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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/20 in all areas

  1. My post here is for ORFie, dedicated to his memory; he was looking forward to this day, and I'm saddened that he isn't here to see it. With love to you, ORFie, will always miss you, and will never forget you.
    7 points
  2. Today marks 10 years of Babycat on TRF :yay: Happy 10th Anniversary Bbyatca!!!! :yay:
    5 points
  3. Ok here are the Neil celebration T-shirt pics. The hi-vis biking shirt might be a knock-off (lol), I am sure Alex is already leaning in to scrutinize its authenticity. Challenge to wear shopping, perfect for sharing city streets with vehicles. The Hemispheres is an oldy but it accompanied me and my brother to R40 in Toronto, very memorable for us both. He highly doubted the rumours, I was thinking we were all gathering for the last time. So yes a pain to post, but I was determined! As Union 5-3992 helped me a few months back to post some Algonquin Park pics (Oh, alright, feel free to check them out under Photography). Make an account at imgur.com (easy), post on their page, Public. Then from there you can copy/paste to these forums. Cheers!
    5 points
  4. I was making polls when you were swimming around in your dad's balls.
    4 points
  5. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!! Babies! Thank mew!
    3 points
  6. 1975 - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
    3 points
  7. Madrigal's music sounds like a five year old's first keyboard lesson. WHAT I mean what’s worse? Bravest Face Nobody's Hero Say, this could be a good thread idea.....start off with a great song and challenge people to say what's worse in an ever increasing spiral of suck.
    3 points
  8. 1971 http://youtu.be/2TVyJ-51jzc Hackman at his best. And at his best, I can’t think of anyone better.
    3 points
  9. I was making polls when you were swimming around in your dad's balls. :goodone: :lol:
    3 points
  10. It’s Liar, easy. Folks who don’t rank Queen among the greatest hard rock bands of all time have never given this album, and especially this song, a proper listen.
    3 points
  11. http://www.nerdsattack.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/neilpea.jpg
    3 points
  12. I love The Police, but not against The Who; there's too much there.
    3 points
  13. Tommy Live At Leeds Who's Next Quadrophenia Who By Numbers Who Are You Their performance at Woodstock 1969 ... no contest
    3 points
  14. The Who. The Police have never really done anything for me.
    3 points
  15. Oh, oh Bevis, should we? Be gentle with me. Bum! Oh, what a giveaway! OK, you've got this girl on your bed, you've had a few drinks, you've got her stretched out and her feet on the mantelpiece... No, no good! How we going to get feeling of personal alienation of self from society with this load of Bulldog Drummond crop? There you are, you see, he spoke his mind. He said my idea was lousy. It just so happens my idea isn't lousy so get out you goddam pinko subversive, get out! Let me come with you, Pontiuth Lion. I may be of thome athithtanth if there ith a thudden crithith. Uh-oh, there's a hosepipe! This means trouble for somebody! :o I would put a tax on all people who stand in water...Oh! Oh well, whole afternoon to kill...better have a bath, I suppose. There's more to life than culture. There's dirt, and smoke, and good honest sweat! Well, I've got to stop you there, I'm afraid, because we've got someone who's been doing cabaret in the New Forest. Oh no, Thursday's the Industrial Relations Bill Dinner Dance. Can't they make it another day? Yes, and it's the Annual Dance in the Sabine School for Girls. :drool: Yes, on your screen tomorrow: 'The Naughtiest Girl in the School' starring the men of the 14th Marine Commandos. I spent many years in India during the last war and am now a part-time notice board in a prominent public school. Yours etc., Brigadier Zoe La Rue (deceased). The headquarters of these urban idiots is here in St John's Wood. Inside they can enjoy the company of other idiots and watch special performances of ritual idioting. Oh, that sounds wonderful. Would you like to talk about the meaning of life, darling? Do please go on. This is the least fascinating conversation I've ever had.
    2 points
  16. Oh, oh Bevis, should we? Be gentle with me. Bum! Oh, what a giveaway! OK, you've got this girl on your bed, you've had a few drinks, you've got her stretched out and her feet on the mantelpiece... No, no good! How we going to get feeling of personal alienation of self from society with this load of Bulldog Drummond crop? There you are, you see, he spoke his mind. He said my idea was lousy. It just so happens my idea isn't lousy so get out you goddam pinko subversive, get out! Let me come with you, Pontiuth Lion. I may be of thome athithtanth if there ith a thudden crithith. Uh-oh, there's a hosepipe! This means trouble for somebody! :o I would put a tax on all people who stand in water...Oh! Oh well, whole afternoon to kill...better have a bath, I suppose. There's more to life than culture. There's dirt, and smoke, and good honest sweat! Well, I've got to stop you there, I'm afraid, because we've got someone who's been doing cabaret in the New Forest. Oh no, Thursday's the Industrial Relations Bill Dinner Dance. Can't they make it another day? Yes, and it's the Annual Dance in the Sabine School for Girls. :drool: Yes, on your screen tomorrow: 'The Naughtiest Girl in the School' starring the men of the 14th Marine Commandos. I spent many years in India during the last war and am now a part-time notice board in a prominent public school. Yours etc., Brigadier Zoe La Rue (deceased). The headquarters of these urban idiots is here in St John's Wood. Inside they can enjoy the company of other idiots and watch special performances of ritual idioting. Oh, that sounds wonderful. Would you like to talk about the meaning of life, darling?
    2 points
  17. Oh, oh Bevis, should we? Be gentle with me. Bum! Oh, what a giveaway! OK, you've got this girl on your bed, you've had a few drinks, you've got her stretched out and her feet on the mantelpiece... No, no good! How we going to get feeling of personal alienation of self from society with this load of Bulldog Drummond crop? There you are, you see, he spoke his mind. He said my idea was lousy. It just so happens my idea isn't lousy so get out you goddam pinko subversive, get out! Let me come with you, Pontiuth Lion. I may be of thome athithtanth if there ith a thudden crithith. Uh-oh, there's a hosepipe! This means trouble for somebody! :o I would put a tax on all people who stand in water...Oh! Oh well, whole afternoon to kill...better have a bath, I suppose. There's more to life than culture. There's dirt, and smoke, and good honest sweat! Well, I've got to stop you there, I'm afraid, because we've got someone who's been doing cabaret in the New Forest. Oh no, Thursday's the Industrial Relations Bill Dinner Dance. Can't they make it another day? Yes, and it's the Annual Dance in the Sabine School for Girls. :drool: Yes, on your screen tomorrow: 'The Naughtiest Girl in the School' starring the men of the 14th Marine Commandos. I spent many years in India during the last war and am now a part-time notice board in a prominent public school. Yours etc., Brigadier Zoe La Rue (deceased). The headquarters of these urban idiots is here in St John's Wood. Inside they can enjoy the company of other idiots and watch special performances of ritual idioting.
    2 points
  18. Oh, oh Bevis, should we? Be gentle with me. Bum! Oh, what a giveaway! OK, you've got this girl on your bed, you've had a few drinks, you've got her stretched out and her feet on the mantelpiece... No, no good! How we going to get feeling of personal alienation of self from society with this load of Bulldog Drummond crop? There you are, you see, he spoke his mind. He said my idea was lousy. It just so happens my idea isn't lousy so get out you goddam pinko subversive, get out! Let me come with you, Pontiuth Lion. I may be of thome athithtanth if there ith a thudden crithith. Uh-oh, there's a hosepipe! This means trouble for somebody! :o I would put a tax on all people who stand in water...Oh! Oh well, whole afternoon to kill...better have a bath, I suppose. There's more to life than culture. There's dirt, and smoke, and good honest sweat! Well, I've got to stop you there, I'm afraid, because we've got someone who's been doing cabaret in the New Forest. Oh no, Thursday's the Industrial Relations Bill Dinner Dance. Can't they make it another day? Yes, and it's the Annual Dance in the Sabine School for Girls. :drool: Yes, on your screen tomorrow: 'The Naughtiest Girl in the School' starring the men of the 14th Marine Commandos. I spent many years in India during the last war and am now a part-time notice board in a prominent public school. Yours etc., Brigadier Zoe La Rue (deceased).
    2 points
  19. Oh, oh Bevis, should we? Be gentle with me. Bum! Oh, what a giveaway! OK, you've got this girl on your bed, you've had a few drinks, you've got her stretched out and her feet on the mantelpiece... No, no good! How we going to get feeling of personal alienation of self from society with this load of Bulldog Drummond crop? There you are, you see, he spoke his mind. He said my idea was lousy. It just so happens my idea isn't lousy so get out you goddam pinko subversive, get out! Let me come with you, Pontiuth Lion. I may be of thome athithtanth if there ith a thudden crithith. Uh-oh, there's a hosepipe! This means trouble for somebody! :o I would put a tax on all people who stand in water...Oh! Oh well, whole afternoon to kill...better have a bath, I suppose. There's more to life than culture. There's dirt, and smoke, and good honest sweat! Well, I've got to stop you there, I'm afraid, because we've got someone who's been doing cabaret in the New Forest. Oh no, Thursday's the Industrial Relations Bill Dinner Dance. Can't they make it another day? Yes, and it's the Annual Dance in the Sabine School for Girls. :drool: Yes, on your screen tomorrow: 'The Naughtiest Girl in the School' starring the men of the 14th Marine Commandos.
    2 points
  20. Love this too! Hubby bought this for me a couple of Christmas' ago. Now they are all over ebay for a lot less money. I look at them every day as I pass by the shelf in the front room. :D
    2 points
  21. I have the dvd about how he had that set made and the theme song he composed for Hockey Night in Canada. :kisshug: I think the set is in the Hockey Hall of Fame now. Cool.
    2 points
  22. Madrigal's music sounds like a five year old's first keyboard lesson. WHAT I mean what’s worse? Bravest Face Nobody's Hero Say, this could be a good thread idea.....start off with a great song and challenge people to say what's worse in an ever increasing spiral of suck. It’s almost a perfect plan...except it’d die after two turns with someone claiming You Bet Your Life is better than 2112
    2 points
  23. If duck posts 50 times a day, he’ll reach 100,000 on January 3, 2021. If you whip him like a beast of burden so that he posts 100 times a day, he’ll reach 100,000 on November 9th. I might get to 20,000 days alive before I get to 100,000 posts. Probably. You’re not a 50 post a day TRFer. Lorraine’s gotta crack that whip hard on you if she wants that 100k celebration anytime soon
    2 points
  24. If duck posts 50 times a day, he’ll reach 100,000 on January 3, 2021. If you whip him like a beast of burden so that he posts 100 times a day, he’ll reach 100,000 on November 9th. I might get to 20,000 days alive before I get to 100,000 posts. Probably. You’re not a 50 post a day TRFer. Lorraine’s gotta crack that whip hard on you if she wants that 100k celebration anytime soon
    2 points
  25. If duck posts 50 times a day, he’ll reach 100,000 on January 3, 2021. If you whip him like a beast of burden so that he posts 100 times a day, he’ll reach 100,000 on November 9th. I might get to 20,000 days alive before I get to 100,000 posts.
    2 points
  26. If duck posts 50 times a day, he’ll reach 100,000 on January 3, 2021. If you whip him like a beast of burden so that he posts 100 times a day, he’ll reach 100,000 on November 9th.
    2 points
  27. Yeah. I think overall the Police bank of material is more consistent, but the highs of the Who are amazing.
    2 points
  28. this picture makes me gag They’re not that long. ;)
    2 points
  29. I wish! :D Pinterest has a load of Rush fan art and lego Rush and all kinds of things.
    2 points
  30. Liar is an underrated deep cut.
    2 points
  31. Great pics! Glad you were able to put them up! I love that color of yellow and have not seen it in a Rush shirt before. :)
    2 points
  32. librarian, tell us you made that drum set !!!!!!
    2 points
  33. Got it !!!! But to this minute the Tracking still says "Cleared Customs August 31" (I guess above I was checking on it, on Sept. 3). I was just out the front door and it was leaning outside the door frame. Happy to get it, but this time around, not great service.
    2 points
  34. The "Making Modern Music" section is where the board's top musicians hang out. Pretty sure you could get an answer there.
    2 points
  35. Wow! Can you imagine playing in front of all of those people?
    2 points
  36. Both are great but there’s too much power in The Who for The Police to handle. The Who are the embodiment of “legendary”, right up there in the same conversation as Zeppelin.
    2 points
  37. We were scheduled to go to the US at the end of September to attend my cousin's daughter's wedding in Missouri, then on for a bunch of days in Vegas. We knew it wasn't going to happen as the US Govt. has revoked all ESTA's (visa waiver) meaning that we physically couldn't enter the country even if the flights were on. Yesterday we got word from the airline that the flights were cancelled - at least that means we will get a refund. We were so looking forward to the trip but I guess we have to wait until better times.
    2 points
  38. Watching my favourite cat play with his favourite catnip fish.
    2 points
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