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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/14 in all areas

  1. How does the name Lorraine relate to Rush? Lorraine is the woman Rush should know but doesn't. Rush's loss. TRF's gain!
    4 points
  2. Chris Squire is awesome
    4 points
  3. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Hemispheres is the best Rush album ever. Every bar of every song is top shelf. But, the suite itself… effing rules ALL prog rock epics including: Supper’s Ready and Close to the Edge.
    4 points
  4. 16 March 2014 Sunday The Titan Arum Amorphophallus titanum http://i.imgur.com/sAtk90F.png http://i.imgur.com/q69WGSs.png http://i.imgur.com/nRM9UdN.png http://i.imgur.com/jRegam3.png http://i.imgur.com/4odhROL.png http://botit.botany....n_Arum_Archive/
    3 points
  5. Ugh, here we go again.
    3 points
  6. I agree that snobbery is a sort of defense. I also think that people with low self esteem use it offensively, in order to make themselves feel better (although I am not accusing Geddy of that; seeing that clip I thought it was just a youthful naïveté). I know I've been guilty of thinking "my music is more obscure/more progressive/less popular that yours therefore it is better" in the past but at some point I got over that. Well, mostly got over that—I still think there's good & bad music, but just because something is more progressive or whatever doesn't mean it's necessarily better. Does all that make sense?
    3 points
  7. My husband LOVES to blast Hemispheres in the car and pretend we are on some journey through space while we drive down the 101. It's his favorite.
    3 points
  8. Amen. AFTK has fared better IMO, Hemispheres is a great effort but overcooked IMO. Get a room you two. :eyeroll: The musicianship on that album is still outstanding today. Hemispheres is far and away my absolute favorite. Perfection. It has aged like a fine wine. I think I posted somewhere how my guitar player and I sat around and were doing quiet acoustic Rush tunes after a practice one night. The beauty of the full ringing acoustic chords with the melodic harmonizing bass lines is astounding. Perhaps we will record it and I'll post it here. You've got to hear it to believe it.
    3 points
  9. I think getting "snobby" about Prog is a defence mechanism. Having lived through the 70s as a teenager but a little too young to have been in the Prog movement from the start there was always a backlash against this music I liked. In some respects Prog is about infusing different styles into the rock format and that necessarily requires a relatively high degree of musicianship, and that becomes our weapon of choice when defending ourselves against the peevish masses of pop, rock, and indie fans as in "your band can't even play properly". Nobody ever calls Classical Music pretentious yet rock musicians who aspire to painting musical soundscapes and something more esoteric than good old 4 bar boogie are sneered at. Why wouldn't you want to aspire to be the best that you can be?
    3 points
  10. I think they were on the defensive at the time. Critics despised Prog, and Rush I'm sure we're feeling the heat . So I can't blame Geddy for being sensitive about it.. Who knows what treatment they were getting from other bands as well.. I know they did some shows with Cheap Trick , The Runaways.. I can't see those bands diggin what Rush were about The punk / new wave aesthetic can be quite intense , and guys from that scene can be very insulting and in your face.. They basically don't like much music beyond their scene They also played some shows with Tom Petty.. Talk about polar opposites
    3 points
  11. I agree- if your family is as supportive as you say they are, then you need to find it in you to be brutally honest with them about where you are in your own head. That can be a huge mind-monster, but it may very well turn out better than you think. I also agree that professional help would be a good thing, if you can get it. But that is also something that won't help unless you can be completely honest with a therapist. It's great that you feel comfortable enough with us here to talk about this, but posting these things on a website only goes so far. There are likely a lot more things you'll need to disclose if you're going to get to the heart of the issue(s).
    3 points
  12. Amen. AFTK has fared better IMO, Hemispheres is a great effort but overcooked IMO. Blasphemy! :)
    3 points
  13. I just missed him. I went to chat room and he was gone I didn't. He just said something about Vapor Trails sucking and polishing a turd or something and left seemingly as quick as he came..... No way dude. Really? I'll bet he's been working on his post for a year I had ample opportunity to get in there, but lost my nerve. :| I tried again...he stayed and we talked about VT. He changed his mind on the album just kidding. He took off quicker than Turbo at the Indy 500
    3 points
  14. I just missed him. I went to chat room and he was gone I didn't. He just said something about Vapor Trails sucking and polishing a turd or something and left seemingly as quick as he came..... No way dude. Really? I'll bet he's been working on his post for a year I had ample opportunity to get in there, but lost my nerve. :| I tried again...he stayed and we talked about VT. He changed his mind on the album
    3 points
  15. Best. Song. Ever. I know what you guys are talking about. From the very beginning phasey guitar chord to the end it's an awesome journey. I don't remember when I first heard it but it's been my favorite Rush song to play bar none. It's too bad they didn't do more albums like this.
    3 points
  16. Over't'thishere thread... http://www.therushfo...on/page__st__40 ...gedicated to the lack of love for Lerxst superiority—and as is wont to happen on any forum thread the world-wide-web over—the discussion got trolled veered towards Dirk being a dork, more specifically, such a prog-nerd that it had perhaps gone ever-so slightly to his head. The brilliantly moniker'd Xanadoood offered this observation: I remember this interview and other interviews from the era well. The band at this point did seem to have a small chip on its shoulder. They were, after all, still trying to progress further, and even embrace the new wave, while countervailing forces were reverberating still, which led to the likes of Rush being mocked. Perhaps this was as a result of the bad name that "prog" got, seen through the eyes of those who appreciated the raw energy that punk had infused back into rock & roll as a whole. Typical, however, is that punk had all but come and gone as a mainstream-ish sensation at that point in history. So perhaps my assessment is false, here. Nevertheless, Rush were definitely embracing their outsider status to the extent that their views seemed to mirror those of their teenage (and not so teenaged) fans. I tend to agree with Xanadoood on this one, though I also see Ged's point, I think, at least the one from the quote. If you take the "cause all they know are the basics" in isolation—and depending on your familiarity with Geddy Lee—you will either come to the conclusion that he is a being arrogant, or that he is simply stating a matter of fact, with no intent to belittle anyone else. One should keep in mind that the view that Rush are or were ever not mainstream is a pretty narrow one. Relative to the top 40, sure, they were always struggling. But let's face it, they have always been knocking on that door. Just because they weren't Michael Jackson or Def Leppard or AC/DC or Madonna in popular appeal, does not mean they were not mainstream. Now I am not partial to the term "progressive rock" - even less-so "prog" - but that is my issue. Rush, in my opinion, cannot be pigeon-holed into what has essentially become a genre when it was supposed to be about an approach to making music. They are rock and roll, more or less. But ask King Crimson past and present (yes present) about fame and notoriety and being under-appreciated. Hell, most Rush fans (or people who would say they are Rush fans) don't even realize that Crimson have two studio albums as recent as this century. And the material on those albums is just a bit more a departure from "the basics" than what Rush have done. Nevertheless, when you look at it from a broader perspective, both groups belong in the rock & roll category. And beyond those two bands exist loads of bands and groups and musical configurations that would still get placed in the Rock/Pop section of a record store if they could just get anyone to listen to their music. Again, as Xanadoood pointed out, Geddy and the band know this and have indeed mellowed with age. They are fully aware that what they are doing is essentially popular music, even if they continue to strive to make it new and different. But the question that arose is an interesting one: :codger: Are you or have you ever been a prog snob!! :spitwater: Answer the question!
    2 points
  17. I do hope they show you the same compassion as those you've already told. I'm going to guess, based on the fact that you refer to finishing college and then going on to university, that you're not in the States. I'm not sure what career path you're pursuing but it sounds as though it requires a targeted professional degree. Otherwise I'd echo what some others are saying - that grades matter surprisingly little once you actually enter the workforce. I have an MA in Philosophy, of all things, and I work in wireless/telecommunications! All anyone really cares about is that I have a degree. Please don't discount your family's offer of professional help if the university services don't seem to be working. And meds aren't the Big Bad Wolf some people make them out to be. If you need them, don't feel like you've somehow failed.
    2 points
  18. Holy hot wax thread revival!
    2 points
  19. There's an app for that. http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/cm/goodhousekeeping/images/KT/ghk-scott-extra-soft-toilet-paper-mdn.jpg
    2 points
  20. Take a year off. You've got too many irons in the fire at the same time. And whatever you do - DON'T despair. Please. You are young. When you are young, it doesn't take much to make you think your world is crashing down around you. You have a life to live and decades ahead in which to do it. Please do not do anything rash. I don't care if you are a believer or not, I will pray for you nonetheless.
    2 points
  21. Don't be discouraged Kenny. Keep doing what you do. Expecting a drummer to play Neil Peart perfectly is simply unrealistic. If you play as well as you did when I saw you at JB McGinnes, I expect you will be received very well at "Prog Night" at Dobbs.
    2 points
  22. There's no tutoring available for anything beyond 200 level courses, Those ones I managed to do average on. I've asked professors for tutors, they all respond with something like "There are no tutors. Just ask me, that's why I have office hours" and then get frustrated when I ask the most basic of questions. I have the textbooks and consult them regularly, I find online recordings on youtube, even notes from other universities but I still don't always get it. What you need to do is get together with some of your fellow students and have study groups. That's what I did in college and it really helped. You can be sure you're not the only one that's going through this. You don't need to suffer alone. When people are going through depression they tend to isolate themselves. Anything you can do to connect with other people in a positive environment will help you. Even if you don't necessarily feel like doing it, make yourself. It's the only way to pull yourself out of these negative type thoughts and feelings. I remember feeling like you are feeling when I was younger and trying to decide on a career path. I thought that everything was so black-and-white as far as my future. You don't have to feel like you have to pick one path and then you're stuck in it for the rest of your life. Your job/career should not be the most important thing in your life. It's what you do outside of work that really counts. Your hobbies, interests and friends/family are what make up your life.
    2 points
  23. I am no expert on these kinds of things Lord knows but I would like to give you much credit for something. I appreciate the fact that you are not blaming your parents or family. I was beginning to think I was the only one who has had wonderful parents and family in general. I have grown children myself and think we did a pretty damn good job raising them but I would hope if they had the kinds of issues you are having that they would come to us. I really think if you do go to your family with this it will only prove to bring you closer now and forever. Never forget that your parents and family members are humans too with all the frailties we all have. I bet they will love and care for you even more if that is possible when you get through this together.... Best of luck :)
    2 points
  24. Or eating their ass while cooking a steak. This made me laugh so hard! :LMAO: Oh and BTW Today is Steak and BJ Day. :LMAO: My husband got one of those yesterday. I'll let you all guess which one. It's good to hear someone is living the dream anyway... :cheers: Yeah except he said his steak was a little rarer than he would have liked. :syrinx:
    2 points
  25. No...that way there's no witnesses! It's called "plausible deniability." :P Oh and maybe stop by the produce dept. and pick up some fruit of your choice to mix it up. And whipped cream in the dairy section, yup.
    2 points
  26. I remember that interview and thought the same thing. It is not until seeing Beyond The Lighted Stage that I thought he was just being Geddy and not trying to be condescending. What changed my view? When he was speaking of Kiss he gave the most back handed compliment: "Say what you want about Kiss musically or otherwise, they are the hardest working band around" or something to that effect. In otherwords, they're not musically anything special but they put on a good show. Do I think Geddy was trying to put down Kiss? Not at all. I think He genuinely meant it as a compliment. In the other interview he says bands are going back to basics cause all they know is the basics and that leads the band into complimenting the Talking Heads, The Police, etc. It comes across snobby but I really don't think he meant it to be. Did that make sense? I am not a prog snob at all. I dig Green Day, The Ramones, AC/DC, Violent Femmes, etc. Certainly not an elitist. I will, however, get into a heated argument with anybody who bashes Rush musically. They are Gods among men and will be treated as such as long as I'm around.
    2 points
  27. First of all, if you are at the point of considering suicide, see what resources are available in terms of counseling. Can you see a therapist? Does your university have a counselor? Is there an outreach program in your area? As for your failing of courses, you might have to slow down and take fewer per semester if possible. And as for the "escapism" part, ask yourself what it really is that's holding you back. While some people simply slack off, others sabotage themselves because they have a hidden fear of success and the unknown stressors that may come with it. If you're having anxiety attacks, you could be afraid of a lot of things you didn't know you were.
    2 points
  28. My environment is not at an issue. I have an incredibly loving family that thinks very highly of me, thinking I'll go far in life. I thought I would too, I worked hard and it seemed to be going well. That line you wrote is enough to make you feel wanted and proud. Be honest with them. They will understand and show you how much your needed. Umoveme has good advice to !
    2 points
  29. It didn't come across clichéd and tackled the dilemmas and decisions I would imagine existed in a post-zombie apocalypse world. A child is the problem. Dark, indeed. The characters seemed real and sincere and believable. Everything simply worked. And the fire zombies kicked ass.
    2 points
  30. I liked everything about tonight's episode. So complex and surprisingly emotional for a Walking Dead episode.
    2 points
  31. Bloody hell..! Some dark shit. Best episode of this half of the season....BY FAR.
    2 points
  32. I take requests, so I made a note of that. I was posting these in the spam thread but they chased me out —told me to start my own damned thread. The nerve. . .
    1 point
  33. All of the songs on the album kinda seem dated to me except LVS but who cares man I live in the 70's!
    1 point
  34. First time I went to Scotland was in 1994 but that's another story. Braveheart kept the fire burning and I went several times in the 90's. I loved it back then to do solo trips out in the wilderness. Sigh. I'm also in love with black tea. At the moment it's the Brooke's Scottish Blend. Other faves are Tetley's, PG, Twinnings...and a Welsh product, but I forgot the name.
    1 point
  35. I've discovered tea in 1995, when I was in Scotland the second time. It saved my life after a 3 day walk through the Highlands. Do you have an absolute favourite?
    1 point
  36. I've been sweetening my tea with the ECHTER DEUTSCHER HONIG you sent me. I've made it last this long...Thanks Friarman! Wow that's a long time. In my house the dandelion honey has a much shorter lifespan. It's very good in a tea. Enjoy ma friend. Cool thing about honey is that it never spoils...ever!!! That's indeed a miracle to me and I'm always amazed by the variety of available tastes. Honey rules. We've got quite a few honey farmers here...you see the apiary boxes everywhere. I've got a friend who owns a coffee company and he also deals in tea. Tea is a new revelation in my life. Really getting into the breakfast tea variety. My bud buys 100lb bags for as much as $6000 bucks a pop. The roasting process is fascinating as is the mixing of varieties to make new flavors
    1 point
  37. I've been sweetening my tea with the ECHTER DEUTSCHER HONIG you sent me. I've made it last this long...Thanks Friarman! Wow that's a long time. In my house the dandelion honey has a much shorter lifespan. It's very good in a tea. Enjoy ma friend. Cool thing about honey is that it never spoils...ever!!! Neither does water
    1 point
  38. I've been sweetening my tea with the ECHTER DEUTSCHER HONIG you sent me. I've made it last this long...Thanks Friarman! Wow that's a long time. In my house the dandelion honey has a much shorter lifespan. It's very good in a tea. Enjoy ma friend. Cool thing about honey is that it never spoils...ever!!!
    1 point
  39. 1. Alice Cooper - Stolen Prayer 2. Dream Theater - Along For The Ride 3. AC/DC - Big Gun 4. Iron Maiden - Isle Of Avalon 5. Anthrax - This Is Not An Exit 6. Slayer - Unit 731 7. Def Leppard - Satellite 8. Rush - Dreamline 9. Foo Fighters - Have It All 10. Rush - The Way The Wind Blows 11. Type O Negative - Set Me On Fire 12. King Diamond - Cross Of Baron Samedi 13. Iced Earth - Crucify The King 14. Nevermore - Godmoney 15. Faith No More - Ashes To Ashes
    1 point
  40. By the way, next time you listen pay close attention to where the vocals are in the soundscape. As with many early Rush songs they change to emphasize certain elements of the song ;)
    1 point
  41. Twice in one week? At his age? Twice in a month is a momentous occasion! :LMAO:
    1 point
  42. Great album but I don't think age has been kind to "Hemispheres". LVS and The Trees are stronger, in my opinion.
    1 point
  43. 1. Rammstein - Morgenstern 2. ZZ Top - Hi Fi Mama 3. Van Morrison - In The Midnight 4. Rush - Turn The Page 5. John Hiatt - I'll Never Get Over You 6. Rammstein - Amerika 7. Rush - Neurotica 8. Phil Collins - Hand In Hand 9. Phil Collins - The Roof Is Leaking 10. The Black Crowes - Goodbye Daughters Of The Revolution 11. Pete Townshend - Give Blood 12. D:A:D - Soft Dogs 13. Jethro Tull - Fat Man 14. The Who - Love Ain't For Keeping 15. Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight.
    1 point
  44. I just missed him. I went to chat room and he was gone I didn't. He just said something about Vapor Trails sucking and polishing a turd or something and left seemingly as quick as he came..... No way dude. Really? I'll bet he's been working on his post for a year I had ample opportunity to get in there, but lost my nerve. :| Uhhh why Beavis? Could have been awkward if he really is upset with us. I guess I'm just too much of a wallflower. Thank you "half a star"! —Adam Sandler The Longest Yard
    1 point
  45. And now Priest in 1975!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDt40PKKr3U
    1 point
  46. I came up with my own Perfect Priest setlist for the moment just while I had a minute: 1 "Freewheel Burning" 2 "Rapid Fire" 3 "Stained Class" 4 "Heading Out to the Highway" 5 "Hellrider" 6 “Dissident Aggressor” 7 “Worth Fighting For” 8 "Sinner" 9 "Victim of Changes" 10 "Dying to Meet You" 11 "Persecution" 12“The Rage” 13 “Genocide” 14 "Screaming for Vengeance" 15 "Delivering the Goods" 16 "Beyond the Realms of Death" 17 "The Sentinel" 18 "White Heat, Red Hot" 19 "The Green Manalishi (With the Two-Pronged Crown)" 20 Rock hard, Ride Free 21 "Grinder" 21 "Painkiller" 23 “Steeler” 24 "The Hellion"/"Electric Eye" 25 "The Ripper" 26 "Riding on the Wind" And here's a song from it:
    1 point
  47. "I like that song…. Why, why, Zee…" Y Y Zed!!!!
    1 point
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