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Hardest Rush book?


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Coming to the end of reading Rush and Philosophy by Berti and Bowman, and it has been one very heavy read. Anyone else read this, in some parts it has been like reading Joseph Conrad or something by Steven Hawking?
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I did a lot of heavy Rush reading over the past year and a half for my Rush paper, but I don't remember a lot of titles. However, I listed everything I used in the paper in the works cited section. My paper should have its own thread somewhere on the front page of this sub forum, I made it a few days ago.
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Hardest Rush book?


Not sure, i've never been hit with one.


Oooooooh...can we make this a challenge?

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I have read quite a few Rush books but I bailed on that book too about halfway in. I am cool with philosophy but that one got boring to me.
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Hardest Rush book?


Not sure, i've never been hit with one.


If it happens make sure it's not this one...




That sucker is no joke! Must weigh, what, #20? :laughing guy:

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I did a lot of heavy Rush reading over the past year and a half for my Rush paper, but I don't remember a lot of titles. However, I listed everything I used in the paper in the works cited section. My paper should have its own thread somewhere on the front page of this sub forum, I made it a few days ago.

I need to read that still.

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Got another one to read; Rush; Rock music and the Middle Classes. Hope that's a bit easier!


I enjoyed that. It made me think about connecting all of those things. It's not a breeze though.


I haven't pulled Rush and Philosophy off of the shelf to read yet as I thought it would be heavy and I'd need time to concentrate on it. I figured it would be a tough one.


I started Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Excellence a few months back, but haven't gotten back into it. That's a tough read too, but I didn't think what I read as too bad. There's a fair bit of MacDonald's book in there and having read that made it easier to get into. I let it sit for a week (a mistake) and never got back to it.


I haven't read Bowman's Experiencing Rush yet, but not because it's difficult. That seems like a book I need to be sitting outside for to enjoy it. I never got to it last summer like I wanted.


Mystic Rhythms (Carol Selby Price) is a bit heavy handed in a way that A Simple Kind Mirror is kind of well... simplistic.

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The paper on Rush and Libertarianism by Steven Horwitz was interesting but the most intriguing was Neil Peart versus Ayn Rand by Deena and Michael Weinstein, showing that most critics hadn't read Anthem properly before making the comparisons with 2112.
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Coming to the end of reading Rush and Philosophy by Berti and Bowman, and it has been one very heavy read. Anyone else read this, in some parts it has been like reading Joseph Conrad or something by Steven Hawking?


I bought that one, expecting it to have had authors contributing who were actually qualified to do so ..


Very disappointed .. Most of it actually pales in comparison to many of the topics here


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I did a lot of heavy Rush reading over the past year and a half for my Rush paper, but I don't remember a lot of titles. However, I listed everything I used in the paper in the works cited section. My paper should have its own thread somewhere on the front page of this sub forum, I made it a few days ago.

I need to read that still.


I'm glad you'd like to! It's probably more than a bit dense itself, but quite a lot of it is stuff everyone here already knows and the rest is me arguing a rather simple point, the IB just declared it must be 4,000 words, so I could've done much more and made it epic, or I could have done much less and covered practically as much ground, but 4,000 words meant it turned out how it did, and I just hope folks here find it readable and enjoyable.

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Coming to the end of reading Rush and Philosophy by Berti and Bowman, and it has been one very heavy read. Anyone else read this, in some parts it has been like reading Joseph Conrad or something by Steven Hawking?


I bought that one, expecting it to have had authors contributing who were actually qualified to do so ..


Very disappointed .. Most of it actually pales in comparison to many of the topics here


Guess that means it will be the last Rush book I pull off of the shelf to read. Had high expectations for that one.

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Hardest Rush book?


Not sure, i've never been hit with one.


If it happens make sure it's not this one...




Had a scan of this yesterday, haven't opened it in years. Yes, quite the tome.


The densest, in every sense of the word, Rush book I've attempted is Price & Price's "Mystic Rhythms: The Philosophical Vision Of Rush.


A typewriter gave birth to a 2 headed baby.

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The hardest read was Mereley Players. Full of grammar and timeline errors. Good hell that was agonizing.


Honorable mention for Visions, the ultimate fanboi wet dream diary.


Supposedly a second Telleria edition was promised from the get-go after the poor reviews, but I've never come across one


I use the correct bits for a quick reference, but that's about it..

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