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Songs that have grown on you.


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Title is pretty self explanatory, what are the Rush songs you really didn't like at first, but you appreciate or like more now?


For me I'd say Madrigal, Different Strings, and Beneath, between, and behind.


How about you guys?

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Most of Vapor Trails. After the remix hit, that album got a million times better for me, from being one of their worst to being about middle of the pack.

Agreed except maybe better than middle of the pack.


Tai Shan and High Water...seriously.



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Kid Gloves, Red Lenses, Chemistry, most of Power Windows and a lot of Hold Your Fire, Between Sun & Moon, Scars...
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I'm a new fan but it took me a fairly long time to understand the songs on Permanent Waves that come after Freewill. First I had to warm up to Natural Science, then Different Strings, and then a few months afterwards I was listening to the album and I was absolutely captivated by Jacob's Ladder, a song that, prior to that, I used to think was kinda meh.


Individual songs that had to grow on me were Territories, Animate, Test For Echo, and The Body Electric.

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I'm a new fan but it took me a fairly long time to understand the songs on Permanent Waves that come after Freewill. First I had to warm up to Natural Science, then Different Strings, and then a few months afterwards I was listening to the album and I was absolutely captivated by Jacob's Ladder, a song that, prior to that, I used to think was kinda meh.


Individual songs that had to grow on me were Territories, Animate, Test For Echo, and The Body Electric.


Fully agree on Jacob's Ladder DOL


Whatever you call a song that's more than a song, that's Jacob's Ladder

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I'm a new fan but it took me a fairly long time to understand the songs on Permanent Waves that come after Freewill. First I had to warm up to Natural Science, then Different Strings, and then a few months afterwards I was listening to the album and I was absolutely captivated by Jacob's Ladder, a song that, prior to that, I used to think was kinda meh.


Individual songs that had to grow on me were Territories, Animate, Test For Echo, and The Body Electric.


Fully agree on Jacob's Ladder DOL


Whatever you call a song that's more than a song, that's Jacob's Ladder


I was in the chat when it finally clicked with me, too, so the other members had a nice laugh at my expense. ("Look I am having, like, an experience right now")

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I'm a new fan but it took me a fairly long time to understand the songs on Permanent Waves that come after Freewill. First I had to warm up to Natural Science, then Different Strings, and then a few months afterwards I was listening to the album and I was absolutely captivated by Jacob's Ladder, a song that, prior to that, I used to think was kinda meh.


Individual songs that had to grow on me were Territories, Animate, Test For Echo, and The Body Electric.


:o You did not just say you had to warm up to Natural Science.


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I am still working on warming up to Power Windows. I like it but it's my least listened to Rush.
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I am still working on warming up to Power Windows. I like it but it's my least listened to Rush.

You and me both. I was supposed to listen to it the other day to see if it had yet begun to grow on me but got distracted by other things and didn't.


But it is on my list for next week. If I don't get distracted again.

Edited by Lorraine
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I am still working on warming up to Power Windows. I like it but it's my least listened to Rush.

You and me both. I was supposed to listen to it the other day to see if it had yet begun to grow on me but got distracted by other things and didn't.


But it is on my list for next week. If I don't get distracted again.


Like vitamins huh?

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I'm a new fan but it took me a fairly long time to understand the songs on Permanent Waves that come after Freewill. First I had to warm up to Natural Science, then Different Strings, and then a few months afterwards I was listening to the album and I was absolutely captivated by Jacob's Ladder, a song that, prior to that, I used to think was kinda meh.


Individual songs that had to grow on me were Territories, Animate, Test For Echo, and The Body Electric.


:o You did not just say you had to warm up to Natural Science.



Hahaha I did have to! I even wrote "Natural Science sucks" in the unpopular opinions thread. It's a shame I can't go back and stealth-edit old posts... :ph34r:

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I'm a new fan but it took me a fairly long time to understand the songs on Permanent Waves that come after Freewill. First I had to warm up to Natural Science, then Different Strings, and then a few months afterwards I was listening to the album and I was absolutely captivated by Jacob's Ladder, a song that, prior to that, I used to think was kinda meh.


Individual songs that had to grow on me were Territories, Animate, Test For Echo, and The Body Electric.


:o You did not just say you had to warm up to Natural Science.



Hahaha I did have to! I even wrote "Natural Science sucks" in the unpopular opinions thread. It's a shame I can't go back and stealth-edit old posts... :ph34r:


:bitchslap: Natural Science is brilliant!! I never get tried of listening to it and saying to myself "Who writes like this? Nobody but Rush!" :P

Edited by catherine
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Jacobs Ladder.After seeing it on r40 I really was converted.Through all the 80s I couldn't really get The Camera Eye,then the penny dropped and the kangaroo went back into the top paddock.
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Did not really like Presto (the album) & Counterparts when they came out. Took years but both have clicked with me and I really like both now. A lot.


Countdown. Did not really like it. Then one day I got talking about it in a thread with Rush Goober who said it was great and he suggested I give it another listen. Did and now I like it - not love it, just like. But its a good solid like.


Between The Wheels. Was not even on my radar. Just sort of a forgotten, ho-hum song till I heard it on the R30 tour. I was like "WTF - that awesome!! I have to go listen to that again on the album. How did I overlook that song?!" Now I really like it a lot.

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