GeddysMullet Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 Yes, I know there are a lot of threads for the Vapour Trails remix already, but I can't find one that addresses the remixed album in full quality (as opposed to a web stream) as a whole. I got the remix yesterday and listened to it three times, twice casually as I was working, and once as a full listening experience to really tune in to and focus on the details. My initial reaction was "Wow, Vapour Trails sounds like a Rush album now!" I've always loved several of the songs on Vapour Trails, but seldom listened to the whole album because the sound was so frustrating. Played quietly, it sounded like a really good album being listened to through a wall. Played loud, it was actually painful to listen to. I always hoped for this remix, though was concerned about reports that much of the album was problematic because of the way it was recorded. In listening to the remix, I feel that some of that concern was justified. Some of the highs are still a little hot, making me cautious with the volume knob, and the remix does lose some of the heaviness, which I miss. The album in general suffers a bit from being too busy, and that obviously hasn't changed, but the increased clarity and separation of instruments is definitely a plus, and every song has tasty stuff in it that I could never hear before. Some of the songs benefited more from the remix than others, and something I've really noticed about this album in a new way is that it seems to be lacking a certain underlying confidence that all other Rush records seem to have. I don't love every Rush album, but with the exception of this one, every one of them whether weak or strong seems to have been made by a band that felt they were firmly aware of what they were doing and why. This one doesn't seem to have quite that solid a foundation. The band has talked in the past about having to learn how to be Rush again after the hiatus, and I think this is apparent in some of the busyness of this record. It seems to me that at times they just weren't sure exactly which musical parts were right for certain songs, and so they included too many, like a rich, flavourful stew that got a little overseasoned. Standouts in improvement for me so far include Ghost Rider, Peaceable Kingdom and Sweet Miracle. I think I might still prefer the original version of One Little Victory. In general, I'm pretty happy with the remix. Due to immutable circumstances, the album will always be flawed, but I do think that the remix goes long way towards doing it justice, and I'm glad it was finally done. I'm very much looking forward to continuing to rediscover it/discover it properly for the first time, and I hope that when (not if, WHEN!) Rush tours again, they will include some of these great songs in the setlist. My top vote for setlist inclusion goes to How It Is, which I have always loved and is probably my most listened to song on the original recording, and which is even better now. So! How about the rest of you? Have you acquired the full quality recording and listened to it as a whole? What do you reckon? Please post your thoughts here! 5
GeddyRulz Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 The album as a whole sounds MUCH better, sonically. No muddy distortion and audio clipping; all the instruments can be heard distinctly and clearly, as it should be on a Rush album. As far as I’m concerned, this IS Vapor Trails now, not “Vapor Trails Remixed.” But even more than the overall cleanliness, I’m most excited about being able to hear parts I never heard before! The bass bit at the beginning of “OLV” (which, admittedly, I first heard on the Retro 3 remix of the song, not here), some previously-unheard guitar solos, and a few songs which now sound like they’re being sung in a completely different key, thanks to Bottrill highlighting a different vocal layer than on the original album, and making THAT the lead vocal. I can’t say enough about this remix/remaster. I liked the album from the start, back in 2002, but now it’s so much better! 3
ZachenFoot Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 The remix has completely changed my view of the record. The original version was loud and abrasive on the ears. Some songs were totally ruined by this. I didn't like Peaceable Kingdom, The Stars Look Down, and Sweet Miracle at all, now I can actually enjoy them. Ceiling Unlimited was one of my absolute favorites, but I couldn't listen about two and a half minutes deep because it got painfully distorted. It's so crisp and clear now! Feels like a whole new record. I couldn't be happier with it. 3
LedRush Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 It's a great remix, with my biggest quibbles on Ghost Rider (too busy in the beginning; too weak for guitars in the middle). 1
GernTheFish Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 Listened a couple times. Here are my initial reactions: - The vocals and, to a lesser extent, the guitar parts are much more clear. As GeddyRulz alluded to, there are some vocals that I never heard before. - Still gets a little distorted at higher volumes, but this can be improved by tweeking some of the audio settings. On my cheap car stereo, I lowered the bass and increased treble a little which seemed to help. - Much of the drumming and bass still sound a bit muddy to me, at least compared to the other parts. The drum fills and ride cymbal parts do not stand out as much as they did on the original recording.- Like ZachenFoot mentions, Cieling Unlimited is greatly improved and I've gained appreciation for Peaceable Kingdom.- Overall, I don't believe the sound problems are all completely gone on the remix, but it's definitely an improvement. Many thanks to the boys for persisting on doing the remix. For as much criticism as VT gets by fans (and the band members), it's really got some good stuff. 1
hammerofthor Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 As a non-audiophile, who streams this album off of Rhapsody, and listens through earbuds,I must say that I prefer the original so far. The abrasiveness is part of the charm, and cleaned up it seemed to highlight the weakness Of some of the material. The drums, imo, sound like samples now, like Neil is using his electronic kit.
losingit2k Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 Listened a couple times. Here are my initial reactions: - The vocals and, to a lesser extent, the guitar parts are much more clear. As GeddyRulz alluded to, there are some vocals that I never heard before.- Still gets a little distorted at higher volumes, but this can be improved by tweeking some of the audio settings. On my cheap car stereo, I lowered the bass and increased treble a little which seemed to help.- Much of the drumming and bass still sound a bit muddy to me, at least compared to the other parts. The drum fills and ride cymbal parts do not stand out as much as they did on the original recording.- Like ZachenFoot mentions, Cieling Unlimited is greatly improved and I've gained appreciation for Peaceable Kingdom.- Overall, I don't believe the sound problems are all completely gone on the remix, but it's definitely an improvement. Many thanks to the boys for persisting on doing the remix. For as much criticism as VT gets by fans (and the band members), it's really got some good stuff. I completely agree with most of this assessment, Specially the last line. VT is a vast improvement but not perfect. I thought the Drums sound find except in certain places where Alex's distorted guitar still muds things up. I just think that's how it was recorded. " Crap in, Crap out!" as my Sound Engineer friend Joe would say! Anyway, best improved tracks for me are Ceiling Unlimited, Stars Look Down and Sweet Miracle. As for OLV I think I'd prefer the mix on Retrospective III better. Hmm! New playlist coming soon. :codger:
JARG Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 My verdict is that the remix is a vast improvement over the original mix. My opinion of the songs as compositions hasn't changed.
canadianice Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 As a lover of VT right from the get go in 2002, this comes as a nice surprise, the remix is certainly cleaned up. The bottom line here is -------Vapor trails Rules, as i stated a long time ago. :rush: 2
clem Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 Soooooo.......... Rush in the Hall of Fame - checkClockwork Angels live DVD coming out - checkVapor Trails Remixed - check What are we all supposed to bitch about now?? 7
The Analog Grownup Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 As far as I'm concerned the old Vapor Trails is retired now. It's still a busy record and it sometimes feel like they were scared of silence - but on the other hand all their records are busy ;). I like the added clarity and being the wannabe audiophile that I am, I treasure being able to pick out little details. It will get even better when I get remix on vinyl, as the dynamics usually are way better on that medium. I haven't heard it so much as to have a list of details I have picked out yet. A lot of people have been talking about the jam section in Ceiling Unlimited being ruined?! I don't know, I still hear that jam section it's just sprinkled with some seasoning on top :D 1
canadianice Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 Soooooo.......... Rush in the Hall of Fame - checkClockwork Angels live DVD coming out - checkVapor Trails Remixed - check What are we all supposed to bitch about now?? The born Mouners will find something i am sure
Torgo Satyr Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 This Remix is a blessing. To me, it's like getting a brand new Rush album! I have always found Vapor Trails maddening. With the exception of Secret Touch (which I always dug), and occasionally a few minutes of Vapor Trails, Earthshine, and Peaceable Kingdom... I sadly found the 2002 VT virtually "un-listenable". As someone who makes a living writing music for TV (and who came up playing in Rush cover bands, lol), sound reinforcement is my job. I'm paid to make music and make it clean and palatable. I was crushed when I heard 2002 VT. I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing... it was...*sob* watching your dad get beat up! How could this happen??? I mean, I knew they were going through a rough patch... but didn't they have professionals to mix and master their albums? I don't like all of Rush's albums... I'm not a huge fan of COS, CP, and TFE, and I simply loathe most of Presto and RTB... I just didn't like the sound, or the writing on those records... sure there were hidden gems throughout... but what sucked about VT was... I could tell these were good songs!!! WTF??? The energy, melody, and excitement of Rush "progressing" was there! But dammit, I couldn't enjoy it, cuz the record sonically sounded like mud, distortion, and well... shit. I have been counting the days (and years) for this remix... and now that it's here? THIS ALBUM f***ing KICKS ASS!!!!! Not only is it clean, transparent, and filled with virtuoso Rushy goodness, but there is an ass-ton of takes/tracks (vocal and instrumental) I simply haven't heard before! But most of all, what struck me about this remix (and it makes perfect sense) is how passionate the playing is. I never "felt" Ghost Rider before. I sympathized with it, but I always felt bad for Neil that he bared his soul and somehow the results were muffed. This album is passionate, bold, melodic, and brimming over with energy and experimental phrasing. Geddy is playing some of the most insane bass lines EVER. Forget HYF... if you are a fan of Geddy "getting up on it"... who knew these bass lines were buried here??? Ceiling Unlimited? Are you kidding me? I have a good friend and we argue about VT all the time. He always explained that I was wrong, and that the album sounded fine... it was grungy and reckless on purpose and it was a statement. I always argued that was a load... what's the point of playing all those notes and tracks if no one can hear/decipher them? VT Remastered is stunning. I was taken aback by all of the beautiful acoustic guitar layered by Alex... the anger, sorrow, and beauty in Neils drumming, and again... Geddy came out all bare-knuckled with the bass and his vocals are solid... lots of nifty harmonies, too! Now, it's all here for the taking! Oh, happy day! I only wish they would come back out and tour with this! I highly encourage all to buy their own copy of this! First of all to thank the fellas for listening to us, and caring enough to deliver this gem. It takes a lot of stones for masters of their craft to ask for a mulligan and admit they missed... it's even better that they crushed it. Also, it would tickle me if this charts high on Billboard. I would find it amusing if a re-release of an existing Rush album wreaks havoc on the charts and puts a whoopin' on some of the cookie-cutter garbage that's passing for music nowadays. Great job guys! 9
The Analog Grownup Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 I forgot to mention something earlier, and sorry if I'm raining on someone's parade here: Neil wasn't able to be a part of the remixing because it was to emotionally hard on him, so I wouldn't bet on any Vapor Trails materiel on their next tour. Sorry
Lerxster Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 I forgot to mention something earlier, and sorry if I'm raining on someone's parade here: Neil wasn't able to be a part of the remixing because it was to emotionally hard on him, so I wouldn't bet on any Vapor Trails materiel on their next tour. Sorry Oh, I don't know. OLV was played on every tour until The Time Machine. Earthshine was a staple for a few tours. I would love to hear Peaceable Kingdom on the next tour. It would KICK EVERYONE'S ASS! :D 1
canadianice Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 This Remix is a blessing. To me, it's like getting a brand new Rush album! I have always found Vapor Trails maddening. With the exception of Secret Touch (which I always dug), and occasionally a few minutes of Vapor Trails, Earthshine, and Peaceable Kingdom... I sadly found the 2002 VT virtually "un-listenable". As someone who makes a living writing music for TV (and who came up playing in Rush cover bands, lol), sound reinforcement is my job. I'm paid to make music and make it clean and palatable. I was crushed when I heard 2002 VT. I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing... it was...*sob* watching your dad get beat up! How could this happen??? I mean, I knew they were going through a rough patch... but didn't they have professionals to mix and master their albums? I don't like all of Rush's albums... I'm not a huge fan of COS, CP, and TFE, and I simply loathe most of Presto and RTB... I just didn't like the sound, or the writing on those records... sure there were hidden gems throughout... but what sucked about VT was... I could tell these were good songs!!! WTF??? The energy, melody, and excitement of Rush "progressing" was there! But dammit, I couldn't enjoy it, cuz the record sonically sounded like mud, distortion, and well... shit. I have been counting the days (and years) for this remix... and now that it's here? THIS ALBUM f***ing KICKS ASS!!!!! Not only is it clean, transparent, and filled with virtuoso Rushy goodness, but there is an ass-ton of takes/tracks (vocal and instrumental) I simply haven't heard before! But most of all, what struck me about this remix (and it makes perfect sense) is how passionate the playing is. I never "felt" Ghost Rider before. I sympathized with it, but I always felt bad for Neil that he bared his soul and somehow the results were muffed. This album is passionate, bold, melodic, and brimming over with energy and experimental phrasing. Geddy is playing some of the most insane bass lines EVER. Forget HYF... if you are a fan of Geddy "getting up on it"... who knew these bass lines were buried here??? Ceiling Unlimited? Are you kidding me? I have a good friend and we argue about VT all the time. He always explained that I was wrong, and that the album sounded fine... it was grungy and reckless on purpose and it was a statement. I always argued that was a load... what's the point of playing all those notes and tracks if no one can hear/decipher them? VT Remastered is stunning. I was taken aback by all of the beautiful acoustic guitar layered by Alex... the anger, sorrow, and beauty in Neils drumming, and again... Geddy came out all bare-knuckled with the bass and his vocals are solid... lots of nifty harmonies, too! Now, it's all here for the taking! Oh, happy day! I only wish they would come back out and tour with this! I highly encourage all to buy their own copy of this! First of all to thank the fellas for listening to us, and caring enough to deliver this gem. It takes a lot of stones for masters of their craft to ask for a mulligan and admit they missed... it's even better that they crushed it. Also, it would tickle me if this charts high on Billboard. I would find it amusing if a re-release of an existing Rush album wreaks havoc on the charts and puts a whoopin' on some of the cookie-cutter garbage that's passing for music nowadays. Great job guys! Very well said :rush: 1
GeddyRulz Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 But most of all, what struck me about this remix (and it makes perfect sense) is how passionate the playing is. I never "felt" Ghost Rider before. I sympathized with it, but I always felt bad for Neil that he bared his soul and somehow the results were muffed. This album is passionate... Good call; I hadn’t mentioned that yet, but I agree. There’s some real emotion on this record... as there should be, given what the theme is. I hadn’t heard that emotion until this remix. (Actually, as big a Rush fan as I’ve been for thirty years, I must admit I always saw them as more of a cerebral band, not an emotional one. They just never hit me as a “feel” band… until I heard “The Garden” when CA was released in 2012. Now I see that they also packed emotion into VT, back in 2002! We just couldn’t hear it.) 4
Earthshine_sf Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 It's been said many times before (in just the last couple of days...heh), but this remix is a glorious revelation! Expectations wildly does indeed sound like a new album. 1
Jaminbenb Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 On;y had a chance to listen on my iPod...I'll really let you know what I think once I get to listen to it in my car...but my initial reaction is that it's definitely more listenable! It doesn't have that EAR BLEED feel to it...I always got the sense that I needed to turn down the volume when I listened to on my iPod, but it felt pretty good when I went through it yesterday and today while at the gym...I have a few other new CD's in the car, and expect to get to it on CD sometime next week. (and I'm planning on putting the original AND remix in to compare)
Lerxster Posted October 1, 2013 Posted October 1, 2013 Okay, I had the house to myself. A rarity. So enough headphones and car. Enough comparo original vs. remix. It was time for the stereo meltdown. And by meltdown I literally mean it was going into protection mode. I had to made many adjustments, but I finally got it. And, anyway.. Hearing Vapor Trails Remixed, or Reborn, on a bass thumping stereo system has brought this album to another level. Wow. I mean, when I got to How It Is, I thought I could cry (I didn't). To paraphrase Ferris Bueller, it is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend hearing it on a block rocking stereo. It was another revelation entirely. There's now no other way to hear it properly. Hearing Freeze in all it's glory, Neil bass drum thumping away.. what a luxury. Anyway, yes. YES! 4
GeddysMullet Posted October 2, 2013 Author Posted October 2, 2013 (edited) But most of all, what struck me about this remix (and it makes perfect sense) is how passionate the playing is. I never "felt" Ghost Rider before. I sympathized with it, but I always felt bad for Neil that he bared his soul and somehow the results were muffed. This album is passionate... Good call; I hadn’t mentioned that yet, but I agree. There’s some real emotion on this record... as there should be, given what the theme is. I hadn’t heard that emotion until this remix. (Actually, as big a Rush fan as I’ve been for thirty years, I must admit I always saw them as more of a cerebral band, not an emotional one. They just never hit me as a “feel” band… until I heard “The Garden” when CA was released in 2012. Now I see that they also packed emotion into VT, back in 2002! We just couldn’t hear it.) I picked up on this, too. It's quite startling, because the original version of VT always struck me as being rather cold, but in listening to the remix I've had several moments of being nearly overcome by the emotion. In these songs, I feel that I can hear the pain of tragedy and separation mixing with the joy of life and music continuing, and it puts me in awe of the dynamic among the three of them. I love :rush: Edited October 2, 2013 by GeddysMullet 4
RushBoingo Posted October 2, 2013 Posted October 2, 2013 Soooooo.......... Rush in the Hall of Fame - checkClockwork Angels live DVD coming out - checkVapor Trails Remixed - check What are we all supposed to bitch about now??No front cover appearance on the rolling stone I guess 1
tbeb2112 Posted October 2, 2013 Posted October 2, 2013 It's perfect! I've been listening to it ever since I picked it up at the local record store after school. All of the songs are so great. Completely changed my view on the album. :rush: 2
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