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I liked this so I decided to give my answers. laugh.gif



You have to keep your hands in your pocket when listening to Rush in public on your iPod so you don't air drum and guitar and embarrass yourself. (No. They'll just have to keep their distance. tongue.gif )


When you frequently reference Rush in school reports. (Yes.)


Going to a Rush concert is equivalent to a religious pilgrimage. (No. Sorry. Going to Jerusalem or something would be more significant.)


You wear a Rush t-shirt whenever possible so everyone can see you like Rush. (I sure wear them a lot!)


When you get mad when people DON'T comment on said shirt. (Kinda. laugh.gif But not really.)


When reading a book about the Holocaust, you show your English teacher the lyrics to Red Sector A. (More than that. She let me play it on the last day of school!)


When you have three or more Rush posters in your room. (Where the heck do I find them!? D: But I do have a fine art portrait of the boys, RTB era. I also have drawings of each of them, done by me, on my wall.)


A discussion about New York always makes you sing The Camera Eye. (..N-no. Is that bad?)


Rush is your go-to pick-me-up music. (Yup. That, or Cascada. Or Eiffel 65!)


Your personal philosophy is based off of Rush. (Had my personal philosophy before I had RUSH. xD But in part, perhaps.)


You've converted anyone to be a Rush fan. (Converted is so harsh, but yes, I have turned a few friends to liking Rush. One drum solo vid' and they were hooked.)


Rap 'music' makes you vomit. (Except for RTB, of course) (No! No, no, no! If it was really that terrible why would Neil Peart reference a rap song in one of his books? A very fitting reference, I might say.. In fact, listening to Rush has made me go back to listening to rap and giving it another chance. But now I'm just rambling.)


Current music in general make you really sad. As in, you're sorry for the idiots who listen to it instead of Rush. (Nope. To each his or her own. Will I introduce them to Rush if I catch them listening to some (imo) young, maybe-not-as-talented modern rock band and calling it the greatest? Certainly. But I love modern music as well as Rush and respect others' musical tastes.)


QUOTE (1 of the 7 @ May 24 2011, 04:41 PM)
You're listening to a show on the radio about cells in the brain that orient a person to their surroundings, and break into "a cell of awareness", cracking your boyfriend up.



you spend 5 hours at a friends birthday party rolling around on the floor listening to A desert passage and a time machine tour concert and singing along exactly with geddy's voice, no matter how high.

NeilFinal.gif GeddyFinal.gif AlexFinal.gif

Posted (edited)
your girlfriend mentions one of her friend is named Page and you IMMEDIATELY start singing Turn The Page rofl3.gif Edited by PriestfromSyrinx
When someone on TV describes someone as a "modern-day [insert type of person here]" and you immediately finish the line by saying "Mean mean stride..."

1. When your friend asks you "What subdivision you live in?", and you start humming "Subdivisions".


2. When you name your newborn kid Tom.


3. When you realize that your vocabulary is growing only because of Peart's lyrics.



When you ask your boyfriend, "So, what should I wear?" and he answers, "You mean, which Rush shirt should you wear?" Tee hee hee tongue.gif

QUOTE (1 of the 7 @ Jun 27 2011, 07:25 PM)
When you ask your boyfriend, "So, what should I wear?" and he answers, "You mean, which Rush shirt should you wear?" Tee hee hee tongue.gif

lol, That'll be me in the future. xD


...when you make "Double Agent" part of your church youth group's devotions time.

(No joke. I had everyone listen to it and we then tied it in to Psalm 37.. But it helps when the youth director's a RUSH fan, too. laugh.gif)

You contemplate going into a busy restaurant with two other people. When the host(ess) asks to put your name on the waiting list, you tell him/her "Rush". "Rush, party of three" gets called over the PA. Win new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

These are totally, completely inspired by my wonderful, Rush-obsessed hubby <3 lol (yeah, he jumped up and went "YEAAHHH!!" for the first 2).


1. when Selena Gomez' character goes into a rant about how cool Tom Sawyer is, and how much she likes the band Rush, on Wizards Of Waverly Place.


2. when Joel McHale goes into a very long rant about being impressed if someone can drum the entire Tom Sawyer song "or even better, side 2 of Hemispheres!"on the show The Soup. (obviously, one of his writers is a huge Rush fan lol).


3. when your wife doesn't have to ask what your password is for anything, because she knows the answer. 2112.


4. when you tell your wife she looks hotter than ever because she's wearing a Rush shirt....or because she knows all the words to certain Rush albums.


5. when you tell your wife 3 years in advance that, if your next child is a boy, his name will be Geddy Lee.


6. you quiz your wife on the real last names of the band members- and ask her to spell them correctly. (keep dreaming.)




QUOTE (Shredder2 @ Jun 24 2011, 03:36 PM)

3. When you realize that your vocabulary is growing only because of Peart's lyrics.




You play "The Spirit of Radio" on Guitar Hero- and you do the clapping and duck quack calls during the chorus!!!


Note- this is only possible when playing the bass parts. Not guitar.


4. when you tell your wife she looks hotter than ever because she's wearing a Rush shirt....or because she knows all the words to certain Rush albums.




Every now and then we'll be listening to or watching Rush and my Hubby will look over at me singing all the words and digging the music and say, "I love you." wub.gif





... when you are proud of your daughter for recognizing NatSci from a snatch heard as a car passes beneath the window.


... when you are happy that your daughter and her girlfriend are now Rush fans. Two more Geddycorns!! laugh.gif


When you make password the names of Rush albums.



(I make them other albums too! blush4.gif)

Posted (edited)

You really know when TRF is down as you go CRAZY without it... wacko.gif 2.gif 653.gif trink39.gif joker.gif



typos.. huh.gif

Edited by TullSkull

you know you're a Rush fan when...


your 10 year old son comes down the stairs singing: 'When I find myself in times of trouble - Neil and Alex come to me - speaking words of wisdom - Geddy Lee'!!! - (this happened a few weeks ago) biggrin.gif




QUOTE (greyfriar @ Sep 6 2011, 04:09 AM)
you know you're a Rush fan when...

your 10 year old son comes down the stairs singing: 'When I find myself in times of trouble - Neil and Alex come to me - speaking words of wisdom - Geddy Lee'!!! - (this happened a few weeks ago) biggrin.gif



That's awesome yes.gif applaudit.gif

Posted (edited)
...You listen to songs by other artists and insert insane air-drum/tapping-on-everything-in-reach fills in parts where the drums seem inadequate compared to Rush. NeilFinal.gif Edited by 1 of the 7
  • Like 1

QUOTE (1 of the 7 @ Nov 5 2011, 06:28 PM)
...You listen to songs by other artists and insert insane air-drum/tapping-on-everything-in-reach fills in parts where the drums seem inadequate compared to Rush. NeilFinal.gif

goodpost.gif yes.gif


... when, while watching TV with your family, someone on a show says "Jesus, Mary and Joseph" and you, all 3 in unison, say "... sounds like the damned howling in Hades."


It was hilarious! rofl3.gif

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