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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/14 in all areas

  1. I can't see any compression artifacts or evidence of manipulation there. But I might need a while longer to examine the evidence... :drool: No evidence of enlargement? :D It kind of looks like that whole area was pasted in but I could be wrong. Eaglemoon, your kitty avatar goes perfect with this Al picture.
    5 points
  2. Most of us have already mentioned we are not embarrassed already. So, instead, we have listed bands/artists that don't reflect the majority of our music tastes. It's just meant to be a bit of fun, and gives us the opportunity to talk about the sort of music we tend to overlook in more serious threads.
    5 points
  3. You are starting to spoil us with all these pics. I love to be spoiled so thank you, again, H.A.! Keep them coming. :)
    4 points
  4. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z33/bfwgjma/Rush%202012%20The%20Palace%20Detroit/IMG_2889_zps3d143b00.jpg http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z33/bfwgjma/Rush%202012%20The%20Palace%20Detroit/IMG_2890_zps727b9515.jpg http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z33/bfwgjma/Rush%202012%20The%20Palace%20Detroit/IMG_2891_zps8f4e2e31.jpg http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z33/bfwgjma/Rush%202012%20The%20Palace%20Detroit/IMG_2893_zps965ec965.jpg
    4 points
  5. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z33/bfwgjma/Rush%202012%20The%20Palace%20Detroit/IMG_2701_zps26f8a2d0.jpg
    4 points
  6. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z33/bfwgjma/Rush%202012%20The%20Palace%20Detroit/IMG_2690_zps5595f52c.jpg
    4 points
  7. http://www.rushisaband.com/images/201202/2191.f.jpg
    4 points
  8. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/303/4/8/rush___geddy_lee_iv_by_basseca-d5jh23o.jpg
    4 points
  9. I am only passingly familiar with his work, but yes, it is a tragedy. The addict Philip Seymour Hoffman who killed himself with a heroin overdose was not the real Philip Seymour Hoffman. Addiction creates a whole new entity, sort of a monster doppelganger, who bears little resemblance to the real human being whose life the addiction took over. If you must be angry about the pointlessness of it all, be angry at the addiction version. I am sure his widow has plenty of anger. Like Narpzilla (who is not a tool, btw), I smoked cigarettes for 25 years and have only been clean for less than a year. That addiction - and I was a "light" smoker at only 8-10 cigs per day - created some rather unpleasant personality aspects I'm glad to be rid of. I could go for hours at a time without nicotine, but when I wanted it I did things like cut visits to family short (so I could get home and smoke). I know comparing that to a hardcore heroin habit is weak, but still it does illustrate how an addiction can reorder priorities. And while I may well end up with lung cancer at some point, the fact that cigarette addiction probably caused it doesn't mean I deserve to die. Don't think I absolve someone of responsibility just because they're hostage to whatever substance they are dependent on - I don't. They do know what they're doing to themselves and their loved ones and it is up to them to ask for the help that's available to most anyone. But it is sad and pointless when an addiction costs the life of one too young.
    4 points
  10. I can't see any compression artifacts or evidence of manipulation there. But I might need a while longer to examine the evidence... :drool:
    4 points
  11. Wow, listen to those drums. I'd forgotten what a good drum set sounded like.
    4 points
  12. I am either going to be ignored for what I am about to say or blasted by folks here much smarter than I. For someone like myself who has been a fan since 1976 I am thrilled for them to be on a commercial for a huge company. I am glad to have some of my youthful naivete left to just f**king enjoy it and not over analyze this. I hope they play the sh*t out of it everywhere till I tire from it. Going way back to a time when I couldn't even catch them on the radio, I am going to celebrate this a little. I hope they got paid handsomely too.... :)
    3 points
  13. I liked one of the comments there: "Nothing says 'Murica like a Canadian song."
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Toronto - October 14th, 2012
    3 points
  16. I love that man. And, obviously, so does my Nikon camera...
    3 points
  17. I took this one myself at the Austin show last April.
    3 points
  18. :drool: oh wow, that is a nice picture!
    3 points
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT6nUdZNhO4 Here you go. The only badge that really matters.
    3 points
  20. I'm sure GF would insist on separate rooms... You know how lilttle kids go around beating each other on the arm because they secretly like each other? I think that's what's going on here.
    3 points
  21. Do you really want to tell Sheldon to "suck it" on this thread?
    3 points
  22. no need to flip out, I think everyone here knows what the OP means
    2 points
  23. hmm, why can't we get abortions at wal-mart Wait a while......
    2 points
  24. And the gone-wrong-at-the-plastic-surgeon: ( . / o) Let's not forget dem big nipples. ( o Y o ) Yes!! Lets not.... :drool: Eewwww ;) Not a fan aye? :) Nope. It just occurred to me that I like 'petite' women. Including the nipples. Those big-ass suction cup ones scares me Since it's just you and I talking here, I always loved the over sized nips even if the breasts are small. I want something there to work on and take cues from my partner on what feels good and how far is too far. The difference in that area between pleasure and pain seems to be a fine line.... At least that's what I remember anyway.... :) Haha, well I guess you're right about that. Same thing applies to "normal" size and smaller size nipples too ;). Can't wait to see the response from the fine ladies when they see the turn this thread has taken :D I approve. No problem with guys discussing one of my erogenous zones. Now if you'll all just excuse me for a few minutes... :P And the good thing is that if any of you fine ladies see that we are way uneducated about the female body, then you can educate us on that given matter
    2 points
  25. ^^^^ GREAT pictures Huge!! Thank you so much. What an awesome treat.
    2 points
  26. And the gone-wrong-at-the-plastic-surgeon: ( . / o) Let's not forget dem big nipples. ( o Y o ) Yes!! Lets not.... :drool: Eewwww ;) Not a fan aye? :) Nope. It just occurred to me that I like 'petite' women. Including the nipples. Those big-ass suction cup ones scares me Since it's just you and I talking here, I always loved the over sized nips even if the breasts are small. I want something there to work on and take cues from my partner on what feels good and how far is too far. The difference in that area between pleasure and pain seems to be a fine line.... At least that's what I remember anyway.... :) Haha, well I guess you're right about that. Same thing applies to "normal" size and smaller size nipples too ;). Can't wait to see the response from the fine ladies when they see the turn this thread has taken :D I approve. No problem with guys discussing one of my erogenous zones. Now if you'll all just excuse me for a few minutes... :P
    2 points
  27. This is an abomination. Rush has officially sold themselves oot.
    2 points
  28. I am either going to be ignored for what I am about to say or blasted by folks here much smarter than I. For someone like myself who has been a fan since 1976 I am thrilled for them to be on a commercial for a huge company. I am glad to have some of my youthful naivete left to just f**king enjoy it and not over analyze this. I hope they play the sh*t out of it everywhere till I tire from it. Going way back to a time when I couldn't even catch them on the radio, I am going to celebrate this a little. I hope they got paid handsomely too.... :) I got into Rush when Snakes And Arrows was released and I've gotta say I agree with you. Even 8 years ago they didn't get half the attention they get now.
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. I'm disappointed. Walmart is about as evil of a company as you can find.
    2 points
  31. Thank you so much to Blackhawkrush, Treeduck, Bluefunk, Babycat, Your_Lion, and Narpzilla for the kind birthday wishes. You are all wonderful friends. I'd also like to thank :rush: for being the awesome group that they are, and inspiring this amazing forum with great members. :cheers:
    2 points
  32. Is that where the "10" comes from in Rushchick10? :sarcastic: No, "10" was a random number. Smart ass... ;) Random number, or badge of achievement? You be the judge, America! :dweez: If I were to rate my sexual conquests, the "Big ten inch" would probably be third or fourth on the list. :fury: http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff508/blackcc/GIFs/topgunbaby7.gif I'm cooler than Maverick... http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff508/blackcc/GIFs/20SyG.gif Ah, a denier I see. Well, I have bigger ta-tas than Maverick. How about that? http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff508/blackcc/GIFs/SeAt72Y_zps541b70fa.gif
    2 points
  33. And the gone-wrong-at-the-plastic-surgeon: ( . / o) Let's not forget dem big nipples. ( o Y o )
    2 points
  34. Very nice. I like how u can see the giant brain behind him. LOL.
    2 points
  35. Hey look it's PEG BUNDY!!! ;)
    2 points
  36. For you illiterate pervs: ( . Y . ) <- D's ( . Y . ) <- C's ( . )( . ) <- B's (.)(.) <- A's :P
    2 points
  37. It's this one: http://i.imgur.com/TN5STcS.jpg
    2 points
  38. http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg293/goose_trf/rainbow2814_zpse8f6fdb1.jpeg
    2 points
  39. I'm sure GF would insist on separate rooms... You know how lilttle kids go around beating each other on the arm because they secretly like each other? I think that's what's going on here. I got a visual......
    2 points
  40. You guys need to cut it out and go get a room.
    2 points
  41. If you read it from right to left it does look sort of like an activity Hobo discusses from time to time.... :)
    2 points
  42. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z33/bfwgjma/Rush%202012%20San%20Jose/IMG_3174.jpg
    2 points
  43. Are you sure? I've stood right in front of him at one show and just a few rows behind at two other shows and uhm... What was I talking about? I know the image. It is burned into my memory. Oh that's right. And yeah, I'm sure. If you blow the image up real big :D you can tell by the pixels it's been manipulated. Could be compression artifacts. Which photo are we examining? Yes, to be certain I think we need to inspect the photos in question.
    2 points
  44. Guys, if you don't know (or haven't heard of) the alphabet trick, learn it... And for the advanced ... http://www.dscript.ca/dmanual/vert/poems/summers_day/000_final_600.gif :pussy: Analog- that made me giggle and I needed it today. Thanks! Cheers, frippy I am now convinced I am the biggest loser. I don't even get it. Should I?.... Yes. You should. I don't think you need the whole alphabet given above, though. Just the first row will do the trick. Multiple times if you do it right...
    2 points
  45. Got a very special guitar home. Made the same date as I was born only a year before, and was bought by my dad after he gave up smoking and saved up for it. My earliest memory of a guitar is this one, and it has followed me all through my life. I learned to play guitar on it, and I have seen my dad countless times playing the blues on it. Now it's home and will soon get to hang on the wall to inspire me. I want to look at it and be reminded of what started it all ...
    2 points
  46. After all we've done for him...Get out! Get out! Get OUT! You ... LABOURER! Yes, that's right. It's all due to a trauma I suffered when I was a sboolboy. I was attacked by a bat. :pussy: Well, ..... A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, eh? ;) Oh, I don't want a great bat flapping round my neck. No...I suppose they've...got to draw the line somewhere... That's a very silly line I did it very quickly...your honour...sir...sir. and you've just got five seconds to tell me ... whatever happened to Baby Jane? These fanatical thieves under the leadership of the so-called Mao Tse-tung had caught Miss Johnson off guard for one brief but fatal moment :bang bang: :cheerleader: and destroyed her. don't be so sentimental. Things explode every day. He has chosen a very obvious piece of cover. :kisshug: Well Don's off to a really great start there. Remember the Paraguayan has got 11 years, 2 months, 26 days, 9 hours, 3 minutes, 27.4 seconds to beat. there's no time to lose I'm afraid Sir Horace won't be catching the 10.15, Lady Partridge. :fuckwithadmin: 'Please fondle my bum' Mr. Frampton, will you take your trousers down? I got thirty bob for the trousers! Are they going to be unobtainable throughout the Universe or merely on Algon itself? Every single man Jack of them. Not a single one of them in an unsold state. Good morning. Tell me, why did you say "good morning" when you know perfectly well that it's afternoon?
    2 points
  47. You missed a RUSH show for that? Priorities, my friend...priorities.
    2 points
  48. RushYesZeppelin & I met here about two years ago and have been cyberdating every night since. Just got plane tickets to go and meet her again in June :7up:
    2 points
  49. Hey baby, would you like a "sample of my yield"?
    2 points
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