The Rush Forum
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TRF Signup and Login Info!
You're a Rush
geeknerdfan, you found your way here, and you want to join our community. Even if the only Rush song you know is "Tom Sawyer," you're welcome to hang out! Here are a few helpful tips for signing up.The join process here is the same as most message boards. One important thing we want to stress is submitting a valid email address. If you don't give us a working email we can't validate your account and you'll never be able to post content. We've had to delete many a new account simply because the board can't communicate with the person trying to join. So please submit a valid email and double-check for typos.
Always check your spam folder if you've signed up and don't see a validation email in your inbox.
If you submitted a valid and working email address and after a few days you never received a validation email, please email us at, and make sure you send it from the same email address you used when you first joined so that we can match it up with your account.
If you're already an existing member and are having trouble accessing your account -- maybe you haven't visited in a while and you've forgotten your username or password -- you can try the password recovery link on the login screen. If that's unsuccessful, please email us at -- again, if possible, using the same email address you used when you joined -- and we'll try and help you out. Try to include whatever account info you can so we know you're you.