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    North england
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    Anything doing or talking about at time really
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  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    Shegfield england roll the bones
  • Favorite Rush Song
  • Favorite Rush Album
    Probably Vapor Trails
  • Best Rush Experience
    Vapor Trails release
  • Other Favorite Bands
    Genesis, floyd, hawkwind, elo, queen , rhcp's radiohead. Lizzy xtc etc
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  1. Very sad indeed to hear this Cannot thank him enough for his involvement with all those albums Especially Counterparts Thanks, man. Very well done, Sir.
  2. End of the garden last 40 seconds or so, Alex driving it out one last time finishing with the cello so neither of them played the last note Seriously, just listening to Alex drive that thing out at the end, the end of Rush, just chokes me up thinking about it and i rarely listen to it these days just too emotional
  3. Yeah just to clarify the awesome tracks for me are Caravan BU2B, Clockwork Angels, Headlong Flight and the Garden. Those four as good as anything the band ever did for me and BU2B has something even more unique and powerful - avant garde even for rush A couple others are good but sacrifice quality to fit into the longer storyline imo, shoulda been more simple like 2112 etc but is what it is and i can't argue with how the guys approached it as they demi gods of their trade of course
  4. Lol this is bit weird for a truly hardened rush head like me, like i've heard every rush album and every track on them probably hundreds of times but, i listened to Halo Effect once - and decided never to listen to it again. Don't have it on any devices isn't included in my CA playlist i just refused to listen to it ever again. The album CA only rush album for me that disappointed in quite a large part, half of it exceptional up there with the very best rush and the other half just sub standard to say the least, Halo Effect being the prime example of it. Sidenote, the brilliant half of CA written before they went on tour and the sub half after, like they slipped too far out of the groove but nevermind, the great half was more than enough
  5. Yeah enjoyed that, when Alex fading it out i always see him crying on ASOH just awesome
  6. Any of 2 or 3 on CA, probably Halo Effect if pushed to name one
  7. Yeah same here, if you take the very best of CA out is the timing of permanent waves etc and as such is of that very best rush standard For eg/ Caravan, BU2B and Clockwork Angels for me is essentially Spirit of Radio, Freewill and Jacob's Ladder, kind of remarkable the band could hit that sublime level in their final work
  8. Much more than a musician, one of the great artists of any type, paints with sound most imaginative rock guitarist there will ever be his range from most sensitive and delicate to most powerful and aggressive. Over the years he even looked the coolest. The man's a demi-god i personally couldnt thank anyone else more for
  9. Heck we're all going to die, everything gets blown away like smoke in the wind, if ged and alex decide to make new music as rush with another percussionist and, god forbid, even a new singer, then so be it let's go, can't think of anything more exciting on the horizon. If turns out to be a stain on the rush legacy so what, that's what it'll go down as and nobody should care that much. Bring it on i say, alex & ged doing COMPLETELY different rush, not completely different music it'll still be rush, is just a real buzz of a prospect
  10. Big difference between a Rush with new percussionist just playing Rush live and a Rush actually making new music Strongly held view by most, probably, that Rush cannot exist without one of the three members, each being so essential to the chemistry and until now i shared that view but.. F**k it, why not. Make new stuff too guys. Rush 3.0 bring it on.
  11. Just read an article saying ged releasing two tracks alongside his memoir that didnt make MFH he's 'shined' them up https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/music/geddy-lee-finishes-off-two-unreleased-songs-for-new-memoir-plans-new-music/article_b806c521-19c7-5fe6-b76e-f4d253089a58.html Apologies if already posted
  12. Not underrated to me, together with brian may the greatest most imaginative and coolest guitarists of all time
  13. lifeson90

    There are no words

    Sounds nowt like phil :)
  14. Always thought limelight a bit different to the rest of album - just Al's guitar has a different more basic rock sound to rest of tracks. Vital Signs more in keeping with the album i find
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