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Longest you've ever puked, and/or the worst . . .

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Let's just say too many screwdrivers and slightly cold Domino's pizza does not a happy man make.
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The summer going into grade 9, i drank half a 40 of gin straight, trying to impress the ladies. I ended up going blind with my ass on the toilet and barfing in the tub.



I've never touched Gin since, though i hear it's good with tonic confused13.gif

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QUOTE (spirit of radio @ Aug 20 2005, 10:52 PM)
The summer going into grade 9, i drank half a 40 of gin straight, trying to impress the ladies. I ended up going blind with my ass on the toilet and barfing in the tub.

I've never touched Gin since, though i hear it's good with tonic confused13.gif

Nice way to impress the ladies!!!!!!! 062802puke_prv.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif














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QUOTE (Trance @ Aug 20 2005, 11:08 PM)
QUOTE (spirit of radio @ Aug 20 2005, 10:52 PM)
The summer going into grade 9, i drank half a 40 of gin straight, trying to impress the ladies. I ended up going blind with my ass on the toilet and barfing in the tub.

I've never touched Gin since, though i hear it's good with tonic  confused13.gif

Nice way to impress the ladies!!!!!!! 062802puke_prv.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Yup, i'm a real charmer laugh.gif

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It was at a house warming party thrown for me in 1991. Along with the many beers I had that night, I also polished off a 26er of Tequila. I ended up puke for about 3 and a half hours. I was lying naked in the middle of the bathroom in the center of a sea of vomit. 062802puke_prv.gif


The hang over was worse, it lasted 3 days.

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Last night, lol.


I was at a toilet for 30 mins, then outside for 10, then at home infront of the kitchen sink for two hours.


Worse thing was, i was meant to work this morning! I got up at 7 and was still drunk and ended up puking again! So right now, i don't think i'll touch anything for a while. ph34r.gif

Edited by Mandalorian Hunter
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This morning I vomited 7 consecutive times. I am not talking about some wimpy little dry heaves either, but massive torrents of spew with each gut wrenching heave, the kind that leave you desperately gasping for life with tears and mucus streaming down your face.


It wasn't alcohol related, but deserves mention anyway from the sheer horribleness of it.

Edited by Dread Pirate Robert
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...well, my last puke orgie was after my first chemo...I puked five times and it reminded me in a weird way on my last real bad hangover, which was ca. a half year before that, I was on that summerparty of my Fitness Center and drank too much wine.

I needed for the way home 2 hours (normally it took me 20 minits!!)

I was totally hung over the full next day


I swore "never again" and made it. (at least if you sort out the chemo one)

Wine is much too tasty to puke it out no.gif

Edited by Snow-Owl
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Have you ever seen Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life" where the big fat guy is just throwing up the whole time? icon_really_happy_guy.gif
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QUOTE (Steel Rat @ Dec 21 2005, 08:05 AM)
Have you ever seen Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life" where the big fat guy is just throwing up the whole time? icon_really_happy_guy.gif

The first time I saw that I laughed so hard that "I" almost threw up...





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wheni was 19 yrs old. in the air force at a school for a month a drink too much beer, had alcohol poisoning, woke up in my own vomite, puked when i drank water. could not eat all day. the worst ever rofl3.gif wacko.gif trink38.gif oops.gif 062802puke_prv.gif 062802puke_prv.gif 062802puke_prv.gif
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The last time I got drunk was 4th of July weekend 2000. I didn't ever drink but since I had the house to myself for 3 nights and 4 days, I got drunk. My older brother left SIX unopened bottles of Budweiser beer and started imitating Stone Cold Steve Austin and drank six beers in about a half and hour and then was STONE COLD DRUNK. I recall laughing my ass off at myself and then getting real sick and saying before I puked as I was watching Up in Smoke "I think I'm going to call myself 062802puke_prv.gif RAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLPPPPPH MAN" rofl3.gif laugh.gif

After that, I decided not to drink anything alcohol related again. I think later that night I drank a quart of Nestle Quik Chocolate Milk to get rid of beer and puke stench.

Thank goodness I don't smoke anything. I tried smoking a few times when I was a kid and recalled it feeling like my mouth was on fire!

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QUOTE (floydfanatic111 @ Jun 14 2006, 11:33 PM)
The last time I got drunk was 4th of July weekend 2000. I didn't ever drink but since I had the house to myself for 3 nights and 4 days, I got drunk. My older brother left SIX unopened bottles of Budweiser beer and started imitating Stone Cold Steve Austin and drank six beers in about a half and hour and then was STONE COLD DRUNK. I recall laughing my ass off at myself and then getting real sick and saying before I puked as I was watching Up in Smoke "I think I'm going to call myself 062802puke_prv.gif RAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLPPPPPH MAN" rofl3.gif laugh.gif
After that, I decided not to drink anything alcohol related again. I think later that night I drank a quart of Nestle Quik Chocolate Milk to get rid of beer and puke stench.
Thank goodness I don't smoke anything. I tried smoking a few times when I was a kid and recalled it feeling like my mouth was on fire!

Nice! No, I don't think you should ever drink again. no.gif Number one: Ralphing is never pleasant. And number two: You may decide to drunk post at TRF. Never good. Take my word for it. (Again, no.gif )

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The longest alcohol-related bout of vomiting I've had was the first time I got drunk. I was in Denmark as an exchange student at my first party. Free beer for me from all the wonderfully nice Danes who thought it would be hilarious to get the naive Canadian drunk. After about 10 of those (on an empty stomach, no less) I decided to head out. I actually made it back to a friend's house on my bicycle, following another friend, (I remember none of that ride, I just know it happened,) where I went into the bathroom and began a good 12 hour vomiting streak. Once my friends realized there was no way in hell I could get back on my bicycle, they called the family I was staying with to come and pick me up. They were all laughing at me, because they thought it was cute in their funny Danish minds.
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I projectile vomit....It breaks blood vessels in my face & I usually can't stand after that....LSM has never seen me puke but....there will be a time.

I did get so drunk that I puked for the next day about 15 hours worth. I don't remember it & care not to!

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When I hosted my birthday party of this year, I got more drunk than anyone else there. I finished a FULL glass of wine in about ten seconds flat. After that, I remember being on the floor (getting there, I don't remember) and puking all over my feet and the fridge. My friends, bless them, managed to clean up the red mess at which point I made my way to the bathroom and puked some sort of black liquid into the toilet. When I dragged myself out of there at last, it was nearing 12:30 and the party was over. C'est la vie.


Long before this, my friend decided to try me on some gin and juice. Only the "juice" in question was gatorade. BAAAAAADD experiences...

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QUOTE (Bastille Night @ Aug 1 2005, 08:44 PM)
Puking isn't so bad.....it's when the bile starts to come up that it gets bad. You know, the greenish-yellow thick liquid after all the food and drink is done.

....at least that's what I've been told ph34r.gif

yes. or when you wake up after a night of puking and passing out only to have the dry heaves for what seems like hours and hours and hours, and occasionally you get that bit of bile that comes up and it tastes like the most revolting thing you've ever had in your life, and yet you cannot stop so you're just gagging on nothing...


not like i would know about that sort of thing doh.gif that was new year's eve 2000 when my friends decided that it was important to celebrate the new millenium in every time zone. ook. my problem is that i drink a lot of liquids, all the time (i drink at least 4L of water at work alone), and i really enjoy the taste of liquor, so i end up not noticing how much i'm drinking until it's too late. now i make a concious effort to alternate each alcoholic drink with twice the amount of water so i don't get dehydrated or drink too fast and end up drunk.

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