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Rarely, and only in a social setting if it's served to me to be nice. I hate liver... Although i like liverwurst.


Ever eat steak or pork tartar?

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No. I love meat. Would be incredibly difficult to do without. So, no.


Do you have any alternatives to Rush as your mainline active band?

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Yeah quite a few times and I read the novella it came from before that


Ever go down the park for a run and find yourself delivering a child where you ended up biting off the umbilical cord and licking the baby's face afterwards?


This sounds weird I know but this what the actor Brian Blessed says he did back in 1963:



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ha ha no!


Would you have your whole head tattooed with a picture of Adolf Hitler's face for $10 million in gold bullion but you must never remove the tattoo with laser treatment or any other treatment or all the money is forfeit and any you've spent must be paid back by gold mining in Vladivostok?

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Would you listen to Taylor Swift "music" for 24 consecutive hours for a thousand dollars?

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No, not unless I had a .38 pistol loaded with mercury bullets on hand.


Has anyone you know ever claimed to have been kidnapped by aliens? Or anyone you've heard of outside of a magazine, newspaper report, TV show or internet blog?

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