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Albums You've Listened To Today, V.9

The Cat 3

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Edguy - Space Police - Defenders of the Crown


This was a pleasant album.  IMO their best since Hellfire Club.  Very different from their first 5 albums.  But enjoyable.  


Best song was "The Realms of Baba Yaga", the second best was "The Eternal Wayfarer", the 3rd best was a 3 way toss up between "Space Police", "Defenders of the Crown" & "Love Tyger".  "England" is sort of enjoyable in a strange way as well.  I thought the album started very strong, got a bit weak in the middle and then ended well.


Note - I am continually impressed by the lead vocals.  Often sounds like Bruce Dickinson but on the album also sounded like Joe Elliot.


Good band to explore.  Overall better the Helloween - glad I gave them a try.


Now I can either try something else or get back to unpacking my records collection - likely I will try something else since I have been on a pretty good roll with finding some interesting music (something that has not happened in significant quantity in well, decades).  Would like to keep seeing if I can keep exploring and finding some more good music.

Edited by TheAccountant
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1 hour ago, J2112YYZ said:


Tickets for The Warning's show in Baltimore went on sale today.


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In Flames- Soundtrack To Your Escape

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Edguy - Kingdom of Madness


Realized I had not listened to this one and gave it a shot.  Its ok.  Nothing more.  Not their worst but only ok - at best.  Sort of lower tier to me.  The best songs (in the order they appear on the album) were "Heart of Twilight" & "Angel Rebellion".  Not an album that I would really listen to again though.  Better than Tinnitus Sanctus but I can't say it was better than any of their other albums IMO.

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Having explored Edguy it was time to move on.  So, unpack more of my record collection or continue to explore on youtube?  Decided to explore on youtube.  But what band to explore?  After some thought I settled on a band that I am slightly familiar with.  A band I have heard a few songs from and watched part of live shows on youtube in the past.  But not actually listened to their albums.  The band?


Rhapsody of Fire - Dawn of Victory


So, what did I think?  Well first of all, I really like the lyrics.  Reminds me of the late 1970's and early - mid 1980's when I was playing AD&D practically every day with my friends.  1st addition only thank you.  They lost me when they went to 2nd addition.  Why did they need to?  It was just a cash grab.  What they had was great for me.  Of course they had already ruined the game when they (1) pushed the Dragon Lance junk (IMO) on us (2) forced Gary Gygax out (just disastrous) and (3) made the Forgotten Realms the center of the campaigns as opposed to Grayhawk.  Forgotten Realms was not bad but Greyhawk was much better - and why ignore a great campaign world you are already using (and why ram the world of Dragon Lance down my throat as well).  What they had was awesome - why change it?  


Sort for the rant (sort of) - just had to vent.  Still sore spots with me all these years latter.


Anyway, so I really liked the lyrics.  The music is ok.  I will have to listen to them some more.  Something about it did not catch fire with me.


The vocals?  Well sung, but the keys they are sung in did not thrill me.  So it seems to be a good vocalist but not with a style that I really enjoyed.


So its ok and I will explore them more.  But not off to a great start.


The lyrics (like I mentioned) yum.


Best song?  "The Village of the Dwarves." 

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Rhapsody - Power of the Dragonflame


Best (or at least favorite) song?  "Gargoyles, Angeles of Darkness"  After that its a toss up (in no particular order) between the title track, "The March of the Sword-master" & "Pride of the Tyrant".


Other comments:


Love the album art!  Its really awesome.  The lyrics are great.  The music is ok - gets better as the album goes on.  But nothing that thrills me.  The vocals?  Sigh.  I recognize that from the perspective of talent they are very good.  From the perspective of taste they range from ok, to tolerable to yuck. For me their is a lot of yuck.


Still, I will give them another shot since the lyrics are so good.

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