dtpoet Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 (edited) Sorry they are alternates - A set, B set stuff. I tried to find some for Set 1 as well, but couldn't find anything where time and feel matched up. I picked Overture right after the Medley because with the opening wind and with Geddy acknowledging the crowd, it may give them a bit if a breather after the Medley. Edited February 18, 2015 by dtpoet 1
hughes&kettner Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/10948751_780541082022861_982663170_n.jpgLooking at the Logos on Neil's new R40 Drum kit i See: 2112, Snake and Arrows, Clockwork Angels, Grace under Pressure, Presto, Roll the Bones, Test for Echo and Counterparts. If this is any indication of the Setlist I'm going with: R40 Set list: R40 Instrumedley: {Working Man, By-Tor & The Snowdog, The Necromancer, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus X-1, Hemisphere (Prelude)}LimelightCaravanCut to the ChaseKid GlovesLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (Entire) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDistant Early WarningBravest FaceNeuroticaRed BarchettaNew World ManYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Acoustic Solo/La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong FlightThere is no correlation between symbols on his drums and songs they'll play. The ones chosen were based on what would look good laser cut out of wood. Don't read into everything now...
alfaman Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 Well, I am 46 years old and have been a Rush fan since 1980. I have never replied or even entered a chat room. One reason is what I assumed just this morning when I finally said to myself, let me give my opinion for the up in coming R40 tour. I looked at many of the comments throughout this site, and perhaps I missed it, but there is no criticism, just wish lists, etc. Sorry if I missed any. Here is my sticking point to perhaps not going this concert this time. One it's a money issue. Unless my economic situation changes I may not see it. Also, over the years I have seen dozens of Rush concerts and have spent endless amounts of money. Sorry to be a mood killer, but its time, especially after their last tour, Clockwork Angels, where they spewed almost the entire concert with that album. A good album mind you and yes, I did hear plenty of criticism that evening and afterwords that the show was not well accepted. But this tour needs to be different. One, Geddy said on Eddy Trunks show the other night that this may be the last BIG tour they do. And when they performed the R30 tour they did way too many meddlies. We need the full songs this time. And Geddy picked Fly by Night as last of his favorites n that line up . His opinion yes but I have never heard Fly By Night in concert in all the years I have seen them. Or Anthem in its full glory. You can see where I am going with this. I have heard songs over the years like Roll The Bones, Nobodys Hero, and Presto, some of you may like those, but when Geddy said the other night with Eddie Trunk that he picked FBN last cause it was the first album with Neil and that as time went on they strived for musical excellence, I couldnt agree more, but Nobodys Hero in concert??? Come on guys!!!??? Its time to play what the fans want to hear that supported you over the years not just hooora type fans , but we have spent tons of money. The band came out with an album called Feedback. Well, isn't Fly by Night and the older albums they did from that era "Feedback" oriented??? Raw , bluesy, jammy songs that made them what they are...at that time period!!??? Its times boys to step up and play songs like, perhaps Lessons, a jammy song reminiscent to "Feedback" or play Anthem, bring back Something for Nothing, or Cinderella Man, you get the picture.(but full songs no medley versions) Your gonna need that this time, whether you like to play them or not. I know it has to feel good to play it but we need more of the old material this time. I will look at the first concert in May and make my decision. 3
Jaminbenb Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 Listening to Geddy's interview, with his "the set list is currently FIVE HOURS" comment... I think they have a lot of great stuff in mind, but once they sit down and start trying to work it out, things that are too high, and don't lend well to modulating down in key will be tossed...anything overly technical will be tossed, and anything that probably kills Neil's arms will be tossed... Hoping that there are a few surprises,and hoping for no medley's....but figure we'll be getting an "R40 Overture"...He DID say that they were digging deep... so I'm hoping that the mid to later 80's stuff is considered too new...
dtpoet Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 Putting out two lists today. This one is based on Neil twice using the word "chronological" during the Ladd interview. The 2nd list will include the Fear Trilogy after I read from a poster who I find credible stating an opinion that it could be possible. R40 MEDLEY: 2112: Overture Working Man By-Tor & The Snowdog In The End 2112: Grand FinaleXanadu A list: Closer to the Heart B list: The TreesHemispheres: PreludeLa VillaFreewill A list: Jacobs Ladder B list: Natural ScienceTom SawyerYYZ SET 2:Subdivisions A list: Distant Early Warning B list: Kid GlovesMarathon A list: Time Stand Still B list: MissionShow Don't TellDreamlineAnimateDriven LimboSecret Touch A list: Caravan B list: CarniesHeadlong Flight ENCORE:Far CryNew World ManSpirit of RadioLimelight
dtpoet Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 R40 MEDLEY: 2112: Overture Working Man By-Tor & The Snowdog In The End 2112: Grand FinaleXanadu A list: Closer to the Heart B list: The TreesHemispheres: PreludeLa VillaFreewill A list: Jacobs Ladder B list: Natural ScienceTom SawyerYYZ SET 2:SubdivisionsThe Enemy WithinThe WeaponWitch HuntMarathon A list: Time Stand Still B list: MissionShow Don't Tell A list: Dreamline B list: Where's My ThingAnimate A list: Limbo B list: DrivenSecret TouchHeadlong Flight ENCORE:Far CryNew World ManSpirit of RadioLimelight
Disk98 Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 (edited) In regard to the "chronological" idea… SET ONE R40 Overture • Working Man • By-Tor and the Snowdog • Didacts and Narpets • Something for Nothing • A Farewell to Kings • Circumstances • FreewillTom SawyerSubdivisionsDistant Early WarningMarathonPrime MoverShow Don't TellDreamlineStick It OutDriven SET TWO One Little VictoryFar CryCaravanHeadlong Flight / drum soloLimelightThe TreesNatural ScienceLa Villa StrangiatoDrum soloResist (acoustic)2112: OvertureThe Spirit of RadioXanaduCloser to the Heart2112: Grand Finale ENCORE Finding My WayIn the MoodYYZ / drum solo Edited February 27, 2015 by Disk98
troutman Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 Just a hunch, But I think this will be included. :haz: :rush: Rush - Broons Bane - The Trees
losingit2k Posted February 27, 2015 Posted February 27, 2015 (edited) Realistic considering what they haven't played: Set 1: LimelightCaravanCut to the Chase/ Alien ShoreChain Lightning / NeuroticaOpen Secrets / Lock & KeyRoll the BonesLimbo/ Drum Solo#1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent Strings (Extended Outro Gtr Solo)Natural ScienceThe AnarchistRed BarchettaDistant Early WarningNew World ManMal-Nar/ Drum Solo# 2Alex's Flamenco Solo/ La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Headlong FlightTom SawyerR40-Instrumedley Countdown: Hemisphere (Prelude), Cygnus X-1, A Passage to Bangkok,The Necromancer, Fly By Night, Working Man, Encore 2: Closer to the Heart (Extended) JamYYZ :rush: :haz: :rush: Edited February 27, 2015 by losingit2k 1
dtpoet Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 (edited) SET 1:R40 medley (instrumental) Working Man Fly By Night By-Tor & The Snowdog FOL: Bacchus Plateau 2112: Grand Finale2112: Overture2112: Temples of SyrinxFreewill A: Show Don't Tell B: Stick It OutSubdivisions A: Closer To The Heart B: The TreesHeadlong Flight (solo) A: Mission B: Time Stand StillTom Sawyer SET 2AnimateDrivenThe Enemy WithinThe WeaponWitch HuntSecret TouchYYZ (solo) A: (acoustic) In The Valley&The Fountain B: (acoustic) Different StringsThe Garden A: Marathon B: Distant Early WarningXanaduSpirit Of Radio ENCOREFar CryLimelightLa Villa Edited March 2, 2015 by dtpoet
Disk98 Posted March 3, 2015 Posted March 3, 2015 (edited) The "A" setlist: SET ONE R40 Overture • Working Man • By-Tor and the Snowdog • Didacts and Narpets • Something for Nothing • A Farewell to Kings • Circumstances • FreewillTom SawyerShow Don't TellLock and KeyFar CryCaravanRed BarchettaCut to the ChaseDistant Early WarningYYZ / drum solo SET TWO SubdivisionsTest for EchoDreamlineHeadlong Flight / drum soloResist (acoustic)Natural ScienceTime Stand StillMarathonOne Little VictoryCygnus X-1 (instrumental) • Book I: The Voyage - Prologue • Book II: Hemispheres - PreludeXanaduDrum soloCloser to the Heart2112: OvertureLimelight ENCORE The Spirit of RadioLa Villa Strangiato / In the Mood (teaser) The "B" setlist: SET ONE R40 Overture • Working Man • By-Tor and the Snowdog • Didacts and Narpets • Something for Nothing • A Farewell to Kings • Circumstances • FreewillTom SawyerShow Don't TellPrime MoverFar CryClockwork AngelsRed BarchettaEveryday GloryDistant Early WarningYYZ / drum solo SET TWO SubdivisionsTest for EchoDreamlineHeadlong Flight / drum soloResist (acoustic)Natural ScienceTime Stand StillMarathonSecret TouchCygnus X-1 (instrumental) • Book I: The Voyage - Prologue • Book II: Hemispheres - PreludeXanaduDrum soloThe Trees2112: OvertureLimelight ENCORE The Spirit of RadioLa Villa Strangiato / In the Mood (teaser) Edited March 3, 2015 by Disk98
Bhawk2112 Posted March 6, 2015 Posted March 6, 2015 (edited) Set One: CaravanFar CryThe Main Monkey BusinessOne Little VictoryDrivenLeave That Thing AloneCut to the ChaseDreamlineWhere's My Thing?Show Don't TellForce Ten Set Two:The Big MoneyDistant Early WarningSubdivisionsYYZRed BarchettaThe Spirit of RadioJacob's LadderHemispheres:Prelude>La Villa StrangiatoBroon's Bane>The Trees>Xanadu2112 Overture>Temples>Necromancer>Grand Finale Encore:Finding My Way>Working Man>By-Tor & the Snow Dog>Tom Sawyer Edited March 6, 2015 by Bhawk2112
MJH Posted March 6, 2015 Posted March 6, 2015 love your set list !! Alex playing Broon's or the tree's (with a real classical guitar) would just freak me and my son out....soon we will all know the answer's...
yyzyy Posted March 6, 2015 Posted March 6, 2015 (edited) How I feel today....... -- The Big MoneyDrivenPrime MoverCinderella ManSubdivisionsJacob's LadderAnimateDrivenXanaduFreewillYyzThe Analog Kid -- Distant Early WarningThe TreesLimelightShow Don't TellHeresyRed BarchettaA Passage to BangkokCloser to the HeartLa Villa StrangiatoThe Professor on the Drum KitNatural ScienceThe Spirit of RadioTom Sawyer -- 2112 -- Edited March 6, 2015 by yyzyy
BlairC45 Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 01) What You're Doing?02) Limelight03) In The Mood04) The Big Money 05) Red Barchetta06) Cut To The Chase07) Clockwork Angels08) Workin' Them Angels09) Freewill10) Second Nature11) Red Lenses12) Subdivisions13) Lakeside Park14) The Trees15) The Camera Eye 16) The Spirit of Radio17) Tom Sawyer18) Bastille Day19) Xanadu20) Wish Them Well21) YYZ (Drum Solo)22) Resist23) Closer To The Heart24) Boons Bane/The Trees25) Fly By Night26) Time Stands Still27) Far Cry28) 2112 Overture-The Temples of Syrinx-Grand Finale 29) Vital Signs30) The Garden31) In The End
GeminiRising79 Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/10948751_780541082022861_982663170_n.jpgLooking at the Logos on Neil's new R40 Drum kit i See: 2112, Snake and Arrows, Clockwork Angels, Grace under Pressure, Presto, Roll the Bones, Test for Echo and Counterparts. If this is any indication of the Setlist I'm going with: R40 Set list: R40 Instrumedley: {Working Man, By-Tor & The Snowdog, The Necromancer, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus X-1, Hemisphere (Prelude)}LimelightCaravanCut to the ChaseKid GlovesLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (Entire) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDistant Early WarningBravest FaceNeuroticaRed BarchettaNew World ManYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Acoustic Solo/La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong FlightThere is no correlation between symbols on his drums and songs they'll play. The ones chosen were based on what would look good laser cut out of wood. Don't read into everything now... I am at a loss for words. What an absolutely horrible design choice for the drum kit. Its like he purposely chose icons from the worst albums (save for 2112). What was the thought process here? (Was there a thought process at all?) What about the snowy owl, the Hemispheres guy, the PermWaves girl, the dalmation/fire hydrant, the p/g symbol? Seems the choices made with every passing year only get dumber. 1
dtpoet Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 Easy there Gem. It's been stated on several occasions that they choose symbols that would show up best. The symbols have zero to do with the setlist
EagleMoon Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 Some of them would have been harder to cut out and tell what they were.
GeminiRising79 Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 (edited) Easy there Gem. It's been stated on several occasions that they choose symbols that would show up best. I'm confident I can create a far superior and refined design, with visible, relevant icons. This kit looks oddly like an early-stage prototype! I am happy to see that its been put on a diet- guess they're not complete stooges. Edited March 7, 2015 by GeminiRising79
ReRushed Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 Easy there Gem. It's been stated on several occasions that they choose symbols that would show up best. I'm confident I can create a far superior and refined design, with visible, relevant icons. This kit looks oddly like an early-stage prototype! I am happy to see that its been put on a diet- guess they're not complete stooges.I'm confident you're confident about a lot of things. Who screwed you over? Obviously, you were dealt an unfair hand in life. I hope you eventually succeed in life. We will all benefit. I'm confident in that. 1
NaturalHemisphereGarden Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 Set 1 Working Man (with original intro)LimelightYYZKid Gloves [Night A] / The Enemy Within [Night B]FreewillShow Don't TellRoll the Bones [Night A] / Time Stand Still [Night B]Cut to the ChaseResist (non-acoustic)The Camera Eye Set 2 The Spirit of RadioRed BarchettaThe Weapon [Night A] / Chemistry [Night B]MarathonTest for Echo [Night A] / Cold Fire [Night B]DrivenMalignant NarcissismDrum SoloThe TreesHeadlong FlightTom SawyerXanadu (short version) Encore Jacob's LadderFly By Night (new arrangement) 3
Batouh Posted March 12, 2015 Posted March 12, 2015 Tom SawyerThe WeaponKid GlovesOpen Secrets / Lock And KeyShow Don't TellYYZAnimate / Cut To The ChaseTest for EchoSecret TouchCaravanJacob's Ladder SubdivisionsRed BarchettaDreamline / Ghost of a ChanceEmotion DetectorAfterimage / Red Sector AFreewillHeadlong FlightLa Villa StrangiatoDrum SoloThe TreesXanaduHemispheres Prelude2112 Overture/Temples/Finale Far CryLimelightThe Spirit of Radio
puffyshirt Posted March 12, 2015 Posted March 12, 2015 THE CHRONICLES SETLIST R40 MEDLEY: Working Man By-Tor & The Snowdog In The End In The Mood 2112: Temples of Syrinx Return of the Prince (outro)2112: OvertureXanaduCloser to the HeartThe TreesLa VillaSpirit of RadioFreewillTom SawyerYYZ SET 2:SubdivisionsDistant Early Warning / Kid GlovesMarathonTime Stand Still / MissionShow Don't TellDreamlineAnimateDrivenLimboSecret TouchCaravan / CarniesHeadlong Flight ENCORE:Far CryNew World ManLimelight2112: Grand Finale As a fan, I like. As a logical thinker, that's one crowd-clearing second set haha. No way they put YYZ, Spirit, and Sawyer into set one.
TheAnalogKid17 Posted March 12, 2015 Posted March 12, 2015 (edited) Alright...I guess I will give this a go. I based this setlist off of songs they have to play, songs I want them to play of course and songs I want them to play that have not been filmed on a modern DVD/Bluray, which is essential for me. Set One R40 Medley(8:00)By-Tor & The Snow DogChain Lightning/Show Don't TellAlien Shore/Cut To The ChaseMal-NarPrime MoverKid GlovesGhost of A ChanceYYZCeiling Unlimited/Peaceable KingdomThe AnarchistA Passage To BangkokWorking Man Set Two The Spirit of RadioFreewillRed BarchettaSubdivisionsCloser To The Heart/Cinderella ManDriven/Test For EchoDrum Solo(7:00)Guitar Solo leading into Broone's Bane(3:30)The TreesLa Villa StrangiatoThe Weapon/Digital ManJacob's LadderNatural Science Encore Xanadu(full)2112:Overture The Temples of Syrinx Grand FinaleTom Sawyer / = Night A Night B I also added everything up, and the 1st set total's 1hr and 10 minutes, and the 2nd set total's 1hr and 18 minutes. I used the time of the longest song for Night A Night B songs for the calculations. The Encore is 25 minutes. Along with the opening video for set one and for set two at about 2 or 3 minutes each, and a 15 minute intermission, that total's 3hrs and 14 minutes, stretching to 3hrs and 18 minutes with in between song banter throughout the show, and the couple minutes video and cheering from the crowd before the encore, making it 3hrs and 21 minutes I guess. If I were to take out 1 song from each set to make it closer to just 3 hours, I would take out Ghost of A Chance and Mal Nar from set one and The Weapon/Digital Man from set 2. I tried making this as realistic as possible. Edited March 12, 2015 by TheAnalogKid17
dtpoet Posted March 13, 2015 Posted March 13, 2015 (edited) With each piece of new info, my set list changes. Going old school second set. Half of my second set are instrumentals or mostly instrumentals. I included BBB to represent FBN because I think it was the first song they wrote together. SET 1:Far CryAnimateDrivenSubdivisions A: Limbo B: Where's My ThingThe Enemy WithinThe WeaponWitch Hunt A: Roll The Bones B: Secret TouchMissionMarathonHeadlong Flight SET 2:2112: Overture2112: Temples of Syrinx2112: Grand FinaleWorking Man (half) ~ In The MoodTom Sawyer A: New World Man B: Vital SignsYYZAlex Solo (original) A: Closer To The Heart B: The TreesHemispheres: PreludeFreewillLa Villa ENCOREXanadu (most) ~ Beneath Between BehindSpirit of RadioLimelight Edited March 13, 2015 by dtpoet
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