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I was totally unaware that anyone had a problem with Countdown...


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HEY NOW!! This thread is for bashing Countdown only!! Leave The Weapon alone or start your own thread. That song is awesome and the guitar work on it is so underrated it's not funny. I'd love to stop underlining everything, but the site won't cooperate........
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Yeah, it's cheesy and dated and not loaded with super complicated riffs and fills and Geddy and Neil both stated their dis-satisfaction with it,


Do you recall why they're dissatisfied with it?

I've heard Geddy say he thinks the lyrics come across like a textbook or something to that effect; I'm sure Neil shares the same sentiments
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It does sound like a textbook; it sounds like a very un-poetic description of the event, like a bad Walter Chronkite parody ... "Dianne, the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. The air is charged this day when "Super-Science" mingles with the bright stuff of dreams, like the dreams of my 12 year-old nephew who is at this very moment hovering in front of his television screen, along with much of the rest of his fellow citizens of this precious Earth, for today we are not Americans, or Russians, or Papau New Guineans, but we are all Earthlings, sharing our common satellite as it travails its fragile yet beautiful trek through the majesty of space. With the eyes of the world we stare, Dianne." And there's those we-do we-do keyboards. Ugh, the memory is painful. Edited by Rutlefan
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"Some think the shuttle program was all a waste and still is a waste to go up there and... well, anyway." Yet we've been spending our money on such productive things these last twelve years. If our priorities were straight we should have put all that money (or a good part of it) towards a permanent colony on the moon. All that money going back into aerospace jobs in the good ol' USA too. Eh, what can you do?
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Yeah, it's cheesy and dated and not loaded with super complicated riffs and fills and Geddy and Neil both stated their dis-satisfaction with it,


Do you recall why they're dissatisfied with it?

I've heard Geddy say he thinks the lyrics come across like a textbook or something to that effect; I'm sure Neil shares the same sentiments


I hope Neil told Geddy to take off.

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I have no problem with Countdown at all, its certainly not the worst song on Signals.

I still have my shaped picture disc of Countdown/New world man that has the shuttle on one side and the fire hydrant on the other.


The launch of the Space Shuttle was a big deal back then for me and my friends (I was 13) so we thought it was pretty cool for Rush to be into it also

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Not my favorite from Signals but I like it.


"Venting vapors like the breath of a sleeping white dragon..."


One of the most vivid lyrics I think Neil ever wrote. Right up there with "features distorted in the flickering light".


They ain't all gonna be epics but I think it's a good tune.

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even though Signals is far better as musicians and composers is the first album since 1974 where they couldnt improve the sound from the latest record. ( moving pictures has sucha perfect straight clear digital guitar & drum sound, almost like a drum machine)


SUBDIVISIONS is the best song in the universe, the greatest pick between tech and human creativity, they know it, hence all the DALMATIAN clues among Rush live albums.


But coming back to Countdown I love the production.

Its truly cinematic as Neils narrative, Fits perfect with the excitement of a space launch, when you make a record you can appreciate the value of post production of a song as truly art.

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even though Signals is far better as musicians and composers is the first album since 1974 where they couldnt improve the sound from the latest record. ( moving pictures has sucha perfect straight clear digital guitar & drum sound, almost like a drum machine)


SUBDIVISIONS is the best song in the universe, the greatest pick between tech and human creativity, they know it, hence all the dalmata clues among Rush live albums.


But coming back to Countdown I love the production.

Its truly cinematic as Neils narration, Fits perfect with the excitement of a space launch, when you make a record you can appreciate the value of post production of a song as truly art.


I don't understand these bits . . .

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even though Signals is far better as musicians and composers is the first album since 1974 where they couldnt improve the sound from the latest record. ( moving pictures has sucha perfect straight clear digital guitar & drum sound, almost like a drum machine)


SUBDIVISIONS is the best song in the universe, the greatest pick between tech and human creativity, they know it, hence all the dalmata clues among Rush live albums.


But coming back to Countdown I love the production.

Its truly cinematic as Neils narration, Fits perfect with the excitement of a space launch, when you make a record you can appreciate the value of post production of a song as truly art.


I don't understand these bits . . .


Something about dalmatian dogs and a supposed narration by Peart. Confused? You will be...

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even though Signals is far better as musicians and composers is the first album since 1974 where they couldnt improve the sound from the latest record. ( moving pictures has sucha perfect straight clear digital guitar & drum sound, almost like a drum machine)


SUBDIVISIONS is the best song in the universe, the greatest pick between tech and human creativity, they know it, hence all the dalmata clues among Rush live albums.


But coming back to Countdown I love the production.

Its truly cinematic as Neils narration, Fits perfect with the excitement of a space launch, when you make a record you can appreciate the value of post production of a song as truly art.


I don't understand these bits . . .


I wondered if I was the only one.

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even though Signals is far better as musicians and composers is the first album since 1974 where they couldnt improve the sound from the latest record. ( moving pictures has sucha perfect straight clear digital guitar & drum sound, almost like a drum machine)


SUBDIVISIONS is the best song in the universe, the greatest pick between tech and human creativity, they know it, hence all the dalmata clues among Rush live albums.


But coming back to Countdown I love the production.

Its truly cinematic as Neils narration, Fits perfect with the excitement of a space launch, when you make a record you can appreciate the value of post production of a song as truly art.


I don't understand these bits . . .


What, you didn't know all that NASA chatter at the end was Neil pretending to be a space ranger?!

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even though Signals is far better as musicians and composers is the first album since 1974 where they couldnt improve the sound from the latest record. ( moving pictures has sucha perfect straight clear digital guitar & drum sound, almost like a drum machine)


SUBDIVISIONS is the best song in the universe, the greatest pick between tech and human creativity, they know it, hence all the dalmata clues among Rush live albums.


But coming back to Countdown I love the production.

Its truly cinematic as Neils narration, Fits perfect with the excitement of a space launch, when you make a record you can appreciate the value of post production of a song as truly art.


I don't understand these bits . . .


What, you didn't know all that NASA chatter at the end was Neil pretending to be a space ranger?!


I did not know that. I knew he was a smart dude! But what are "dalmata clues"? The dictionary tells me that a "dalmatic" is a "wide-sleeved overgarment with slit sides worn by a deacon" - does it have something to do with that?

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Epic synth solo!!!! :smoke:

If they bring it back for R40 it's a perfect 5:49 beer run song

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I like how the song "builds up" to liftoff...if that makes sense...great song.


Btw...someone out there will always have a "problem" with something. That's just life. :D

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I thought I would drag this Countdown thread back to life ... Today, I received my Japanese SIGNALS SHM CD ( which, btw, sounds fantastic ), and I'm loving Countdown ... I'm hearing a very inspired Geddy, esp on bass


Overall, my favorite song from SIGNALS


Anyone else have any thoughts on the Japanese SHM-CDs ? ... this was my first, and now I'm thinking I need to get more ... I'm pretty impressed

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