dtpoet Posted January 21, 2015 Posted January 21, 2015 (edited) It was played for a little over half the P/G tour but replaced. My mistake. Edited January 21, 2015 by dtpoet
fraroc Posted January 21, 2015 Posted January 21, 2015 (edited) How about my Exit Stage Left/A Show Of Hands mashup setlist? 1. The Big Money2. The Spirit Of Radio3. Subdivisions4. Time Stand Still5. Freewill6. Force Ten7. Beneath Between and Behind8. Marathon9. Closer To The Heart INTERMISSION 10. Distant Early Warning11. Red Barchetta12. Red Sector A13. Jacob's Ladder14. Broon's Bane/ The Trees15. Mystic Rhythms16. Witch Hunt (Part III of Fear)17. YYZ18. Mission ENCORE 19. Tom Sawyer20. Xanadu21. La Villa Strangiato (with Alex rant)22. Limelight (not on either, but a good closer) Edited January 21, 2015 by fraroc
gudbuytjane Posted January 21, 2015 Posted January 21, 2015 (edited) I did this a while back as a similar exercise. I looked at how long it's been since certain favourites had been played, and wondered how likely it was that certain vault songs might be brought out. Also, I timed out both versions of the setlist in Winamp, and they're both around that 2h45m mark that shows have been recently. For extra nerdiness, I've put in a few nods to previous tours (like opening with Overture/Temples and closing the main set with Grand Finale like on the MP tour, or the YYZ/drum solo/Red Lenses medley from PoW). SET ONE 2112: I Overture2112: II The Temples of SyrinxHeadlong FlightShow Don't TellThe Enemy WithinWorkin' Them AngelsMystic RhythmsRoll The BonesThe TreesRed BarchettaCountdownA Set: Between Sun & Moon / B Set: Ceiling UnlimitedNatural Science SET TWO Tom SawyerA Set: One Little Victory / B Set: Test For EchoFreewillA Set: The Anarchist / B Set: CarniesDistant Early WarningAnimateLock and KeyYYZ/Drum Solo/Red LensesAlex Acoustic SongCloser To The HeartXanaduWorking Man (post-2000 shorter version)In The Mood (shorter medley version)2112: VII Grand Finale ENCORE Far CryTime Stand StillFly By NightThe Spirit of Radio Edited January 21, 2015 by gudbuytjane
fraroc Posted January 21, 2015 Posted January 21, 2015 I did this a while back as a similar exercise. I looked at how long it's been since certain favourites had been played, and wondered how likely it was that certain vault songs might be brought out. Also, I timed out both versions of the setlist in Winamp, and they're both around that 2h45m mark that shows have been recently. For extra nerdiness, I've put in a few nods to previous tours (like opening with Overture/Temples and closing the main set with Grand Finale like on the MP tour, or the YYZ/drum solo/Red Lenses medley from PoW). SET ONE 2112: I Overture2112: II The Temples of SyrinxHeadlong FlightShow Don't TellThe Enemy WithinWorkin' Them AngelsMystic RhythmsRoll The BonesThe TreesRed BarchettaCountdownA Set: Between Sun & Moon / B Set: Ceiling UnlimitedNatural Science SET TWO Tom SawyerA Set: One Little Victory / B Set: Test For EchoFreewillA Set: The Anarchist / B Set: CarniesDistant Early WarningAnimateLock and KeyYYZ/Drum Solo/Red LensesAlex Acoustic SongCloser To The HeartXanaduWorking Man (post-2000 shorter version)In The Mood (shorter medley version)2112: VII Grand Finale ENCORE Far CryTime Stand StillFly By NightThe Spirit of Radio If you're going to put in The Enemy Within, you might as well put in the rest of Fear. 1
Disk98 Posted January 21, 2015 Posted January 21, 2015 I did this a while back as a similar exercise. I looked at how long it's been since certain favourites had been played, and wondered how likely it was that certain vault songs might be brought out. Also, I timed out both versions of the setlist in Winamp, and they're both around that 2h45m mark that shows have been recently. For extra nerdiness, I've put in a few nods to previous tours (like opening with Overture/Temples and closing the main set with Grand Finale like on the MP tour, or the YYZ/drum solo/Red Lenses medley from PoW). SET ONE 2112: I Overture2112: II The Temples of SyrinxHeadlong FlightShow Don't TellThe Enemy WithinWorkin' Them AngelsMystic RhythmsRoll The BonesThe TreesRed BarchettaCountdownA Set: Between Sun & Moon / B Set: Ceiling UnlimitedNatural Science SET TWO Tom SawyerA Set: One Little Victory / B Set: Test For EchoFreewillA Set: The Anarchist / B Set: CarniesDistant Early WarningAnimateLock and KeyYYZ/Drum Solo/Red LensesAlex Acoustic SongCloser To The HeartXanaduWorking Man (post-2000 shorter version)In The Mood (shorter medley version)2112: VII Grand Finale ENCORE Far CryTime Stand StillFly By NightThe Spirit of RadioExcellent setlist, But the encore probably isn't the best place for Time Stand Still. Give Roll the Bones the axe and put Time Stand Still there instead, and that setlist is darn near perfect! 1
Geddy's Soul Patch Posted January 21, 2015 Posted January 21, 2015 (edited) I did this a while back as a similar exercise. I looked at how long it's been since certain favourites had been played, and wondered how likely it was that certain vault songs might be brought out. Also, I timed out both versions of the setlist in Winamp, and they're both around that 2h45m mark that shows have been recently. For extra nerdiness, I've put in a few nods to previous tours (like opening with Overture/Temples and closing the main set with Grand Finale like on the MP tour, or the YYZ/drum solo/Red Lenses medley from PoW). SET ONE 2112: I Overture2112: II The Temples of SyrinxHeadlong FlightShow Don't TellThe Enemy WithinWorkin' Them AngelsMystic RhythmsRoll The BonesThe TreesRed BarchettaCountdownA Set: Between Sun & Moon / B Set: Ceiling UnlimitedNatural Science SET TWO Tom SawyerA Set: One Little Victory / B Set: Test For EchoFreewillA Set: The Anarchist / B Set: CarniesDistant Early WarningAnimateLock and KeyYYZ/Drum Solo/Red LensesAlex Acoustic SongCloser To The HeartXanaduWorking Man (post-2000 shorter version)In The Mood (shorter medley version)2112: VII Grand Finale ENCORE Far CryTime Stand StillFly By NightThe Spirit of RadioExcellent setlist, But the encore probably isn't the best place for Time Stand Still. Give Roll the Bones the axe and put Time Stand Still there instead, and that setlist is darn near perfect! There's not enough new material. Ol' Neil would probably give himself the axe before the end of the show! Edited January 21, 2015 by Geddy's Soul Patch
RushianRoulette Posted January 21, 2015 Author Posted January 21, 2015 I posted this in the other thread that we have for setlists below, but I'm really interested to start a discussion on realistic AND fantastical ones sets as opposed to purely sentimental ones or those on someone's dreamline.As you'll see below, I love making rush puns. Here's my Setlist! It's both fantastical and realistic. At the beginning there were too many hands on my time, too many feelings,... Too many things on my mind. However, in the end, I detached and subdivided it over and over, but now I'm happy and would endlessly rock to it any day.Don't be afraid to give feedback on my setlist, as I can't stop thinking Big, and would enjoy others telling me what they think just between us.So here goes it. Set 1R41 Overture - Working Man- Anthem- Bastille Day- Making Memories- What You're Doing*leading straight from the solo towards the end into the opening song*Far CryDrivenEarthshineKid GlovesRed TideNobody's HeroMalignant NarcissismDrum SoloSecret TouchCloser to The HeartSecond NatureEmotion DetectorHeadlong Flight -- Intermission -- Act 2Spirit Of RadioFree willJacob's LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceAfterimageThe Twilight Zone (ambitious, I know)YYZResistBroon's BaneThe TreesMystic RhythmsThe Enemy WithinLosing It (ambitious Part II)Everyday GloryTom Sawyer -- Encore --2112 (Overture, Temples, Finale)La VillaFly By Night** ** Alex talked about how he'd like to do a heavier version of FBN so assuming they do, that's where I'd put it. What do you think? That first set would just kill the crowd right off the bat. You have no massive crowd pleasing song until CTTH. This set is certainly more fantasy than realistic I'm gonna try and come up with my own realistic set and post it here. I didn't think there was much wrong my first set... While not big hitters they have gotten good reactions from the crowd in recent years. A tad harsh I think.
losingit2k Posted January 22, 2015 Posted January 22, 2015 This is realistic though improbable: Set 1:R41 (Instrumedley): Working Man/ By-Tor & The Snowdog/ The Necromancer/ A Passage to Bangkok/ Cygnus X-1)Far CryCaravanLimelightCut to the ChaseNew Rush Song #1Limbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousAlex's Solo/ Different StringsNatural ScienceNew Rush Song #2The AnarchistRed BarchettaDistant Early WarningNew World ManMarathonYYZ/ Drum Solo #2Hemisphere (Prelude)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Tom SawyerLa Villa StrangiattoHeadlong Flight
dtpoet Posted January 22, 2015 Posted January 22, 2015 Buying into the PW anniversary business: R40 Medley Overture Temples Finding My Way In The End Grand FinaleLimelightCaravanSubdivisionsAnimateXanaduEarthshine / Roll the Bones or DreamlineMission / DEWDrivenYYZ The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacob's LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceNew World ManHeadlong Flight / SoloAlex Acoustic SoloThe Trees / CTTHMarathonTom Sawyer Far CryLaVilla 1
earth2112shine Posted January 22, 2015 Posted January 22, 2015 i'd just love to see them open with Xanadu, you know when I watch it on Blu Ray in the UK. They can play owt after that - :rush:
zac2112 Posted January 22, 2015 Posted January 22, 2015 Dear G,A, and N...Please play Lakeside Park!!!
dtpoet Posted January 22, 2015 Posted January 22, 2015 Here's what was suppose to be my "very limited pre Permanent Waves" list: R40 Medley Overture Xanadu Fly By Night Grand FinaleLimelightSubdivisionsKid GlovesDriven / CarniesWhere's My Thing / soloEarthshineMission / Lock & KeyFar CryTom Sawyer Spirit of RadioFreewillNatural ScienceThe Big MoneyVital Signs / The WeaponAnimate / Secret TouchMarathonHeadlong Flight / SoloAlex Solo / The TreesShow Don't TellYYZ One Little VictoryLa Villa
Carrystress Posted January 22, 2015 Posted January 22, 2015 (edited) Guys let's be realistic with our setlists.1.) Dog years2.) Dog years3.) Jacobs Ladder4.) By Tor5.) A farewell to Kings6.) Cygnus x-17.) 2112 (all)oh yeah. 8.) Dog years Anyway. 1) Spirit of Radio2) Turn the Page3) Ghost Rider4) Digital Man5) Leave that Thing Alone6) Earthshine7) The Anarchist8) Carnies9) Nobody's Hero10) YYZ (Drum Solo)11) Resist12) Show Don't Tell13) Jacob's Ladder14) Subdivisions-break-15) Dreamline16) Fly By Night17) Distant Early Warning18) Vital Signs19) Mystic Rhythms20) Between the Wheels21) La Villa Strangiato22) A Farewell to Kings23) Drum Solo24) Broon's Bane/The Trees/Xanadu25) 2112 (Overture)26) Natural Science27) Far Cry28) Tom Sawyer 29) Something for Nothing30) Caravan31) Limelight 32) Headlong Flight33) Countdown Edited January 22, 2015 by Carrystress
losingit2k Posted January 22, 2015 Posted January 22, 2015 (edited) http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/10948751_780541082022861_982663170_n.jpgLooking at the Logos on Neil's new R40 Drum kit i See: 2112, Snake and Arrows, Clockwork Angels, Grace under Pressure, Presto, Roll the Bones, Test for Echo and Counterparts. If this is any indication of the Setlist I'm going with: R40 Set list: R40 Instrumedley: {Working Man, By-Tor & The Snowdog, The Necromancer, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus X-1, Hemisphere (Prelude)}LimelightCaravanCut to the ChaseKid GlovesLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (Entire) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDistant Early WarningBravest FaceNeuroticaRed BarchettaNew World ManYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Acoustic Solo/La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong Flight Edited January 22, 2015 by losingit2k
Lorraine Posted January 22, 2015 Posted January 22, 2015 http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/10948751_780541082022861_982663170_n.jpgLooking at the Logos on Neil's new R40 Drum kit i See: 2112, Snake and Arrows, Clockwork Angels, Grace under Pressure, Presto, Roll the Bones, Test for Echo and Counterparts. If this is any indication of the Setlist I'm going with: R40 Set list: R40 Instrumedley: {Working Man, By-Tor & The Snowdog, The Necromancer, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus X-1, Hemisphere (Prelude)}LimelightCaravanCut to the ChaseKid GlovesLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDistant Early WarningThe WeaponThe AnarchistRed BarchettaNew World ManYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Acoustic Solo/La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong Flight I made a tiny correction in your second set. 1
losingit2k Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 (edited) http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/10948751_780541082022861_982663170_n.jpgLooking at the Logos on Neil's new R40 Drum kit i See: 2112, Snake and Arrows, Clockwork Angels, Grace under Pressure, Presto, Roll the Bones, Test for Echo and Counterparts. If this is any indication of the Setlist I'm going with: R40 Set list: R40 Instrumedley: {Working Man, By-Tor & The Snowdog, The Necromancer, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus X-1, Hemisphere (Prelude)}LimelightCaravanCut to the ChaseKid GlovesLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDistant Early WarningThe WeaponThe AnarchistRed BarchettaNew World ManYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Acoustic Solo/La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong Flight I made a tiny correction in your second set. I love the Weapon! No problem there! But if they were going to include the weapon I think they'd play all of "Fear" with Freeze thrown in as well. or like below: R40 Instrumedley: {Working Man, By-Tor & The Snowdog, The Necromancer, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus X-1, Hemisphere (Prelude)}LimelightEnemy WithinThe WeaponWitch HuntFreezeLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDistant Early WarningThe AnarchistRed BarchettaNew World ManYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Acoustic Solo/La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong Flight Edited January 23, 2015 by losingit2k 2
Lorraine Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/10948751_780541082022861_982663170_n.jpgLooking at the Logos on Neil's new R40 Drum kit i See: 2112, Snake and Arrows, Clockwork Angels, Grace under Pressure, Presto, Roll the Bones, Test for Echo and Counterparts. If this is any indication of the Setlist I'm going with: R40 Set list: R40 Instrumedley: {Working Man, By-Tor & The Snowdog, The Necromancer, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus X-1, Hemisphere (Prelude)}LimelightCaravanCut to the ChaseKid GlovesLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDistant Early WarningThe WeaponThe AnarchistRed BarchettaNew World ManYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Acoustic Solo/La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong Flight I made a tiny correction in your second set. I love the Weapon! No problem there! But if they were going to include the weapon I think they'd play all of "Fear" with Freeze thrown in as well. or like below: R40 Instrumedley: {Working Man, By-Tor & The Snowdog, The Necromancer, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus X-1, Hemisphere (Prelude)}LimelightEnemy WithinThe WeaponWitch HuntFreezeLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDistant Early WarningThe AnarchistRed BarchettaNew World ManYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Acoustic Solo/La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong Flight I approve of this set list. Fax it to Rush ASAP. 2
losingit2k Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/10948751_780541082022861_982663170_n.jpgLooking at the Logos on Neil's new R40 Drum kit i See: 2112, Snake and Arrows, Clockwork Angels, Grace under Pressure, Presto, Roll the Bones, Test for Echo and Counterparts. If this is any indication of the Setlist I'm going with: R40 Set list: R40 Instrumedley: {Working Man, By-Tor & The Snowdog, The Necromancer, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus X-1, Hemisphere (Prelude)}LimelightCaravanCut to the ChaseKid GlovesLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDistant Early WarningThe WeaponThe AnarchistRed BarchettaNew World ManYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Acoustic Solo/La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong Flight I made a tiny correction in your second set. I love the Weapon! No problem there! But if they were going to include the weapon I think they'd play all of "Fear" with Freeze thrown in as well. or like below: R40 Instrumedley: {Working Man, By-Tor & The Snowdog, The Necromancer, A Passage to Bangkok, Cygnus X-1, Hemisphere (Prelude)}LimelightEnemy WithinThe WeaponWitch HuntFreezeLimbo/ Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural ScienceDistant Early WarningThe AnarchistRed BarchettaNew World ManYYZ/ Drum Solo#2Alex's Acoustic Solo/La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore:Far CryTom SawyerHeadlong Flight I approve of this set list. Fax it to Rush ASAP. LOL. Not enough unplayed stuff for my liking. They don't have many more tours in them. I'd like to see some more of their unplayed stuff before they call it quits. However, we would get "Freeze" and the rest of The "Fear" Quadrilogy!
losingit2k Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 Honestly I don't care what they play as long as they start with this:
hughes&kettner Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 No way they start off with an "R40 Medley". Not gonna happen. Prat's words- "you can never go back"...
sabresman31 Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 (edited) I think since this is the 40th anniversary tour they're going to pull something old out of their hats. Fingers crossed for The Necromancer in it's entirety! Edited January 23, 2015 by sabresman31 2
Geddy's Soul Patch Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 I think since this is the 40th anniversary tour they're going to pull something old out of their hats. Fingers crossed for The Necromancer in it's entirety! Better play it safe and cross your whole body for that one 2
sabresman31 Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 I think since this is the 40th anniversary tour they're going to pull something old out of their hats. Fingers crossed for The Necromancer in it's entirety! Better play it safe and cross your whole body for that one Well, I could have asked for The Fountain... 2
LocalsBandGuy Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 I really combed over my setlist, did a bit of medley research, and came up with this: One Little VictoryDrivenLimelightPrime MoverNew World ManThe TreesCut To The ChaseCaravanMalignant Narcissism w/ short drum soloJacob's LadderTom Sawyer Head Long FlightDistant Early WarningDreamlineGhost Of A ChanceShow, Don't TellMarathonYYZ/Drum Solo (acoustic & electronic)/Red Lenses (from drum break on)The Enenmy WithinThe WeaponWitch HuntLa Villa StrangiatoThe Spirit Of Radio 2112 OvertureXanadu (0:00-4:24) --->The Necromancer (5:18-6:58) --->By-Tor & The Snowdog (6:00-7:33) --->In The Mood (short live version)
Todem Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 Set One 2112 Overture, Temples of Syrinx, Grand Finale Subdivisions Distant Early Warning Cut To The Chase The Enemy Within Mission Red Barchetta The Trees Leave That Thing Alone Headlong Flight Set 2 The Spirit Of Radio Freewill Jacobs Ladder Entre Nous Different Strings Natural Science Caravan Mystic Rhtyms Red Sector A Roll The Bones Test For Echo Vaportrail By Tor & The Snow Dog Xanadu Working Man Encore La Villa Strangiato Limelight Tom Saywer 2
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