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Sick of the circlejerk around here.


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QUOTE (Lerxster @ Jun 14 2012, 09:06 AM)
There can be no such thing as a positive Rush troll on a Rush fan site. I think that's pretty self explanatory.

As people have mentioned, criticism with respect is not flamed here. Boisterous criticism without respect is. Pretty much at least. On a Rush fan forum, right after a magnificent Rush release, his shouldn't be a hard concept that is not understood.

applaudit.gif trink39.gif yes.gif

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QUOTE (losingit2k @ Jun 14 2012, 09:46 AM)
Here's a strange and bizarre thought: You ever thought that maybe, just maybe 2.gif wanted it to sound that way?


That's the point I was trying to make yesterday.


But it seems I wasn't getting through, so I gave it up.

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QUOTE (losingit2k @ Jun 14 2012, 09:46 AM)
QUOTE (marblesmike @ Jun 14 2012, 08:41 AM)
QUOTE (losingit2k @ Jun 14 2012, 09:38 AM)
QUOTE (marblesmike @ Jun 14 2012, 08:36 AM)
QUOTE (losingit2k @ Jun 14 2012, 09:29 AM)
QUOTE (circumstantial tree @ Jun 14 2012, 08:16 AM)
A person should be able to say that they like an album or not like an album without being persecuted for it.

I certainly don't like everything the band has done.

The problem comes when people get upset that somebody else doesn't like their favorite album.

I agree with you, the problem comes when people start claiming an album is Dreadful, Uninspiring, meandering, a sonic mess(thats my fav), muddy, unlistenable, when the album was just released and they've only heard it once, if that.



What about those of us who love the album, have listened to it maybe 20 times, and still think (at least to our ears) that the album is a sonic mess?

Then I'd say "Sorry for the sonic mess in your ears?



No need for you to apologize--you're not Brian Gardner or Nick Rasculinecz.

Here's a strange and bizarre thought: You ever thought that maybe, just maybe 2.gif wanted it to sound that way?



Oh yeah, that's extremely possible. But the roll of a producer/engineer is to tell the band it sounds like crap and present them with a polished sound.


Also, there's a reason why most of the best engineers out there aren't in the bands they work on.

Edited by marblesmike
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QUOTE (Alchemical @ Jun 13 2012, 09:21 PM)
You know you've stumbled upon a circlejerk online when one cannot even express his opinion that may differ from the norm without being lambasted as a dissenter (Read: Troll), or not a "real" RUSH fan. Look, we all dig RUSH, that's why we're here right? But, believe it or not, some of us on here DON'T like the album, and what's so wrong with that? Not everyone is bound to orgasm over CA. Me personally? I dig it but I'm not completely blown away. I've given it six listens and it's adequate, even very good, but it's not a masterpiece in my opinion. IN. MY. OPINION. Got that?

I'm just sick of the diminutive minority on here who have legit reason to dislike the album getting shut down by boisterous fanboyism. Let people hold their opinions, kay? I don't see how it is personally affecting you.

And you don't think the reverse is true? Give me a break. I can't count the number of times my opinion has been dismissed or ridiculed because I dare to like a song or album that I "shouldn't" according to conventional wisdom.

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QUOTE (Gedneil Alpeart @ Jun 14 2012, 03:51 AM)
QUOTE (DistantEarlyRushFan @ Jun 13 2012, 10:43 PM)
People need extremity in order to have an opinion. You find it in politics and all over the place. It seems like having a moderate/balanced opinion is lost in today's world. Everyone is either worshiping the album or tearing it down...and with little support to back up what they say...smh  confused13.gif

Exactly, it's not the dissenting opinion itself that is minded, it's how it is expressed with arrogance, ego, and with extreme language that rubs people the wrong way. One guy on here simply said he did not like it without any attitude and nobody gave him a hard time. Expressing a different opinion is fine, but you dont have to be a dick about it.

I do think people tend to really overreact to negative opinions. Part of it is people take their love of an album WAY too personally and seriously. While I'm definitely enjoying CA, and get taken aback when someone seems to really hate it, it is still a valid opinion. I think some people identify with their like or love of an album so much that they take someone else's dislike really personal for some reason. Just because it's more accepted here for someone to love any given Rush album that hate it, it's not like it's a personal affront to decency or anything when people have anything short of gushing praise.


If a person says you're an idiot for liking something or that you have bad taste, that's one thing, but a person expressing their dislike for something you like, even if they use colorful language in doing so, is not saying you have terrible taste or that you're an idiot. It's just expressing a differing opinion.


Similarly, I don't take it personally when people go on and on about how much they love the Rush albums that I don't like. They just have different opinions.


People can even say, you hate this album? You're crazy! And even that's not offensive unless a person decides to take it that way. Are they really calling you crazy or is it just a spirited debate? It's not like we're talking about something like politics where the opinions are about serious issues that affect the world in dramatic ways, we're talking about a rock group and music albums. It's really not that big a deal IMHO.


There is a line that can be crossed where people do get personal, but short of that, it's just expressing opinions. Sometimes people just have to accept that even though it's unfathomable to you why someone could or couldn't like something, people will feel the way they do regardless.


To me it's all just discussion on a discussion board about the band. Most people like or love most of the releases, as do I. They've done so many songs and so many albums that vary in style so much, that I personally can't understand how anyone can love ALL of it, but if they do so be it - it's just another opinion like everyone elses.


Sometimes the dissenting opinions make for the most fun and interesting threads IMHO. Otherwise, it WOULD be a boring circle jerk of happy-go-lucky care bear smurfy barney the dinosaur teletubby love that would get pretty sickening after awhile. Just my opinion... wink.gif

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QUOTE (Alchemical @ Jun 13 2012, 10:21 PM)
You know you've stumbled upon a circlejerk online when one cannot even express his opinion that may differ from the norm without being lambasted as a dissenter (Read: Troll), or not a "real" RUSH fan. Look, we all dig RUSH, that's why we're here right? But, believe it or not, some of us on here DON'T like the album, and what's so wrong with that? Not everyone is bound to orgasm over CA. Me personally? I dig it but I'm not completely blown away. I've given it six listens and it's adequate, even very good, but it's not a masterpiece in my opinion. IN. MY. OPINION. Got that?

I'm just sick of the diminutive minority on here who have legit reason to dislike the album getting shut down by boisterous fanboyism. Let people hold their opinions, kay? I don't see how it is personally affecting you.



You realize pretty quick this band has a lot of ahole fans that turn into 12 year olds when someone doesnt share the same opinion as them.


It sounds like I probably like the album a little more than you, but overall I think it's maybe only better than the debut, T4E, VT and S&A, and that's it. Every other album is better than this, IN MY OPINION!


Then when you feel like explaining your opinion, you get a bunch of children arguing with you, instead of doing the mature thing and just moving right along. I dont argue when someone says they like it, just the same as I dont argue with anyone that likes Justin Bieber. I just say why I dont like about it and leave it at that.


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It's called knowing your audience and forming your words for the particular forum you're speaking in.

People who dissent respectfully are generally better received.. those who are overtly harsh or rude get back what they give.



This is a RUSH FAN site... you don't come in here and shit on peoples couches. You can have a different opinion but like I said, know your audience and meter your words accordingly.


If you feel the need to be harsh, go someplace neutral.

You're not shitting on my couch if you use those same words elsewhere.


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QUOTE (Snaked @ Jun 14 2012, 09:50 AM)
It's called knowing your audience and forming your words for the particular forum you're speaking in.
People who dissent respectfully are generally better received.. those who are overtly harsh or rude get back what they give.

This is a RUSH FAN site... you don't come in here and shit on peoples couches. You can have a different opinion but like I said, know your audience and meter your words accordingly.

If you feel the need to be harsh, go someplace neutral.
You're not shitting on my couch if you use those same words elsewhere.

Yeah, its all about the presentation.


goodpost.gif SIR!


new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif applaudit.gif trink39.gif applaudit.gif new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


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QUOTE (losingit2k @ Jun 14 2012, 10:52 AM)
QUOTE (Snaked @ Jun 14 2012, 09:50 AM)
It's called knowing your audience and forming your words for the particular forum you're speaking in.
People who dissent respectfully are generally better received.. those who are overtly harsh or rude get back what they give.

This is a RUSH FAN site... you don't come in here and shit on peoples couches. You can have a different opinion but like I said, know your audience and meter your words accordingly.

If you feel the need to be harsh, go someplace neutral.
You're not shitting on my couch if you use those same words elsewhere.

Yeah, its all about the presentation.


goodpost.gif SIR!


new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif applaudit.gif trink39.gif applaudit.gif new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Yep...you're the one who determines what makes 'good presentation'.

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QUOTE (EmotionDetector @ Jun 14 2012, 09:54 AM)
QUOTE (losingit2k @ Jun 14 2012, 10:52 AM)
QUOTE (Snaked @ Jun 14 2012, 09:50 AM)
It's called knowing your audience and forming your words for the particular forum you're speaking in.
People who dissent respectfully are generally better received.. those who are overtly harsh or rude get back what they give.

This is a RUSH FAN site... you don't come in here and shit on peoples couches. You can have a different opinion but like I said, know your audience and meter your words accordingly.

If you feel the need to be harsh, go someplace neutral.
You're not shitting on my couch if you use those same words elsewhere.

Yeah, its all about the presentation.


goodpost.gif SIR!


new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif applaudit.gif trink39.gif applaudit.gif new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Yep...you're the one who determines what makes 'good presentation'.

Silence! I kill you!



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QUOTE (losingit2k @ Jun 14 2012, 09:52 AM)
QUOTE (Snaked @ Jun 14 2012, 09:50 AM)
It's called knowing your audience and forming your words for the particular forum you're speaking in.
People who dissent respectfully are generally better received.. those who are overtly harsh or rude get back what they give.

This is a RUSH FAN site... you don't come in here and shit on peoples couches. You can have a different opinion but like I said, know your audience and meter your words accordingly.

If you feel the need to be harsh, go someplace neutral.
You're not shitting on my couch if you use those same words elsewhere.

Yeah, its all about the presentation.


goodpost.gif SIR!


new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif applaudit.gif trink39.gif applaudit.gif new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


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One poster already is displaying a bad attitude over my personal interpretation of the story behind the music. Uncalled for and completely unnecessary.
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Some interesting posts - the ones I read. (I didn't read all four pages of the thread.) A question, though:


Where are all these dissenting opinons and flame wars that necessitated the creation of this thread? I've only seen one or maybe two people say they were less than wowwed by the album: they offered their "thumbs down" opinion plainly, nobody countered their opinion with hostility, and the discussion moved along peacefully.


If anyone feels the discussion of this album ("is it good or is it bad") has been excessively heated and hostile, that person must not have been online when VT and S&A came out. Now those were some albums which were divisive and caused hostile debate!



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QUOTE (Alchemical @ Jun 13 2012, 10:21 PM)
You know you've stumbled upon a circlejerk online when one cannot even express his opinion that may differ from the norm without being lambasted as a dissenter (Read: Troll), or not a "real" RUSH fan. Look, we all dig RUSH, that's why we're here right? But, believe it or not, some of us on here DON'T like the album, and what's so wrong with that? Not everyone is bound to orgasm over CA. Me personally? I dig it but I'm not completely blown away. I've given it six listens and it's adequate, even very good, but it's not a masterpiece in my opinion. IN. MY. OPINION. Got that?

I'm just sick of the diminutive minority on here who have legit reason to dislike the album getting shut down by boisterous fanboyism. Let people hold their opinions, kay? I don't see how it is personally affecting you.

Right - everyone who likes the album is a fanboi, but dissenters like you who only marginally like it are not fanbois at all. You are just super cool and aloof and don't care, with the exception of starting threads for the purpose of weeping openly over the stifling of your right to free expression about how much you don't like a new Rush album?


Give me a f***ing break.

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QUOTE (eshine @ Jun 14 2012, 11:10 AM)
QUOTE (Alchemical @ Jun 13 2012, 10:21 PM)
You know you've stumbled upon a circlejerk online when one cannot even express his opinion that may differ from the norm without being lambasted as a dissenter (Read: Troll), or not a "real" RUSH fan. Look, we all dig RUSH, that's why we're here right? But, believe it or not, some of us on here DON'T like the album, and what's so wrong with that? Not everyone is bound to orgasm over CA. Me personally? I dig it but I'm not completely blown away. I've given it six listens and it's adequate, even very good, but it's not a masterpiece in my opinion. IN. MY. OPINION. Got that?

I'm just sick of the diminutive minority on here who have legit reason to dislike the album getting shut down by boisterous fanboyism. Let people hold their opinions, kay? I don't see how it is personally affecting you.

Right - everyone who likes the album is a fanboi, but dissenters like you who only marginally like it are not fanbois at all. You are just super cool and aloof and don't care, with the exception of starting threads for the purpose of weeping openly over the stifling of your right to free expression about how much you don't like a new Rush album?


Give me a f***ing break.




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QUOTE (eshine @ Jun 14 2012, 11:10 AM)
QUOTE (Alchemical @ Jun 13 2012, 10:21 PM)
You know you've stumbled upon a circlejerk online when one cannot even express his opinion that may differ from the norm without being lambasted as a dissenter (Read: Troll), or not a "real" RUSH fan. Look, we all dig RUSH, that's why we're here right? But, believe it or not, some of us on here DON'T like the album, and what's so wrong with that? Not everyone is bound to orgasm over CA. Me personally? I dig it but I'm not completely blown away. I've given it six listens and it's adequate, even very good, but it's not a masterpiece in my opinion. IN. MY. OPINION. Got that?

I'm just sick of the diminutive minority on here who have legit reason to dislike the album getting shut down by boisterous fanboyism. Let people hold their opinions, kay? I don't see how it is personally affecting you.

Right - everyone who likes the album is a fanboi, but dissenters like you who only marginally like it are not fanbois at all. You are just super cool and aloof and don't care, with the exception of starting threads for the purpose of weeping openly over the stifling of your right to free expression about how much you don't like a new Rush album?


Give me a f***ing break.

Yeah, hand him a Kleenex..... laugh.gif

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