dtpoet Posted March 13, 2015 Posted March 13, 2015 Same idea but without Fear Trilogy SET 1:Far CryAnimateDrivenSubdivisionsDistant Early Warning A: Limbo B: Where's My ThingSecret TouchRoll The BonesMission A: Stick It Out B: Show Don't TellMarathonHeadlong Flight SET 2:2112: Overture2112: Temples of Syrinx2112: Grand FinaleWorking Man (half) ~ In The MoodTom Sawyer A: New World Man B: Vital SignsYYZAlex Solo A: Closer To The Heart B: The TreesHemispheres: PreludeLa VillaFreewill ENCORE:Xanadu (most) ~ Beneath Between BehindSpirit of RadioLimelight
NaturalHemisphereGarden Posted March 23, 2015 Posted March 23, 2015 Set 1 Tom SawyerChemistryHeadlong FlightLimboDrivenKid GlovesFreewillCut to the ChaseClockwork AngelsLimelight Set 2 Instrumental Medley: Bastille Day/By-Tor and the Snow Dog/Fly By Night/AnthemFar CryYYZTest for Echo2112 (Overture/Temples of Syrinx/Grand Finale)XanaduHemispheres PreludeDrum SoloThe Necromancer (Return of the Prince)The Spirit of RadioLa Villa StrangiatoJacob's Ladder Encore Working ManIn the Mood
Disk98 Posted March 23, 2015 Posted March 23, 2015 SET ONE R40 Overture • Working Man • Fly by Night • Didacts and Narpets • Something for Nothing • A Farewell to Kings • Circumstances • FreewillTom SawyerShow Don't TellPrime MoverFar CryCaravanOne Little VictoryDistant Early WarningMalignant Narcissism / drum soloDreamline SET TWO SubdivisionsRoll the BonesCut to the ChaseTest for EchoRed BarchettaThe TreesHeadlong Flight / drum soloResist (acoustic)Natural Science2112: OvertureLimelightCygnus X-1 (instrumental) • Book I: The Voyage (Prologue) • Book II: Hemispheres (Prelude)YYZ / drum soloCloser to the HeartWorking Man ENCORE XanaduThe Spirit of Radio 1
BlairC45 Posted March 25, 2015 Posted March 25, 2015 (edited) I'm bored today, so I'll take another stab at it: Set 1:01. Headlong Flight (2nd alt. night) Wish Them Well02. Working Them Angels03. Colour Of Right04. Vapor Trails (2nd alt. night) How It Is05. Bravado06. Scars (2nd alt. night) War Paint07. Cut to the Chase08. Spindrift (2nd alt. night) Faithless09. The Garden (2nd alt. night) The Wreckers10. Roll The Bones11. Show Don't Tell (2nd alt. night) Animate12. Far Cry13. One Little Victory Set 2:01. What You're Doing?02. Freewill03. Second Nature (2nd alt. night) Chemistry03. YYZ (w/ Drum Solo)04. Natural Science (2nd alt. night) Different Strings05. Jacob's Ladder06. Xanadu07. Subdivision (2nd alt. night) Force Ten08. Red Barchetta (2nd alt. night) Distance Early Warning09. Time Stands Still (2nd alt. night) Closer To The Heart10. Broon's Bane/The Trees11. Fly By Night/In The Mood12. Tom Sawyer13. The Spirit of Radio 14. R40 Medley: Working Man>Limelight>By-Tor and the SnowDog>Hemispheres (parts of)>The Fountain of Lamneth (parts of)>La Villa Strangiato (parts of)15. 2112 (Overture-The Temples of Syrinx-The Grand Finale) Edited March 25, 2015 by BlairC45
bordercollie Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 I'll always take whatever Rush gives us, but that 1st set would challenge even the most diehard fan's patience, especially on Night B! ;) 1
LocalsBandGuy Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 I was going to tweak my ideas from last month, but it still looks realistic to me............. 2112 OvertureHead Long FlightDrivenDistant Early WarningTime Stand Still/BravadoCut To The ChaseDreamline/Subdivisions Malignant Narcissism w/ short drum soloJacob's Ladder (slightly shortened)Tom Sawyer Vital SignsNew World ManMarathon/Force-10Roll The Bones/AnimateShow, Don't TellLimelight YYZ/Drum SoloNatural ScienceXanaduBy-Tor & The Snowdog (shortened)--->The Necromancer (instrumental section w/Alex Solo)--->Working ManThe Spirit Of Radio La Villa Strangiato
BlairC45 Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 I'll always take whatever Rush gives us, but that 1st set would challenge even the most diehard fan's patience, especially on Night B! ;) True, I hear ya. It's all the part of the fun even if we're all wrong lol. You think like me (possibility) the last tour and the threads and speculations shouldn't matter cos at the end of the day we should be greatful for this upcoming tour because it's might be (for some of us) will be the last time we hear the Tom Sawyer's,The Spirit of Radio's and all the other live staple songs we loved over the Years. Not to mention to seeing our boys up there on the Stage. 1
yyzyy Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 What I'm feeling today... The Big MoneyTime Stand StillDistant Early WarningCinderella ManSubdivisionsBravadoThe TreesXanaduRed BarchettaStick It OutBy-Tor & The SnowdogJacob's LadderLimelightThe Analog Kid -- AfterimageMarathonLock & KeyShow Don't TellRoll the BonesNobody's HeroDrivenGhost RiderWorkin' Them AngelsCarniesYyzDrum SoloCloser to the HeartLa Villa StrangiatoThe Spirit of RadioTom Sawyer -- 2112 (Overture - Temples of Syrinx)Working Man
bordercollie Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 I'll always take whatever Rush gives us, but that 1st set would challenge even the most diehard fan's patience, especially on Night B! ;) True, I hear ya. It's all the part of the fun even if we're all wrong lol. You think like me (possibility) the last tour and the threads and speculations shouldn't matter cos at the end of the day we should be greatful for this upcoming tour because it's might be (for some of us) will be the last time we hear the Tom Sawyer's,The Spirit of Radio's and all the other live staple songs we loved over the Years. Not to mention to seeing our boys up there on the Stage. The speculation is fun. I want to predict a list, but can't commit to anything. I think they'll pull a few really old ones out, can reason why/how they could do it, but am not ready to pinpoint which ones. 1
GabesCavesOfIce Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 Set 1---- AnthemLimelightRed BarchettaDifferent StringsCut to the Chase----DrivenBetween the WheelsRed TideXanaduTom Sawyer -----Set 2----- In the MoodFly by NightBastille DaySomething for NothingCinderella Man----PreludeJacobs LadderYYZDrum SoloDigital Man----Headlong FlightSpirit of Radio---- Encore- Overture/TemplesLa VillaIn the End
TexMike Posted March 27, 2015 Posted March 27, 2015 I'll take a shot at the reverse chronology idea (Feedback not included). I keep thinking they will try to include at least something from every album. SET ONE 1. Headlong Flight2. Far Cry3. Secret Touch4. Driven5. Leave That Thing Alone6. Roll The Bones7. The Pass8. Turn The Page9. Neil drum solo #110. Mystic Rhythms11. The Enemy Within12. Subdivisions SET TWO 1. YYZ2. Limelight3. Red Barchetta4. Freewill5. Natural Science6. Circumstances7. The Trees8. Xanadu9. Neil drum solo #210. 2112 (Overture/Temples Of Syrinx)11. Medley: Bastille Day/Anthem/Working Man12. The Spirit Of Radio ENCORE 1. Closer To The Heart2. Tom Sawyer3. La Villa Strangiato 1
GabesCavesOfIce Posted March 27, 2015 Posted March 27, 2015 (edited) I'll take a shot at the reverse chronology idea (Feedback not included). I keep thinking they will try to include at least something from every album. SET ONE 1. Headlong Flight2. Far Cry3. Secret Touch4. Driven5. Leave That Thing Alone6. Roll The Bones7. The Pass8. Turn The Page9. Neil drum solo #110. Mystic Rhythms11. The Enemy Within12. Subdivisions SET TWO 1. YYZ2. Limelight3. Red Barchetta4. Freewill5. Natural Science6. Circumstances7. The Trees8. Xanadu9. Neil drum solo #210. 2112 (Overture/Temples Of Syrinx)11. Medley: Bastille Day/Anthem/Working Man12. The Spirit Of Radio ENCORE 1. Closer To The Heart2. Tom Sawyer3. La Villa Strangiato I like it cuz its a Rush setlist and tries to pull from all eras... But I think the band said they are looking to play older stuff that's been on the shelf for awhile. I hope! The first set opens heavy with post 1991, and then closes with the less popular 80s albums. Love Enemy Within but has very similar feel as CA tour. Subdivisions overplayed but fun. Still great Rush! fans from the last tour that had to sit around for three hours until they stopped ignoring their entire 1970s era might not like being ignored again... Then set 2 goes oldies, but to the songs they've played a million times. I tried a mix of old/popular/not played much on mine above. But hey, if they play yours, I'm still rockin with ya there! Edited March 27, 2015 by Gabrielgil513
TexMike Posted March 27, 2015 Posted March 27, 2015 Gabrielgil513, if you count Permanent Waves as a 1970s album, then nearly all of the second set I proposed is from that era. Yes, the first set is all post-Moving Pictures, but the second set would make up for that. And that would be the difference from the CA show where the '70s didn't really show up until the encore. Yes, many tunes I suggested might be called overplayed by diehards, but they are still considered classics by the casual fans (who the band has to please as well). And really, when was the last time we got a full "Xanadu" AND a full "Natural Science" in the same show? They are only going to play a couple of their long epic pieces, not ALL of them. I know Geddy said on TMS that they would attempt to "dabble", but I think the people expecting as many songs from the first three albums as were in your setlist will be disappointed. The guys don't really care for those records (Neil especially), plus Geddy can't realistically still sing most of that stuff. A lot of what they attempt in rehearsal just won't pass their standards of today. I think "A Farewell To Kings" and "Hemispheres" have the best chance of having some of their treasures unearthed. Let's hope so! But other than a few special nuggets added in, I think this show will still follow the established Rush show pattern. It's their fortieth anniversary and they will acknowledge all 40 of those years (and the songs most people know) in some way. Only six more weeks till we find out for sure!
GabesCavesOfIce Posted March 27, 2015 Posted March 27, 2015 Gabrielgil513, if you count Permanent Waves as a 1970s album, then nearly all of the second set I proposed is from that era. Yes, the first set is all post-Moving Pictures, but the second set would make up for that. And that would be the difference from the CA show where the '70s didn't really show up until the encore. Yes, many tunes I suggested might be called overplayed by diehards, but they are still considered classics by the casual fans (who the band has to please as well). And really, when was the last time we got a full "Xanadu" AND a full "Natural Science" in the same show? They are only going to play a couple of their long epic pieces, not ALL of them. I know Geddy said on TMS that they would attempt to "dabble", but I think the people expecting as many songs from the first three albums as were in your setlist will be disappointed. The guys don't really care for those records (Neil especially), plus Geddy can't realistically still sing most of that stuff. A lot of what they attempt in rehearsal just won't pass their standards of today. I think "A Farewell To Kings" and "Hemispheres" have the best chance of having some of their treasures unearthed. Let's hope so! But other than a few special nuggets added in, I think this show will still follow the established Rush show pattern. It's their fortieth anniversary and they will acknowledge all 40 of those years (and the songs most people know) in some way. Only six more weeks till we find out for sure! Cant wait! I am with you on AFTK and Hemis- I think we agree on those two!You do have alot of great 70s tunes towards the end, it seems that they have played all of those since R30/VT tours. If this is their last big tour, its one last chance to play "that" tune thats been left off so many times. I give Rush credit, they do seem to pull a couple of rabbits out, even when they have a new album to promote! I recall hearing both Xanadu (which we agree on) and Nat Sci (love it- but left off since its been done multiple tours recently). Maybe not the full version, but they have been played. I will stick to my first set for now, I think it is fair- not too much from the first three albums and addresses the "popularity" concern. Anthem is the first stretch here. Hasnt been played in eons (except for the R30 medly), and if Ged modifies the vocals, that would be great to hear (lets face it, he'll have to modify alot at this stage). Anthem is a huge rocker, even for casual fans not familiar, that place would be jumping! May a need to replace a song in the first set with an instrumental, to give Geds voice a rest, I would chose Leave that Thing Alone (from your list). 2 more stretches - Different Strings and Cut (both never been played). And judging by TRF- seems there is a large demand for both of these. Strings would be a great 'rest' tune and easy on the voice. Nice mood shift deep cut from a very popular album. Another stretch is Red Tide, I have always liked this one, and its on the 'Never Played List' on the PoW web site. To repeat a HYF or PoW tune, I dont see any advantage with the 'casual' fans there. I think they should be reaching for a few never been played tunes. I'm closing out set one with two mega Rush popular tunes, Xanadu and Tom Sawyer. That would demolish the house! Also Red Barchetta and Limelight in Set 1- thats 4 out of 10 hugely popular Rush tunes in set one- a far cry above the CA tour set 1!
TexMike Posted March 27, 2015 Posted March 27, 2015 Gabrielgil513, your list (especially set 1) would be great and I didn't mean to imply otherwise. Anthem (complete with vocals), Cinderella Man and Cut To The Chase would be sweet. Why they've never played CTTC is beyond me. It's a totally rockin' song and not too demanding vocally. Hopefully, this time! Xanadu, I believe, will be saved for the second set. And I doubt they'll ignore their more recent albums as much as your list, but I'd be totally cool if they did!
GabesCavesOfIce Posted March 27, 2015 Posted March 27, 2015 Nah, I really like lookin over everyone's list.set 2 has something unique in it, but that's where there was too much early stuff, if there is such a thing!
Between The Beers Posted March 31, 2015 Posted March 31, 2015 SET ONE 1. Headlong Flight2. Animate3. Freewill4. Malignant Narcissism5. Cut To The Chase6. The Weapon7. Subdivisions8. The Trees9. Roll The Bones10. Natural Science11. Tom Sawyer SET TWO 1. One Little Victory2. Show Don't Tell3. Red Barchetta4. Jacob's Ladder5. Emotion Detector6. Limelight7. The Garden8. Limbo / Neil Solo9. Alex Solo / Different Strings 10. 2112 (Overture/Temples Of Syrinx)11. Hemispheres (prelude) / By-Tor (first half) / Xanadu ( excerpt)12. Working Man ENCORE 1. Fly By Night2. YYZ2. The Spirit Of Radio 1
Christo Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 I wonder what the setlist would look like if the band played purely what THEY wanted, rather than trying to (even partly) please fans? 1
BlairC45 Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 I wonder what the setlist would look like if the band played purely what THEY wanted, rather than trying to (even partly) please fans? Yes, that would be interesting!
rugen Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 I wonder what the setlist would look like if the band played purely what THEY wanted, rather than trying to (even partly) please fans? Yes, that would be interesting! I am sure that the majority of people on this Forum would take any setlist from the band, as long as they can pulled it off as musicians, especially Geddy's voice. 1
SUBDIVISIONS Posted April 5, 2015 Posted April 5, 2015 #1 SUBDIVISIONSThe Seeker Members 199 postsGender:MalePosted 01 April 2015 - 12:00 AMhiI am sorry to spoil all Rushians around but this is the official setlist 1. R40 OvertureWorking Man/ By tor & Snow Dog/ necromancer/ something for nothing/Cinderella Man/ Circumstances First Set CaravanThe Spirit of Radio Stick it OutSubdivisions Earthshine Peaceable Kingdom The AnarchistYYZ The Trees Prime MoverNeil soloThe larger bowlFar Cry Second Set Tom Sawyer Dreamline Headlong FlightDistant Early WarningJacobs LadderRed Sector A Drum Solo The GardenClockwork Angels ---Encore2112 Part I: Overture 2112 Part II: The Temples of Syrinx 2112 Part VII: Grand Finale Spare me the order I was kind enough to live not one or two but 3 free spots for your restless dreams of youthyou can wet your moustache thinking Test for echo, The weapon, Scars!But honestly they will fill it with:-More bubba & lerxts solos- "take a piss and re-fill your beer" songs like: bravado or the pass (as usual) And some wrong choice song like: freewilly, wish them hell, xanax-du as they are closer to the heart...attack.
losingit2k Posted April 5, 2015 Posted April 5, 2015 (edited) I guess its time to refine the wish list: Set 1: Far CryCaravanLimelight** Geddy Talks to Folks**Cut to the ChaseOpen SecretsTest For EchoMal-Nar- Drum Solo #1Show Don't TellClockwork Angels2112 (O/T/F) Intermission: Set 2: The Spirit of RadioFreewillJacobs LadderEntre NousDifferent StringsNatural Science**Geddy Talks Again***The AnarchistCarniesRed BarchettaDistant Early WarningNew World ManYYZ - Drum Solo #2Alex's Solo/ La Villa Strangiatto (Entire)Xanadu (Entire) Encore: R40 Instrumedley (Working Man/ By Tor / The Necromancer/ A Passage to Bangkok/ Cygnus X-1/ Hemisphere (Prelude)Tom SawyerHeadlong Flight :rush: :rush: :rush: :Alex: :Neil: :geddy: Edited April 5, 2015 by losingit2k
dtpoet Posted April 5, 2015 Posted April 5, 2015 (edited) I drew a lot of the set up for R30 using an almost 2:1 ratio. Moving Pictures is ground zero. The ratio applies to songs post- MP versus pre-MP, excluding a medley, solos, and acoustic sets. R30 had 28 songs; 4 from MP, 12 post, 9 pre, & 3 Feedback. My R40 is 26 songs (hey, it's 10 years later) 4 from MP, 14 post, & 8 pre. Tough deciding what goes and what stayed but here it is what I came up with.... SET 1Headlong FlightAnimateDrivenFreewillTime Stand Stilla. Red Barchetta / b. Vital SignsKid GlovesMarathona. Dreamline / b. Red Sector AYYZXanadu SET 22112: Overture2112: Temples of SyrinxSpirit Of RadioSubdivisionsa. Distant Early Warning / b. Roll The BonesJacob's LadderShow Don't Tella. Mission / b. Nobody's HeroEarthshineLimboDrum SoloAcoustic Seta. Closer To The Heart / b. The TreesTom SawyerR40 Medley (from first 4 ending w Grand Finale) ENCORE:Far CryLa VillaLimelight Edited April 6, 2015 by dtpoet
LocalsBandGuy Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 I like it dt, but add up the minutes and you'll find you need to trim a decent bit. 1st set at 75 minutes is a solid 15 minutes too long. 2nd is probably 10 minutes long. Encore is 15 minutes, tops the last number of tours. Trim it and see what you get. I'd like to see it. I'm gonna give my set a final looking over and repost it.
GabesCavesOfIce Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 dt,the a and b are rotated in and out? If so you may have a realistic set length. Some good surprises you have, but seems light on 70s. Seems to be unanimous theme on TRF, they ain't gonna play much 70s. I think it would be beyond spectacular to hear something for nothing, Bastille day or anthem. Any vintage tune that hasn't seen the light of day in eons. They successfully redid vocals for circumstances, that sounded great on SnA.
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