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Sneak peek inside Neil's new book


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I think people read too much into Neil's attitude about fans. Having read quite a bit of his blogs, he does seem to genuinely appreciate fans who let him know that he inspired them and helped bring about some joy in a person's life. It's the rabid ones, who tell him he's the God of drums, the greatest drummer and lyricist to ever walk the earth, etc that make him feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. And the ones like the nut who murdered Pantera's guitarist are the reason he's really super-nervous about random encounters. If he were Joe Shmoe drummer in a famous band it would be different, but he's not.


I love that Peter Criss story, by the way--I never got to meet him, but met the rest of KISS, and don't have nearly as sweet of a story about that, but I posted elsewhere here more than once of my one meeting with Geddy Lee, which is very similar except it was much more comical than emotionally touching.

Disagree. He's had professional musicians invited to the same events as him in pretty big bands just walk up to introduce themselves and been completely blown off by Neil.


There's a difference between people you respect and everyone else. I think the list of musicians that Neil respects is on the small side.

I disagree back, and I don't think it's as simple as respect or disrespect. Being blown off by Neil could be more about social anxiety than anything else. You assume he was like some normal kid who became a rockstar. He wasn't. He was odd, shy, clumsy, unathletic, and probably teased and picked on a lot by some of the "cool kids" growing up. People like that often have a tough time with compliments, as much as they may have yearned for acceptance earlier. Now the cool kids are suddenly back and wanting to be buddies. Not surprisingly he's wary of some of them, especially the ones he doesn't already know. People who are painfully shy are just scared as hell around any strangers, and they can't just pretend to be extroverts most of the time. Doesn't matter if the stranger happens to be some member of a famous group. And FWIW, being in a famous band doesn't make a person immune to acting like an insane fan, or saying "you're God!" or bringing up his dead wife and daughter or any of the other stuff that notoriously makes Neil run for zee hills. People like that expect every social encounter to end up with them wishing they could have a do over, like when a fan obsesses for months over what they're going to say if they meet their idol, then at the moment of truth they can only act like a puppy drooling all over itself, and muster a "you're my hero," after stammering incoherently for a full minute about whatever they intended as brilliant and scintillating conversation. When a person grows up feeling that way with pretty much any stranger, it's very tough to learn to get over that, even with lots of practice. Another thing to also consider--Just because fans think Neil is the greatest drummer to every hit a drum, doesn't make it true, especially when peers are involved. I'm sure for every famous musician who loves Rush and Neil there's at least one who thinks he's overrated, mediocre and ridiculously showy. And I'd be shocked if he hadn't been face to face with one of those musicians at some point and told he sucks or he's like dentist who has to fill up every hole he sees, or he has no feel, etc.


Well, social anxiety is a different thing all together. I'm sure that's part of it as well but I was just commenting on the musicianship side of it as I know it. Most musicians or creative people in general that I have been around don't take the opinions of a casual fan very seriously because they don't really know the blood sweat and tears that went into creating a piece of music or art. It seems like a shallow compliment. Now with Neil, his awkwardness with people surely seems to play into his issues with them all around.


It's a bullshit elitist attitude that only musicians can appreciate music and what goes into making it. I make films, and believe me, people don't know what goes into making a film any more than they know what goes into making music, and yet somehow I am able to deeply appreciate it when those ignorant people who think that they could make the same film on a iPad praise my work. And I have social anxiety, but when it comes time to do my job, I do it and do it graciously. Certainly I am nowhere near Neil's level, but considering the q&a's I've sweated through and the hands I've shaken and the thanks I've given for praise and the good graces with which I've accepted criticism, while I do understand Neil's distaste for dealing with the public, I don't feel that social anxiety is a good excuse for his level of contempt for his audience. He's just lucky he's in a position where he can get away with it.


I don't understand why people need to believe he's a put-upon nice guy with the milk of human kindness running through his poor socially anxious veins. He doesn't need to have a good character to be a good drummer. I love his work with Rush and am eternally grateful for it. The fact that he's kind of a misanthropic elitist, well...Some people are generally kind and receptive people and some aren't. That's just the human race for you.


It's not so much a "bullshit elitist attitude" but more of a "if you've walked in my shoes you can understand." Creative people on average tend to be insecure as it is.


It's a bullshit elitist attitude if you think that only people who have "walked in your shoes" have worthwhile opinions about your work.


I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't.

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I have a feeling that at this point Lee and Lifeson would just consider it a bit cheesy to try to reinvent Rush. That may just be my bias. I have found the whole post Freddy Queen thing sort of bogus. I see that recognizable Queen logo splashed across some new project with some new awful singer and I think of the Coca-Cola logo or something.


Maybe there's more class in just gracefully . . . ending.


Solo projects - no problem - if you have to make music, you have to make music! And if there is any sort of statement to be made by releasing old live material - anything that transcends the mere need to grub for more money - I'm okay with that, too. I am, however, getting a bit weary of re-releases and new packaging.

That's because there is absolutely no replacement for someone like Freddie Mercury, and the band's sound is pretty much built around his vocal presence.


Neil is just a drummer. Get the next one and move on...

I think he also wrote their lyrics.


His lyrics were nothing special. Too many words crammed into awkward musical phrases. Get the next one and move on.

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I have a feeling that at this point Lee and Lifeson would just consider it a bit cheesy to try to reinvent Rush. That may just be my bias. I have found the whole post Freddy Queen thing sort of bogus. I see that recognizable Queen logo splashed across some new project with some new awful singer and I think of the Coca-Cola logo or something.


Maybe there's more class in just gracefully . . . ending.


Solo projects - no problem - if you have to make music, you have to make music! And if there is any sort of statement to be made by releasing old live material - anything that transcends the mere need to grub for more money - I'm okay with that, too. I am, however, getting a bit weary of re-releases and new packaging.

That's because there is absolutely no replacement for someone like Freddie Mercury, and the band's sound is pretty much built around his vocal presence.


Neil is just a drummer. Get the next one and move on...

I think he also wrote their lyrics.


His lyrics were nothing special. Too many words crammed into awkward musical phrases. Get the next one and move on.

This is rich. One of the reasons he wrote limelight was because of all the nuts coming out of the woodwork obsessed with his lyrics and their secret messages directed at them (in their own minds). I can't think of another lyric writer in the same time that has had their lyrics analyzed more than Neil's.

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Despite what the so called critics say ,Neil's lyrics have been inspirational to me more than say Dylan.Finding another drummer matching Neil's capabilities may be possible but getting one with the same lyrical abilities may be impossible.
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Despite what the so called critics say ,Neil's lyrics have been inspirational to me more than say Dylan.Finding another drummer matching Neil's capabilities may be possible but getting one with the same lyrical abilities may be impossible.

At one time I would've agreed with you...but the Neil that wrote Natural Science is a far cry from the Neil that wrote anything from Counterparts on. Oh sure, there are moments of brilliance in there, but lyically speaking 'old Rush good, new Rush bad' or not always 'bad' per se...'nowhere near as good' lets say. I can see Neil being replaced technically and lyrically, no problem. Rush would sound mostly the same even without him as long as they got a decent drummer. But since I can't see that happening loyalty-wise by Geddy and Alex, It's at least bye-bye Rush as we knew it.

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Finding another drummer matching Neil's capabilities may be possible but getting one with the same lyrical abilities may be impossible.


Who's to say Neil won't help out his old buddies with some words in future...


No time anytime soon, I'd bet.

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What was the quote from Neil ? - "praise of the praiseworthy" ??


We're not talking about social anxiety with a quote like that


I am assuming he means his drumming, because other than ( some ) hardcore Rush fans, I'm not sure how much praise he will receive for his lyrics ..


No offense Big Guy, but I think you should be happy with what the fans have showered on you


You're not going to get much praise from the literary community for those lyrics, blogs or books






Edited by Lucas
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Rock music lyrics maybe don't need to be literary . . . although Hemispheres was studied at my high school during a component on mythology in English class (I wasn't in that class, but heard about it from a fellow Rush fan). I do think Peart's lyrics are often clever, often very visual, and frequently quite thoughtful. Of course, the hackneyed stuff gets tossed in from time to time - but I really do respond to cool lines like "in different circles / indifferent circles" and a lot of the lyrics on Signals, for example.


Just a humble opinion from a member of the literary community (sort of). I'm also a pretty naive, simple cat in a lot of ways.

Edited by toymaker
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Rock music lyrics maybe don't need to be literary . . . although Hemispheres was studied at my high school during a component on mythology in English class (I wasn't in that class, but heard about it from a fellow Rush fan). I do think Peart's lyrics are often clever, often very visual, and frequently quite thoughtful. Of course, the hackneyed stuff gets tossed in from time to time - but I really do respond to cool lines like "in different circles / indifferent circles" and a lot of the lyrics on Signals, for example.


Just a humble opinion from a member of the literary community (sort of). I'm also a pretty naive, simple cat in a lot of ways.


Coming from the biggest KISS fan you will meet, I understand that rock lyrics need not be significant in the literary context .. But Neil has brought this upon himself . .


I love the images songs like Cygnus X1 and The Trees created .. and Vital Signs has some great lyrics .. But when Neil utters something like "praise of the praiseworthy" in a book called "Bring That Horizon To Me" , a fan will react .. Especially when fans are fully aware of his distain for .. well .. THE FANS


We are Rush fans because we like the lyrics, however, we as Rush fans understand that when put up against true literary art, Neil's lyrics are just words in rock music

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Rock music lyrics maybe don't need to be literary . . . although Hemispheres was studied at my high school during a component on mythology in English class (I wasn't in that class, but heard about it from a fellow Rush fan). I do think Peart's lyrics are often clever, often very visual, and frequently quite thoughtful. Of course, the hackneyed stuff gets tossed in from time to time - but I really do respond to cool lines like "in different circles / indifferent circles" and a lot of the lyrics on Signals, for example.


Just a humble opinion from a member of the literary community (sort of). I'm also a pretty naive, simple cat in a lot of ways.


Coming from the biggest KISS fan you will meet, I understand that rock lyrics need not be significant in the literary context .. But Neil has brought this upon himself . .


I love the images songs like Cygnus X1 and The Trees created .. and Vital Signs has some great lyrics .. But when Neil utters something like "praise of the praiseworthy" in a book called "Bring That Horizon To Me" , a fan will react .. Especially when fans are fully aware of his distain for .. well .. THE FANS


We are Rush fans because we like the lyrics, however, we as Rush fans understand that when put up against true literary art, Neil's lyrics are just words in rock music


Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I thought the praiseworthy refers to Copeland in that bit? The praise of the praiseworthy is the praise given by the praiseworthy, which is why it means so much to Peart?


I haven't read through this whole thread, so maybe it's been explained a different way.


Edit - okay I think I see the point people are making. I just read it as his expression of how meaningful the praise is coming from a colleague he admires. But I'll stay out of the speculative stuff re: what he thinks of the fans.

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whatever. There are plenty of examples of Neil being nice to people. Just because he has put some of his life and thoughts on paper, people here without a license to psychoanalize go right ahead and project all their anger over Neil retiring the band right back squarely onto him. There are also plenty of examples of people getting stage fright and avoiding performing altogether (Steisand among others), but the idea that someone might be that way in more intimate situations is not considered, or is treated as a "suck it up and be a man" moment instead of a "gee that guy is really having a hard time, I feel bad for him" moment. That says a lot about certain people here, when that's their level of empathy--zilch. Please everyone here who has a personal letter from Neil or a picture with him (WTF???? He actually took a picture with a fan?????? And it's not meeeeeeeeeeee????) or a book he personally signed for you or a pair of drumsticks he gave to your adorable little child at a show...BURN THAT ALL right on Neil's front lawn, because he didn't mean one single bit of it. If he donated some money for your cancer treatment or helped raise funds, give it back right now, because he's a rotten sourpuss who actually hates people with cancer! He says he hates cancer, but he really just hates people with cancer! Because he's an elitist and they aren't "good enough"! I heard Neil actually sends a bill for $10,000 to all the parents of those kids he gives drumsticks to at shows, by the way, so if your kid got sticks and you never got a bill, expect to hear from lawyers and collection agencies any day now. Come to think of it, there was that time Neil said in an interview that all the worlds problems are caused by "those horrifically intolerable fans of miine." He also kicks every dog, cat, bunny, and any other even remotely cute animal that gets within a hundred feet of him, like a goalie clearing a soccer ball. Did someone here have a story about him committing a double murder once, where he nearly cut his girlfriend's head off and stabbed some waiter that she knew? I'm pretty sure that was Neil. I also caught wind of a rumor that he was the actual architect of the Holocaust in the 1930s. Imagine that! Hating people since 20 years before he was born! Ok. I feel I will now sleep better knowing I've informed you about what a terrible person he is.
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whatever. There are plenty of examples of Neil being nice to people. Just because he has put some of his life and thoughts on paper, people here without a license to psychoanalize go right ahead and project all their anger over Neil retiring the band right back squarely onto him. There are also plenty of examples of people getting stage fright and avoiding performing altogether (Steisand among others), but the idea that someone might be that way in more intimate situations is not considered, or is treated as a "suck it up and be a man" moment instead of a "gee that guy is really having a hard time, I feel bad for him" moment. That says a lot about certain people here, when that's their level of empathy--zilch. Please everyone here who has a personal letter from Neil or a picture with him (WTF???? He actually took a picture with a fan?????? And it's not meeeeeeeeeeee????) or a book he personally signed for you or a pair of drumsticks he gave to your adorable little child at a show...BURN THAT ALL right on Neil's front lawn, because he didn't mean one single bit of it. If he donated some money for your cancer treatment or helped raise funds, give it back right now, because he's a rotten sourpuss who actually hates people with cancer! He says he hates cancer, but he really just hates people with cancer! Because he's an elitist and they aren't "good enough"! I heard Neil actually sends a bill for $10,000 to all the parents of those kids he gives drumsticks to at shows, by the way, so if your kid got sticks and you never got a bill, expect to hear from lawyers and collection agencies any day now. Come to think of it, there was that time Neil said in an interview that all the worlds problems are caused by "those horrifically intolerable fans of miine." He also kicks every dog, cat, bunny, and any other even remotely cute animal that gets within a hundred feet of him, like a goalie clearing a soccer ball. Did someone here have a story about him committing a double murder once, where he nearly cut his girlfriend's head off and stabbed some waiter that she knew? I'm pretty sure that was Neil. I also caught wind of a rumor that he was the actual architect of the Holocaust in the 1930s. Imagine that! Hating people since 20 years before he was born! Ok. I feel I will now sleep better knowing I've informed you about what a terrible person he is.

I knew it!

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whatever. There are plenty of examples of Neil being nice to people. Just because he has put some of his life and thoughts on paper, people here without a license to psychoanalize go right ahead and project all their anger over Neil retiring the band right back squarely onto him. There are also plenty of examples of people getting stage fright and avoiding performing altogether (Steisand among others), but the idea that someone might be that way in more intimate situations is not considered, or is treated as a "suck it up and be a man" moment instead of a "gee that guy is really having a hard time, I feel bad for him" moment. That says a lot about certain people here, when that's their level of empathy--zilch. Please everyone here who has a personal letter from Neil or a picture with him (WTF???? He actually took a picture with a fan?????? And it's not meeeeeeeeeeee????) or a book he personally signed for you or a pair of drumsticks he gave to your adorable little child at a show...BURN THAT ALL right on Neil's front lawn, because he didn't mean one single bit of it. If he donated some money for your cancer treatment or helped raise funds, give it back right now, because he's a rotten sourpuss who actually hates people with cancer! He says he hates cancer, but he really just hates people with cancer! Because he's an elitist and they aren't "good enough"! I heard Neil actually sends a bill for $10,000 to all the parents of those kids he gives drumsticks to at shows, by the way, so if your kid got sticks and you never got a bill, expect to hear from lawyers and collection agencies any day now. Come to think of it, there was that time Neil said in an interview that all the worlds problems are caused by "those horrifically intolerable fans of miine." He also kicks every dog, cat, bunny, and any other even remotely cute animal that gets within a hundred feet of him, like a goalie clearing a soccer ball. Did someone here have a story about him committing a double murder once, where he nearly cut his girlfriend's head off and stabbed some waiter that she knew? I'm pretty sure that was Neil. I also caught wind of a rumor that he was the actual architect of the Holocaust in the 1930s. Imagine that! Hating people since 20 years before he was born! Ok. I feel I will now sleep better knowing I've informed you about what a terrible person he is.


But if all that was said here was gushing praise, that would get boring, fast




like Neil's books

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What was the quote from Neil ? - "praise of the praiseworthy" ??


We're not talking about social anxiety with a quote like that


I am assuming he means his drumming, because other than ( some ) hardcore Rush fans, I'm not sure how much praise he will receive for his lyrics ..


No offense Big Guy, but I think you should be happy with what the fans have showered on you


You're not going to get much praise from the literary community for those lyrics, blogs or books








I think you totally missed the meaning of that quote. "Praise of the praiseworthy" means receiving praise from someone who deserves it as much or more than you do. He's referring to the compliment he received from Stewart Copeland in this case. It's coming from a humble place. I've heard Neil talk about that saying in one of his other books. No wonder Neil is so misunderstood.

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about neil's attitude to fans, on the RTB tour i sent him a letter to the Sheffield Arena in England where i was going to watch the guys, enclosing an S.A.E and a biro, also an account of a pretty crazy dream i'd had about the band at the end of which asked for his autograph...


he sent his autograph back signed with the biro i included, with a few words indicating he'd read my shit and actually thought about it. he READ THE SHIT AND THOUGHT ABOUT IT. if wasnt for birth of my kids i'd say was proudest moment of my life still to this day.



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Well, I was pleasantly surprised to see that this book isn't just a (re) printing of articles from his blog - I think his book a few years ago was just a re-hashing and I was disappointed to just have a collection of things I had already read online. I was put off by this and actually skipped picking up his next book (unheard-of for a one time completionist!) I was actually planning on doing the same for this; but the preview seems to indicate the new book contains a significant amount of new stories (at least judging from the titles). I also preferred the preview to many other of his blog entries (which often contained way too much about the flora and fauna of a desert trip - works great for my insomnia! Again, unheard-of for a one time Neil fan boi.) I might actually pick this one up and treat it as the definitive retirement announcement that we never quite got.
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ya know, I just realized something


I love Neil, and his contributions to one of my favorite bands is basically, immeasurable


I was thinking "geesh, my comments here are being taken too serious" because much of what I say is done with a fair amount of good natured sarcasm


So it just dawned on me how, when reading words in print and not hearing them or being face-to-face, how those sentiments can be misunderstood


I've never met Neil, and so I've never had that type of conversation with him ..... So all of what I know is thru reading - sort of like the words here that can be take as too harsh or somewhat misunderstood, as far as tone ..



I'm looking forward to the book







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Yup. Well said. I'm very tongue in cheek sometimes, but I try to be absurd enough that it's clear when I'm doing it. Like that rant above. Speaking of misreading people...all these years I suspected that Neil ducked out of that party , because he got spooked by me while I was standing waiting to talk to Geddy, who was hanging out only a few feet from the circular booth where Neil was seated (way inside with about two or three people on each side). I'm pretty sure I was drooling on the floor. Anyway, my friend recently told me that he saw Neil come back to the booth at some point, but he has proven to remember things "creatively," sometimes. I never saw Neil return, but it makes sense that maybe he just had to go pee or something. I still wonder though, because he went into a little private elevator, not just a door to some other area or a bathroom. Once he ducked in there, I assumed he'd had enough and was right outta there, but maybe I was just wrong and missed a chance to say hi after my friend christened Geddy's shoe. Edited by HalfwayToGone
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If he`s too numb to drum

let him write some

for his income

It won`t be humdrum

to see where he`s coming from

or what plums and rules of thumb come from

his cranium

Edited by toymaker
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That reminds me seeing this thread.


I had a Rush dream last night and guess what????


In my dream we were all absolutely floored because we got word that Rush was releasing a brand new album. We were all so shocked and excited on the forum.

Edited by Lorraine
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That reminds me seeing this thread.


I had a Rush dream last night and guess what????


In my dream we were all absolutely floored because we got word that Rush was releasing a brand new album. We were all so shocked and excited on the forum.



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