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What's your favorite meme?

Ancient Ways

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QUOTE (Ancient Ways @ Jun 9 2011, 03:15 AM)

Please don't tell me that Bieber kid really said that?! ohmy.gif angry.gif

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There's a cell phone commercial that for a split second features NYAN CAT!! :3

I caught it yesterday and shouted to no one in particular, "NYAN CAT!! YEEE!!!"

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A cool knockoff of the "Epic Sax Guy" meme.

And everyone in my sax section at school knew how to play that last year.

Including yours truly. xD

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This one..very NSFW for language


and before it went bye bye I was a mod on the site....




And now....heeeeeeeere's Thee Tourettes GUY!

Edited by BeOhBe Bob
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QUOTE (Gompers @ Jun 8 2011, 11:18 AM)

This actually makes me want to go out and club babies. I've hated the dancing baby ever since that horrible show from Hades, "Ally McBeal" debuted it.


And I'm with treeduck - "meme" is a dumb word.

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QUOTE (Jaye @ Jun 9 2011, 10:27 AM)
QUOTE (Ancient Ways @ Jun 9 2011, 03:15 AM)

Please don't tell me that Bieber kid really said that?! ohmy.gif angry.gif

It seems likely that he didn't although it is fun to think he did.

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QUOTE (CMWriter @ Jun 7 2011, 11:17 PM)

Rainbow Dash FTW biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif


QUOTE (cmwriter @ Jun 7 2011, 11:17 PM)
(I'm actually not so fond of the ponies.

I am now forced to love and tolerate the SHIT outta you for saying that.


QUOTE (cmwriter @ Jun 7 2011, 11:17 PM)
But another site I frequent has been taken over by them.
I had a dream about those freaking ponies last night.


As for what's going on, these ponies have found a way into your pop-loving, saxophone-obsessed heart. Let them in.


>watch first two episodes of MLP: FiM

>huge surge of happiness and love

>become a brony by end of episode 2

>incredible urge to watch other 24 episodes of show


Also, Rainbow Dash pony is best pony.

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An oldie but a goodie...









I read the book that the reporter wrote a few years ago. He covered all kinds of interesting stuff but THIS is his legacy. laugh.gif

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A few more.....







De-motivational posters:




Tai Shan... (yes, really!)




and one of my favorites...


Dick In A Box

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One of the best:







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That one makes me rofl3.gif AW. "A series of tubes" OMG!
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QUOTE (HowItIs @ Jun 10 2011, 04:04 AM)
Tai Shan... (yes, really!)


I thought that was the panda tribute to Jethro Tull.. wink.gif

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QUOTE (Ancient Ways @ Jun 9 2011, 10:07 PM)

I think my favorites are the ones that mix like this one that combines the rickroll with the "I'm aware of all internet traditions."


When you do a little research it's amazing how many of these started at 4chan. Sounds like such a cool place but it really isn't.

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