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Five Sickest Scenes in the History of Film

Mr. Not

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When I was a kid I loved horror movies. I saw almost every single one that came out (We're talking around the time of Halloween, Friday the 13th, The Evil Dead). As I get older, I find I can't stomach that type of movie any more. Maybe it's because they're getting more gory, maybe it's just me.


I could have made this statement myself, except that I didn't see almost every single movie, but I did see a lot of horror movies around that period of time you're referring to. I can't watch them anymore either.


There are exceptions, but for the most part horror movies tend to be just bad movies. Movies like The Shining, The Sixth Sense, An American Werewolf in London and Silence of the Lambs are high quality movies that happen to be horror movies, but I find those to be the rare exception, and I will almost never slog through horror movies to find the rare great one that surpasses the genre.


And then there are movies like Lost Highway or latter day David Cronenberg films that tend to have a lot of violence, but it's done to serve the story without being gratuitous just because the director is in love with violence or gore (like Tarantino).


Yeah. Movies like the Saw or Hostel franchises I've never seen. The extremely graphic violence turns my stomach nowadays.


You couldn't pay me to watch the Human Centipede franchise. A colleage of mine came into my office and pulled the trailer for the first one up on YouTube. I literally almost threw up in my wastebasket.

Not a big Tosh.0 fan, but this is priceless.



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When I was a kid I loved horror movies. I saw almost every single one that came out (We're talking around the time of Halloween, Friday the 13th, The Evil Dead). As I get older, I find I can't stomach that type of movie any more. Maybe it's because they're getting more gory, maybe it's just me.


I could have made this statement myself, except that I didn't see almost every single movie, but I did see a lot of horror movies around that period of time you're referring to. I can't watch them anymore either.


There are exceptions, but for the most part horror movies tend to be just bad movies. Movies like The Shining, The Sixth Sense, An American Werewolf in London and Silence of the Lambs are high quality movies that happen to be horror movies, but I find those to be the rare exception, and I will almost never slog through horror movies to find the rare great one that surpasses the genre.


And then there are movies like Lost Highway or latter day David Cronenberg films that tend to have a lot of violence, but it's done to serve the story without being gratuitous just because the director is in love with violence or gore (like Tarantino).


Yeah. Movies like the Saw or Hostel franchises I've never seen. The extremely graphic violence turns my stomach nowadays.


You couldn't pay me to watch the Human Centipede franchise. A colleage of mine came into my office and pulled the trailer for the first one up on YouTube. I literally almost threw up in my wastebasket.

Not a big Tosh.0 fan, but this is priceless.



That was as good as the South Park Human CentiPad :LOL:

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3. Cannibal Holocaust (1979)

This film adapted a POV style, and while it may be annoying in films today, it was uncommon back then, this film pioneered in it. Because of this, many people thought the film was not at all fictional, and director Ruggero Deodato almost ended up with a life in prison sentence. No joke.


And there's no joke about this scene either, because unlike the humans in this film, all the animals you see die, actually die. That includes the 4 minutes scene where they slice upon and take apart a sea turtle. This scene is just brutal. One of the actresses hurls, and I'm pretty sure she actually did to, it wasn't acting.


[video removed]


Why would they videotape a scene with animals being torn apart?!?? What was the movie about?





It's a film following the perspective of 4 young reporters looking into cannibalism in the amazon. They get hungry, eat a turtle, film it, it's disgusting, it's a horror, so they put it in.



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5. The Toxic Avenger (1985)

Wow, this scene is surprising to anyone. Even if you've been exposed to a lot, the thought of this scene is just unsettling.

The early body building antagonists in The Toxic Avenger are sadistic, and take complete joy in running over innocent people in their car. They even have a point system set up. The younger and more helpless the victim, the more points they get. Obviously a completely fictional situation since those with antisocial personality probably wouldn't prioritize human life this way. Anyways, here we see them tease, then ram into a kid on a bike. He survives the impact, just barely, and that's not good enough for these creeps. They put it in reverse and run the kids head over, SPLAT. Now, the women get out of the car and laugh as they take pictures of their latest kill.


R.I.P. Skippy






Pretty bad stuff, but we have some ways to go.



OMG!! I've seen that movie. Waaayy back when I was 5-6...scary stuff

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5. The Toxic Avenger (1985)

Wow, this scene is surprising to anyone. Even if you've been exposed to a lot, the thought of this scene is just unsettling.

The early body building antagonists in The Toxic Avenger are sadistic, and take complete joy in running over innocent people in their car. They even have a point system set up. The younger and more helpless the victim, the more points they get. Obviously a completely fictional situation since those with antisocial personality probably wouldn't prioritize human life this way. Anyways, here we see them tease, then ram into a kid on a bike. He survives the impact, just barely, and that's not good enough for these creeps. They put it in reverse and run the kids head over, SPLAT. Now, the women get out of the car and laugh as they take pictures of their latest kill.


R.I.P. Skippy






Pretty bad stuff, but we have some ways to go.



OMG!! I've seen that movie. Waaayy back when I was 5-6...scary stuff

You guys are crazy- that scene and film are hilarious!
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