weekend since, but the pattern's been established). As we've got three proper studio release since DS, we should get another. Feedback doesn't count as a proper Rush album of course (it's only 27 minutes long, so even if it was original material it still wouldn't be an LP). By the same logic, they need to also complete the "paired album" pattern, with Clockwork Angels needing a mate. Both these patterns argue for another full-length album. It's coming; maybe not a tour, but an album. At least one more. I guess I'm an optimist. I'll certainly hope. Edited by Rutlefan
I think most of us knew that Ged was the most interested in continuing on, followed by Alex who seemed as though he was conflicted...followed by Neil.. who really seems to be done with it all. That said, Neil strikes me as a hard working guy and for the most part, an agreeable guy when it comes to working with Ged and Al. In the video from the making of Snakes and Arrows, Ged talked about how Neil will give him a sheet a lyrics and that Ged may only be able to use a single line or phrase. Neil would use that as a starting point to re-work all of the lyrics into something that Ged can work with. That always struck me as significant. I'd have thought that something as personal as lyrics would have been something that Neil would have been resistant to Ged discarding. Neil just strikes me as a team guy, and if the emotional and physical demands of touring are just too difficult for him (I personally believe the physical demands are more of a hurdle than anything else) I could see Neil going into the studio and doing some recording with them.
  • Like 3

There is a new interview with Neil in Modern Drummer magazine. There are two bits I found interesting (both in the last few paragraphs). One is that Neil loves seeing people singing and air drumming along with the music. The other is this quote:



MD: What's in the future? If Rush isn't touring, will you still record? Write prose? Be a dad?

Neil: You just answered it. There's no strict answer, but those possibilities are all there.



So, we may still get new music from Rush! *fingers crossed*




New music please!!!

  • Like 2

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