ALifeson85 Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 (edited) Neil's new kit looks sweet!! More or less, it's just an updated version of the R30 kit, but still. Liking the color scheme too! is pre-Rush tour setlist idea... Set 1 Tom SawyerThe Analog KidAfterimageTurn The Page Cut To The ChaseDrivenYYZShow Don't TellThe Wreckers LimelightJacob's LadderFar Cry Set 2 SubdivisionsFreewillGhost Of A ChanceKid GlovesLock & KeyMarathonLeave That Thing Alone!-Drum Solo-Natural ScienceThe Trees (w/ "Broon's Bane" intro)Xanadu La Villa Strangiato2112 Overture / Bastille Day / Working Man Encore Hemispheres PreludeFly By NightThe Spirit of Radio Edited January 23, 2015 by ALifeson85
hughes&kettner Posted January 24, 2015 Posted January 24, 2015 Cool if they played ANYTHING off of the older albums they are re-releasing. Which I think could be a real possibility- especially tuned down! mmm...heavy!
dtpoet Posted January 24, 2015 Posted January 24, 2015 My "all about the 90's and beyond" setlist SET ONEAnimateDrivenSecret TouchSubdivisionsKid GlovesBravado / FaithlessCarniesEarthshineSpirit of RadioFreewillJacob's Ladder SET TWOTest For EchoFar CryRoll The BonesCaravanThe Pass / Nobody's HeroCut to the ChaseYYZAlex SoloCloser to the Heart / The TreesTom Sawyer2112: Overture Temples of Syrinx Grand Finale ENCOREHeadlong FlightLa Villa
Cygnus 2112 Posted January 24, 2015 Posted January 24, 2015 If they play Nobody's Hero and Freewill, I'll be happy. Anything else is a bonus.
Batouh Posted January 24, 2015 Posted January 24, 2015 (edited) Here's mine : Tom SawyerAnimateDrivenThe Weapon / New World ManCeiling Unlimited / EarthshineGhost of a ChanceHeadlong Flight - Drum SoloLimelightFreewillYYZJacob's Ladder 2112 Overture - TemplesRed BarchettaKid Gloves / Distant Early WarningEmotion DetectorOpen Secrets / Lock and KeyAvailable LightDrum SoloThe TreesXanaduLa Villa StrangiatoCaravanSubdivisions Far CryDreamlineThe Spirit of Radio Edited January 24, 2015 by Batouh
ThinkingBig Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 Intro - 3 Stooges ol' school intro with comedy video 1. The Spirit of Radio2. Subdivisions3. One Little Victory4. The Enemy Within5. The Weapon6. Witch Hunt7. The Anarchist8. Test For Echo9. Malignant Narcism w/ drum solo10. The Trees11. Jacobs Ladder12. Tom Sawyer 13. Headlong Flight14. Dreamline15. Freewill16. YYZ17. Distant Early Warning18. Far Cry19. Closer To The Heart20. Xanadu20. 2112 - Overture and Temples22. La Villa23. Working Man - In The Mood 24. Vital Signs25. Fly By Night Something about Vital Signs and a newer version of Fly By Night feels like a perfect end to a perfect career. Or if Geddy gets steroids shot into his throat, sing Limelight. 2
ThinkingBig Posted January 25, 2015 Posted January 25, 2015 I see a lot of people are pulling for the Fear Trilogy. I haven't heard Enemy Within live in a long time.
GeminiRising79 Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 (edited) I posted this in the other thread that we have for setlists below, but I'm really interested to start a discussion on realistic AND fantastical ones sets as opposed to purely sentimental ones or those on someone's dreamline.As you'll see below, I love making rush puns. Here's my Setlist! It's both fantastical and realistic. At the beginning there were too many hands on my time, too many feelings,... Too many things on my mind. However, in the end, I detached and subdivided it over and over, but now I'm happy and would endlessly rock to it any day.Don't be afraid to give feedback on my setlist, as I can't stop thinking Big, and would enjoy others telling me what they think just between us.So here goes it. Set 1R41 Overture - Working Man- Anthem- Bastille Day- Making Memories- What You're Doing*leading straight from the solo towards the end into the opening song*Far CryDrivenEarthshineKid GlovesRed TideNobody's HeroMalignant NarcissismDrum SoloSecret TouchCloser to The HeartSecond NatureEmotion DetectorHeadlong Flight -- Intermission -- Act 2Spirit Of RadioFree willJacob's LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceAfterimageThe Twilight Zone (ambitious, I know)YYZResistBroon's BaneThe TreesMystic RhythmsThe Enemy WithinLosing It (ambitious Part II)Everyday GloryTom Sawyer -- Encore --2112 (Overture, Temples, Finale)La VillaFly By Night** ** Alex talked about how he'd like to do a heavier version of FBN so assuming they do, that's where I'd put it. What do you think? .. Edited January 26, 2015 by GeminiRising79
Brava Doh! Posted January 28, 2015 Posted January 28, 2015 I think the best thing for me might be that the St. Paul show is close enough to the start of the tour that I can realistically stay away from setlist spoilers (if I choose to do so), and actually experience the set without knowing what's next. I doubt that will work out quite like that unfortunately, I remember being at a few venues where people were handing out copies lf the setlist outside the venue before the shows started, and half the people standing around you even in the concourse will know what it is and be talking about it. But it might be worth a shot anyway. I went to see the Counterparts Tour in 1994 cold and not knowing what was next was pretty cool.
dtpoet Posted January 28, 2015 Posted January 28, 2015 Not sure what to call this one. I think it is a possibility (well all scenarios are possibilities at this point) that they bring back some classic concert moments like the fear trilogy and/or the ESL Medley. I have some A set / B set stuff and also songs that blend (~) together. Here is another if a hundred or so I will have before May 8..... SET 12112: OvertureTom SawyerLimelightAnimateThe Big MoneySubdivisionsMarathon / Distant Early WarningSecret TouchSpirit Of RadioFreewillJacob's Ladder / Natural Science SET 2Test For EchoRoll The BonesThe Pass / MissionThe Enemy WithinThe WeaponWitch HuntYYZ ~ Solo ~ Red LensesBroon's Bane ~The Trees / Closer To The HeartXanadu ~ Beneath, Between, BehindHeadlong Flight ENCOREFar CryESL Medley: By-Tor and the Snowdog In the End In the Mood Grand Finale 1
The Analog Cub Posted January 28, 2015 Posted January 28, 2015 I can always dig out the one I always post (ish): dragonIntro(); One Little VictoryFreewillSubdivisionsAfterimageYYZClockwork AngelsAnimateThe TreesCut To The ChaseVital SignsCountdown playShuttleFootage();Secret Touch intermission(); Tom SawyerTest For EchoCold FireMystic RhythmsLock And KeyHeadlong FlightDrum SoloDifferent Strings acoustic();2112 O/T/GFDistant Early WarningXanaduWorking Man disableReggae(); encore(); Far CryThe Spirit Of RadioCrossroadsLimelight 1
losingit2k Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 (edited) Realistic you Say? R40 Instrumedley: (Finding My Way, Fly By Night, Bastille Day, Something for Nothing, Cinderella Man, Hemisphere (Prelude)One Little VictoryCaravanStick it OutDriven (With Bass Solo)Limbo (Drum solo#1)Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderThe AnarchistRed BarchettaRoll the BonesTest For EchoDistant Early WarningTurn the PageNew World ManMarathonYYZ (Drum Solo #2)Alex's Solo ( Closer to the Heart- Extended)La Villa StrangiattoXanadu Encore: Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong Flight Edited January 29, 2015 by losingit2k 1
HigherWater Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 SET ONE CaravanShow Don't TellPrime MoverKid GlovesFar CryDrivenThe Weapon (Part II of "Fear")Distant Early WarningClockwork AngelsYYZ / drum solo SET TWO LimelightTest for EchoMarathonSubdivisionsDreamlineJacob's LadderLa Villa Strangiato / drum soloNatural Science (with extended Intro)Cygnus X-1 Book I: The Voyage (instrumental)Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres (instrumental)Headlong Flight / drum soloThe Spirit of RadioTom Sawyer ENCORE 2112: OvertureXanadu (abbreviated)Working Man This one is very plausible
JohnRogers Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 Set OneMarathonThe Big MoneySubdivisionsEntre NousFreewillFly By NightLimelightTime Stand StillNobody's HeroCloser to the HeartDrivenDog YearsSpirit of Radio Set TwoYYZ (drum solo)New World ManOne Little VictoryPeaceable KingdomWorkin' Them AngelsFar CryHopeHeadlong FightThe WreckersThe Garden EncoreLa Villa StrangiatoTom SawyerThe TreesAnthem Realstic? Who knows, I just learned the bad loathes two songs on my list.
AM2112 Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 I think this would be pretty realistic: DreamlineAnimateTurn the PageNew World ManVapor TrailThe AnarchistThe TreesBytorPrime MoverRed Barchetta The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousGuitar soloDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDrum soloLock and KeyLimelightSubdivisionsWar PaintCut to the ChaseLa VillaTom Sawyer Far CryHeadlong FlightIn the Mood
AM2112 Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 (edited) Edit- Sorry posted twice by mistake. Edited January 30, 2015 by AM2112
Disk98 Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 I think this would be pretty realistic: DreamlineAnimateTurn the PageNew World ManVapor TrailThe AnarchistThe TreesBytorPrime MoverRed Barchetta The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousGuitar soloDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDrum soloLock and KeyLimelightSubdivisionsWar PaintCut to the ChaseLa VillaTom Sawyer Far CryHeadlong FlightIn the Mood Pretty realistic, except you probably wouldn't see Lock and Key and Cut to the Chase in the second set—and probably not War Paint at all. Swap LaK and CttC with The Trees and By-Tor, respectively, and that's a very realistic set.
custom55 Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 I need to hear the following to be happy. The WeaponDigital ManXanaduNatural Science
LocalsBandGuy Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 I posted this a couple weeks ago without even noticing it has something from every studio album. I think they're all there...... One Little Victory Driven Limelight Prime Mover New World Man The Trees Cut To The Chase Caravan Malignant Narcissism w/ short drum solo Jacob's Ladder Tom Sawyer Head Long Flight Distant Early Warning Dreamline Ghost Of A Chance Show, Don't Tell Marathon YYZ/Drum Solo (acoustic & electronic)/Red Lenses (from drum break on) The Enenmy Within The Weapon Witch Hunt La Villa Strangiato The Spirit Of Radio 2112 Overture Xanadu (0:00-4:24) ---> The Necromancer (5:18-6:58) ---> By-Tor & The Snowdog (6:00-7:33) ---> In The Mood (short live version)
losingit2k Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 (edited) A more realistic set list: Set 1: R40 Instrumedley:(Working Man/ Fly By Night/ Bastille Day/ A Passage to Bangkok/ Cygnus X-1/ Hemisphere {prelude})LimelightCaravanDriven (With Bass Solo)Cut to the ChaseKid GlovesLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacob's LadderThe AnarchistRed BarchettaRoll the BonesDistant Early WarningTest for EchoNew World ManMarathonYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Solo / La Villa StrangiattoXanadu (Entire) Encore: Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong Flight Edited January 30, 2015 by losingit2k
Faithless Mover Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 1.R40 Medley: -YYZ -La Villa -Main Monkey Business -By-Tor & The Snowdog -The Necromancer -A Farewell To Kings -YYZ2. Tom Sawyer3. Distant Early Warning4. Lock & Key5. The Enemy Within6. New World Man7. Fly By Night8. Closer To The Heart9. Caravan10. Show Don’t Tell/Drum Solo11. Cut To The Chase12. The Anarchist13. Vapor Trail14. Test For Echo15. Jacob’s Ladder16. The Camera Eye17. The Trees18. Anthem19. Xanadu20. Red Barchetta21. Headlong Flight/Drum Solo22. Subdivisions23. Limelight24. The Spirit of Radio
lerxt1990 Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 I can dream if I want... Video of humor ending with Three Stooges themeR40 Medley (Instrumental section w/ snippets from...)-Finding My Way-Fly By Night-Lakeside Park-Xanadu-CircumstancesTom SawyerSubdivisionsStick It OutOne Little VictoryThe TreesLa Villa StrangiatoCut To The ChaseYYZ (with drum solo)Distant Early WarningThe Analog KidFar CryHeadlong FlightMalignant NarcissismThe GardenCloser To The HeartRed BarchettaLimelightFreewill Encore:Spirit of RadioWorking Man2112: Priests of Syrinx and Finale
Bard Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 They just gotta play Digital Man, Distant Early Warning, and Natural Science, and I'm pretty set with whatever else they wanna toss in. :)
Hemispheres4Echo Posted February 1, 2015 Posted February 1, 2015 (edited) Set 1 Show Don't TellLock and KeyCut to the ChaseDrivenCaravanClockwork AngelsPrime MoverLimboScarsTom SawyerYYZ/The Rhythm Method Set 2 The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacob's LadderEntre NousAlex's solo/Different StringsNatural ScienceTest for EchoResistThe Enemy WithinThe WeaponWitch HuntInstrumental Medley: Cygnus X-1 (Prologue)/Hemispheres (Prelude)/La Villa Strangiato (Entire) Encore By-Tor and the Snow Dog (abbreviated)/Xanadu (Entire) Edited February 1, 2015 by Hemispheres4Echo
dtpoet Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 (edited) Setlist # bizillon and one (and it's only February) The "setlist by era" setlist: SET 1Tom SawyerLimelightSubdivisionsThe Enemy WithinThe WeaponWitch HuntMarathonYYZ~Drum Solo~Red LensesSpirit Of RadioFreewillNatural Science SET 2Show Don't TellAnimateDrivenSecret TouchBravado or Nobody's HeroCaravanEarthshineLimbo / Drum SoloAlex Solo ~The Trees or CTTHFar CryHeadlong Flight ENCORER40 Medley Hemispheres: Prelude By-Tor & Snowdog In The End In The Mood Xanadu 2112: Grand Finale Edited February 3, 2015 by dtpoet
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