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I saw this too!! I liked it, it's like a new take on the classic "tough guy revenge" movie with a lot of posh thrown in and some post-black humor. I don't think a Russian would like it, but maybe... Keanu is good. Not stellar but good. I kept imagining Steve McQueen starring in his place.

It's almost exactly the same as the recent remake of the Equalizer, a mild mannered guy minding his own business and who just happens to be a secret killing machine. A killing machine who is retired though, but comes he out of retirement to take on the entire Russian mob and wins. Except Denzel Washington is way better and more convincing, and so is the villain and the script is better too.

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I watched this for the first time ever Wednesday! LOOOOOOVED IT!

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Brett Detar of The Juliana Theory did the score for this movie.


He is also the only country musician I can truly stand. And having spoken with him before, I know he is a really kind man.


But the films he scores (this and The Devil Inside) just aren't my cup of tea.

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kinda long and plotless but I liked it.



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You don't have permission to access "http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTYzNDc2MDc0N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTcwMDQ5MTE@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg" on this server.

Reference #24.7c8183e.1421685385.a38d0de

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kinda long and plotless but I liked it.



Referral Denied


You don't have permission to access "http://ia.media-imdb...640_SY720_.jpg" on this server.

Reference #24.7c8183e.1421685385.a38d0de


How many times do you have to respond with this before he starts pasting images from elsewhere? :LOL:


It links to "Boyhood".

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kinda long and plotless but I liked it.



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You don't have permission to access "http://ia.media-imdb...640_SY720_.jpg" on this server.

Reference #24.7c8183e.1421685385.a38d0de


How many times do you have to respond with this before he starts pasting images from elsewhere? :LOL:


It links to "Boyhood".


this happens to me quite often yet I don't always go to the same source. I just go to google images and grab something.



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