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Everything posted by BigMontanaSKY

  1. U2 Dated a music industry employee who was ALL ABOUT them, even though he said the Edge was not that great of a guy. Guy kind of inadvertently ruined their music for me. I know Bono has good intentions.
  2. I had to turn down a chance to add to my Rush show count due to a serious family emergency. Hey I'm still a bit sad about it but we have decades worth of music to enjoy from The Holy Trinity.
  3. I'd buy it and chug it while crying.
  4. Neil would have gotten through any Covid 19 related life complications just fine, I think.
  5. I guess the funnier revelation here is that Alex apparently is doing most of the band's social media presence. I'm old enough that it still blows my mind that artists that were God-like to me as a literal kid, are now reachable via electronic communication. There's a lot of junk on social media but it's super surreal to see how much the world has shrunk in terms of knowing things sooner, or seeing things more clearly.
  6. Having a child at 57 years old, there was little chance that he would be around for these events. Neil's parents must be around 90 now, if he lived as long as them he very probably would be around for these events... The bottom line is 67 is way to young to go even though when it's your time, it's your time. I really thought Neil was getting healthier actually after the R40 Tour. Thought he was going to get in shape, ride his motorcycle and raise Olivia. It's very sad still. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about Neil. A man who gave so much to the world and ended up in a tragic reality. We typed about this before but man. Neil never saw Selena graduate college. Get a career. Fall in love. Get married. Hold a grandchild. Now Olivia will grow up and her father won't be able to see her blossom in life. Flat out sucks, but Neil's Legacy will carry on for all eternity. Life is definitely unfair.
  7. I thought Neil looked a bit odd in his IG photos but chalked it up to blood pressure medication, not chemo. Let's remember the great things. Bless his heart.
  8. Money isn't everything in life. Just trust me on this.
  9. Been playing the retrospective that was released after "Snakes And Arrows." Sigh.
  10. Disclaimer (just my personal experience)- I lost a relative from cancer and he was 67 as well when he passed. Cancer really is the worst, no arguement. (This person smoked and drank heavily in youth so I am willing to say there might be a connection to those vices and a shorter lifespan.) However it's not so simple- there is pediatric cancer, and people who have never been exposed to carcinogenic substances can get sick with cancer too. We're still learning about how to beat cancer. There's a blurb on imdb dot com about Peart having a close shave accident in Pennsyvania on his motorcycle so for a long time I just assumed that would be what would get him, a motorcycle mishap. (Surgeons don't call motorcyclist "donorcyclists" for nothing.) Yes it's true life can be so random and surprising.
  11. I've been reminded of that one for some time now. Any time - any moment - anyone - any age. Life changes in an instant. Enjoy what you have while you have it. Take nothing and no one for granted. Life passes quickly This is so true. Wish I had more to add but my brain is still foggy from drinking nonstop since I read the news.
  12. Without knowing about the news that awaited us today, I've been blasting "Anthem" over the holidays for personal reasons. It seems much more meaningful now. Rest In Power Professor.
  13. I was thinking the same. His website neailpeart.net, which has been taken offline, is still available via Internet Archive (last snapshot July 2019). It appears that all the updates and his last blog post on the site ceased around May 2016 which lines up with the quote, "The cause was brain cancer, which Peart had been quietly battling for three-and-a-half years." My guess, and of course it's purely a guess, is that once he was diagnosed sometime around May 2016, he quietly abandoned whatever he deemed as trivial pursuits. I imagine the blog would be one of those, but writing as a whole? Who knows. I would love to hear that he wrote some type of epilogue to his career and/or thoughts. The content of his last couple essays made me wonder about something like this (what took him.) I feel like the real epilogue is "Clockwork Angels." If you look at that album from a science-minded view, it's about seizing life to live it in the moment and getting as much as you can out of it. I do hope Carrie will share someday about anything else Neil wanted to share with the world. (I have seen what the end looks like with long term cancer. The family and friends might have been very secretive because it is such an awful time and a hard battle. In time she may share. I'm going to keep his family in my thoughts.)
  14. It's Dark Horse Red Blend. It's really great at room temperature FYI
  15. Whoah I can't imagine being in your shoes. Dreaming something awful then waking up to the reality of it ..ugh. Mortality has been part of my winter due to some family related events, but this has hit me so hard. I might as well tell you guys (Rush related personal anecdote here) when I saw online that Neil Peart had written "Ghost Rider" I ordered it through a local bookstore & ended up walking about 3 miles to go get the book when it came in (I was on the road for work and had no vehicle. I REALLY wanted to read the book and actually climbed over a fence on my way to the bookstore to go get it.) That book kept me sane through some amusing experiences (a bad tropical storm and then being housed in a fleabag motel.) Point being, Neil chose to share his life experiences with like minded people and we are all richer for it. We are going to grieve but let's appreciate the gifts he left us...….
  16. This hit me really hard. I actually expected it to be a motorcycling mishap that would take him, not anything like brain cancer. I can barely imagine what his family is going through. All I can say is, emulate his example. Live life to the fullest.
  17. Glad you started this discussion. I have a few clear memories of the Vapor Trails show in Marysville, CA. I also saw the Rush 30 show and the Snakes and Arrows show at the same exact venue. SADLY due to several stressful years and health problems I have barely any recollection of the last 2 shows!!!! Whatever exact part of my brain held the memories for the last shows has "let go" of most of those memories. Might be aging too. It's so sad to me. I should have taken pics, didn't think to do so. Should have journaled about it, didn't do it.
  18. I know I picked the male specific poll option because it as the most reasonable sounding one.
  19. I'm going to get really personal in my reply here to show others that not all women in Westernized society will marry with money as a main motivator. The wealthiest man I dated was also the most violent and sick in the mind. Our relationship was very unlikely, and at the time I mistook his pushiness and urgency as a real interest in getting to know me. I thought he cared. Noooooo. Not really. He didn't care about me at all. He got increasingly violent and frightening. I politely told him to leave me alone- that was not listened to....He stalked me for a few months before a job transfer took him far away from me. I really lucked out in that situation. Even with all the drama, many women have experienced far worse from standing up to a rich, violent and aggressive man. I got away from that creep. I later learned that a LOT of wealthy abusers use money to either cover up abuse, or get away with it. They often hand pick poorer partners with the fact in mind that keeping financial leverage is useful to getting out of a situation that "looks bad."
  20. "Dunkirk" was an awesome movie. Very nuanced.
  21. The neighbor's cat snuck into our place today. It was amusing......
  22. I saw them years ago- they put on a show. I don't want to say anything impolite here. Nikki Sixx is a very bright guy, and I'm impressed he survived all the partying he did back in the day. To read a bit about what he wrote about his social life in the 1980s is both morbid and darkly amusing. I'm sure it was horrific to bystanders at the time.
  23. His writing in the Signals tourbook is so upbeat - reminded me of the time when I first got into the band. I'd read his missives in Moder Drummer - his responses to readers drumming questions were great. He was engaged with his fans - he wasn't so withdrawn. And you know what - his writing had spark in the 80s. Ghost Rider had none of that - and it could've used it, despite the subject matter. And I get it - shit happened to him - the worst shit to befall someone. I love the guy. But damn did he change. Life happens to people. Don't judge...….
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