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Pick your HYF Song for the next tour  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Which songs should Rush drag ou tof the next tour?

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Absolutely, long over due. Would love to hear Prime Mover especially...and if they want to pull out a never played, Open Secrets would be ideal.

I voted for Time Stand Still, Prime Mover, and Turn The Page. TTP has a really hard bass line though, so Geddy won't play it anymore. I like Force Ten, but its been played enough on recent tours and Mission has been done recently so I'm good there. SECOND NATURE, TAI SHAN, AND HIGH WATER SHOULD NEVER BE PLAYED. THEY ARE THE 3 WORST RUSH SONGS EVER, AND TOTALLY TAINTED WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN A GREAT ALBUM.


The worst for you maybe.


For me Second Nature i one of the bands finest songs, and alongside Marathon and Cold Fire, there most undervalued. As for Tai han and High Water, they are just fine. Of course this opinion is mine, but they were right to release them.


I voted for Time Stand Still, Prime Mover, and Turn The Page. TTP has a really hard bass line though, so Geddy won't play it anymore. I like Force Ten, but its been played enough on recent tours and Mission has been done recently so I'm good there. SECOND NATURE, TAI SHAN, AND HIGH WATER SHOULD NEVER BE PLAYED. THEY ARE THE 3 WORST RUSH SONGS EVER, AND TOTALLY TAINTED WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN A GREAT ALBUM.


The worst for you maybe.


For me Second Nature i one of the bands finest songs, and alongside Marathon and Cold Fire, there most undervalued. As for Tai han and High Water, they are just fine. Of course this opinion is mine, but they were right to release them.


I agree with you on Marathon and Cold Fire.

Posted (edited)
Great album, love it and would like to hear a few songs off of this album, especially songs not played ever or that are not on a live compilation. Edited by Jeffrey

This is one of my favorite Rush albums. I would be happy with any songs off the album. Heck I would not complain if the played the entire album. Except High Water - its the one song on the album I don't really love.


The more of the songs they have never done live (like Tai Shan) that they were to dig out and play the better. Plus TSS - its one of my top 3 favorite Rush songs.


Nonononono. Hold Your Fire is one of my least favorite albums. Totally flat, washed out and no fire in that album. I've probably played it less than 10 times.


:boo hiss:


Flame away.

I could see ONE song off Hold Your Fire next tour. Rush doesn't seem to care about this album very much, not live anyway. It's always the same old Force Ten. Mission and Time Stand Still were pleasant surprises on S&A and TM, respectively, but they'd been done before. I'd love to see Lock and Key return to the setlist, or maybe Prime Mover, but I think it'll be F10 or TSS, or nothing. :sigh:
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Even though 5 consecutive HYF songs might be an extended beer/piss break for most of the audience...

Especially those 5 HYF songs :facepalm:


(For the record, I would love to see the first three live, though putting them in a row would scare off a LOT of people. The last two either wouldn't work in that setting (IMO) or wouldn't work in any setting.

Lock and Key, Open Secrets, and Turn the Page all NEED to be played

Even though 5 consecutive HYF songs might be an extended beer/piss break for most of the audience...

Especially those 5 HYF songs :facepalm:


(For the record, I would love to see the first three live, though putting them in a row would scare off a LOT of people. The last two either wouldn't work in that setting (IMO) or wouldn't work in any setting.


Eh. Any 5 consecutive HYF songs would have the same effect.


I didn't pick Turn the Page because I don't think Geddy would want to deal with that bass line at this stage.


And High Water has some great percussion. Would love to see Neil play that one, and it's lush and atmospheric. Think it really would come off well live.


And they rehearsed an acoustic Second Nature for the R30 tour. I'm really intersted in hearing that arrangement. Second Nature is a pretty underrated song anround here.


I would like to hear Tai Shan too but we all know that's not going to happen.

I saw this tour and they played 6 songs. I wouldn't mind hearing any of them but Prime Mover would be my first choice. Also, since HYF came out I have been hoping for Open Secrets live.

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