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Hi All. Dreams come true, and sometimes, good things happen to good people. I had bought what I thought were great seats for the San Antonio, TX show... it ends up that there was an ADA Handicapped seating outcropping right in front of our seats, and we couldn't see the stage at all... and could barely see the "screen". We asked an usher for help. She spoke w/ her manager and the manager sat in our seats and "confirmed" to guest services that we could not see the stage. They graciously moved us to the floor... right in front of the sound board! My wife, daughter, and myself had the time of our lives. I know (especially in this forum) I'll get some heat for taking my 3 y/o daughter to a RUSH concert...but she is a die-hard fan... and we bought her top-of-the-line noise cancelling headphones....she knows the lyrics, and even does choreographed "dances" to the songs. She's a HUGE Neil fan and wants to be a drummer (yes, we bought her a kit). It ends up that some of the techs and tour managers (who I will leave annonymous out of respect for their privacy) had such a great time watching my family "rock out" to RUSH, that we were given guitar picks and invited as VIP guests to the Houston, TX show! WOW! My little girl (Notice her Hand Made "Geddy Corn" shirt) hand-made a drum for Neil and gave it to Geddy at the "mette n greet" to give to Neil. (in our pictures w/ Alex and Geddy, Geddy is holding up the "drum" gift my daughter made Neil... I'll post it at a later date!). It ends up that word came from the top that the drum was given to Neil, and in return he sent out a pair of his used drumsticks for my daughter! The tour photographer caught this moment on film. Here is the link to that moment! http://www.rushshowp...71036&k=BcSMSwS Dreams can come true, and my family and myself will never forget the kindness and genrosity of RUSH and their magnificent crew! I have been a loyal RUSH fan since 1979, have played in a RUSH cover band, and I am a working musician as a profession (I produce music for many TV shows)...and I can honestly say that it is because of RUSH that I do what I do. Just wanted to share...happy holidays to all!1 point
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EfPCPqjoAg Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPsGfhQpUWg Each video is over 90 minutes, so get comfy.1 point
It was awesome!! I watched all of it, and I'm really glad I watched this!! Great job!!1 point
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Oddly enough, just an hour or so before I saw this thread, I skimmed through my radio show back in 2008 where I played this 78-minute medley in its entirety! Very cool to have a video to go along with it now, and still an awesome medley! :cheers: :ebert:1 point
A group achieves near musical perfection, it catches on, gets bought by the millions, gets tons of play. Can't fault the band. Both albums hold up great over time, and bring new generations of fans to their music. Overplayed albums? Sure. Overrated?1 point
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Question is... when they take the long break, will they ever muster up the want to come back?1 point
"Presence" is cranked right now. I might have to take it over PG.1 point
Seems like a decent topic to me, seeing as it's based on a recent interview.1 point
The Rush Fan Film Project is honored to have, as our first guest in this series of interviews, one of the very first and most important fans of Rush, Donna Halper. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amitvOYQsK01 point
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Yes. God, yes. Very much so. Yes. We do need to start posting some more pics though. There have been a lot of great shots of Al from their recent tour. I think he still looks stunningly gorgeous.1 point
I see what you're saying. And you might even be right. But at the same time you have to acknowledge the point that TIMING is critical. She was one of the few that believed in Rush at that time in their career. The fact is is that she did "get the ball rolling". If she didn't take the steps that she did to get behind Rush who knows what direction they would've gone? Who knows what affect more rejection would've done to them? In the end though all that shit doesn't matter. She did what she did and all of us have benefitted from that initial spark. Thanks to the op for that interesting interview.1 point
Excellent! That is a wonderful interview. I've had the privilege of meeting Donna and she is a very warm and friendly person. Thanks, gestet2112! That is simply a fantastic interview. Thank you for sharing! I'm really looking forward to the next installment. :)1 point
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Okay, I just can't my big mouth shut on this one... As a multi-instrumentalist, I'd give the nod to Jonesy, but not by much. The guy can play anything. But, over-all, Geddy kills everyone. Remember, back in the 70s, long before sequencing and any "cheating" was part of the live gig, Geddy used to play bass (and very complex bass, in fact), keyboards, Taurus pedals, and he'd sing LEAD VOCAL too. And, he did this ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I remember seeing the AFT Kings tour in '77 and asking my friend, "How in the hell does he do all that at the same time without going mental?" And, he was only 24 then... Oh, I forgot to mention that played a fair amount of guitar then too, by way of the double-neck Rickenbacker bass/guitar. I think Geddy could own JPJ on just bass playing alone, but when you factor in all of the things he did AT THE SAME TIME, it'd be hard not to vote for the "skinny kid from Willowdale with the high voice."1 point
I'd pick Geddy, easily, and his added singing ability has nothing to do with my choice. Instrumentally alone, he's better. Maybe Jones is the slightly better keyboardist, but Geddy's bass-playing ability is WAY better than JPJ.1 point
Agree on Presto being a diamond in the ruff. I,m currently listening to Caress Of Steel. The Necromancer is an amazing song. I'm not real fond of I Think I'm Going Bald, but I can still listen to it. :drool:1 point
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/1408poster.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a1/The_Mist_poster.jpg1 point
http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz77/tanhuntland/IMG_0339_zps9fc4ea40.jpghttp://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz77/tanhuntland/IMG_0332_zps8de9a2ec.jpghttp://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz77/tanhuntland/IMG_0365_zps90a364cc.jpghttp://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz77/tanhuntland/IMG_0325_zpsd25d11ac.jpghttp://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz77/tanhuntland/IMG_0323_zps178be33a.jpghttp://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz77/tanhuntland/IMG_0331_zps579e4875.jpghttp://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz77/tanhuntland/IMG_0355_zpsb27a7a65.jpghttp://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz77/tanhuntland/IMG_0369_zpsfcdf038f.jpghttp://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz77/tanhuntland/IMG_0342_zps9f447e3a.jpghttp://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz77/tanhuntland/IMG_0394_1_zpsf33a6afa.jpg1 point
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Some more Alex pics I took: http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/Rush%20Cleveland/IMG_1725.jpg http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/Rush%20Cleveland/IMG_1582.jpg http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/Rush%20Cleveland/IMG_1722.jpg http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/Rush%20Cleveland/IMG_1725.jpg http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/Rush%20Cleveland/IMG_1691.jpg Alex doing a little soft shoe dance http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/Rush%20Cleveland/IMG_1687.jpg http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/Rush%20Cleveland/IMG_1622.jpg http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/Rush%20Cleveland/IMG_1696.jpg http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/Rush%20Cleveland/IMG_1595-1.jpg http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/Rush%20Cleveland/IMG_1593-1.jpg1 point
Nice pics, CE! Well, last night I sat in the 3rd row directly in front of Alex. Once I started breathing again after the first few notes of Subdivisions, I broke in my new Canon camera and got some amazing pictures. Here are a few of the best: http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/laserspray/Rush/Rush%20Seattle%20Nov%2013-2012/Alex108.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/laserspray/Rush/Rush%20Seattle%20Nov%2013-2012/Alex61.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/laserspray/Rush/Rush%20Seattle%20Nov%2013-2012/Alex38.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/laserspray/Rush/Rush%20Seattle%20Nov%2013-2012/AlexandBubba10.jpg Now, these few are a bit blurry but just too good! There is just something about this one... so sexy! http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/laserspray/Rush/Rush%20Seattle%20Nov%2013-2012/Alex25.jpg Yes, he is looking at me. We had a moment when my daughter caught a shirt, he was asking if it was his picture on it. "Yes, you!" http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/laserspray/Rush/Rush%20Seattle%20Nov%2013-2012/Alex105.jpg Then we were gifted with a megawatt grin... http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/laserspray/Rush/Rush%20Seattle%20Nov%2013-2012/megawattgrin.jpg TWICE!!!! http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/laserspray/Rush/Rush%20Seattle%20Nov%2013-2012/Alex109.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/laserspray/internet%20stuff/smilies/swoon4.gif He took a liking to my daughter and goofed off for us during most of Tom Sawyer. He was goofing a lot all night but when it came time for a solo, man, he was all business! What a fantastic night! :D1 point
I'm baaaaack! And I have a few nice shots to share from Row 7, Alex's side.... Oh my gosh... the show was freaking amazing!! Alex was goofing off a lot and smiling a lot more. And boy, was he looking hot!!1 point
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QUOTE (Huge Ackman @ Oct 2 2012, 09:55 AM) QUOTE (Animate @ Oct 2 2012, 06:54 AM) Alex in short sleeves! http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z33/bfwgjma/Rush%2007%20Marysville/Rush07Marysville129.jpg That shirt just compilements his ES-355 so well!!1 point