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The Mick and Segue Music Commentary Thread


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Just finished Octavarium. That...that was excellent.


it is. the title track is my fav epic of their's.




I'm going to have this album on repeat for a while...it is almost perfect.

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Just finished Octavarium. That...that was excellent.


it is. the title track is my fav epic of their's.




I'm going to have this album on repeat for a while...it is almost perfect.


almost to me too.......i can't take Never Enough........As it's just Portnoy whining. And Mom taught me never to whine, lol



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I am so pleases you enjoyed Octavarium Bowl City!


And can I just say, copying is not the right word. But they do ten to wear their influences in their sleeves, but I find it makes for very interesting listening! And it shows as well how keen the band is to try new things.


And I really like quite a few of their ballads!


And Bowl City, so pleased you enjoyed These Walls! I adore it!

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I enjoy most of their ballads. Not sure where this thing of them not writing good ones came from? Rather hear them perform a good ballad with good lyrics then listen to some of the good awful ones that are out there.
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I enjoy most of their ballads. Not sure where this thing of them not writing good ones came from? Rather hear them perform a good ballad with good lyrics then listen to some of the good awful ones that are out there.




But occasionally I do find Labrie's vocals a little overwrought on the softer songs.

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Yep...Octavarium is the best thing they released going backwards from the self titled. Black Clouds is a close second.


I know yesterday I went OTT and overpraised SC, but we ultimately have the exact same top two!


After these two, the rest of my top five is interchangeable, but what I do know is that I just do not think Images And Words or Awake are as great as the media and fans make out! When Dream And Day Unites is full of better songs than either. Still great albums, but way overshadowed by what came later!


And the second disc of Six Degrees I like more than the entirety of Metropolis.

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Paradise Lost remain my favourite metal band of all time, not counting LC, NW or WT, who are, much like Paradise Lost, to varying degrees metal themselves (but too varied to be categorised so rigidly).


I am really finding DT fascinating: the "new band smell" has worn off a lot now, and I am still really taken by them, so it looks like they will be enjoyed for weeks to come on a regular basis!

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When I play Bon Jovi, I genuinely forget about everything and I just have fun!


Screw the haters, this band is one of the best ever in the field of pop rock. Maybe even the best ever!

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So excited, especially as I am like the only person alive who loved the last two albums, What About Now and Burning Bridges, to death.




Three albums I eagerly look forward too now: Lacuna Coil (who I feel less excited about than I did because they seem to be going more metal, which I like but I was hoping it would be something different...let's wait and see), DT (hard to be excited for it when I still have twelve albums already all new to me haha!) and now Bon Jovi!


Rumour has it Springsteen has a new one. I yawned typing that, sorry Bruce. And my ultimate "guilty" pleasure, Fifth Harmony, have a newbie in the works (I should know better but they are great singers and, well, Dinah Jane).

Edited by Segue Myles
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The love for Octavarium I find odd. As I would probably rank it last in my Dream Theater albums. I think it's the most inconsistant album they've released.


The Root Of All Evil - Great opening track. One of the highlights when I saw them on the Dramatic Turn tour.


The Answer Lies Within - Boring. Song plods along and goes nowhere. Both musically and melodically there are no hooks at all.


These Walls - Another excellent tune. I'm surprised it took a few tours for it to get a regular spot in the set.


I Walk Beside You - Along with You Not Me, easily the worst song they've ever recorded.


Panic Attack - Another top notch tune. Seen them do it live a few times and it rocks the house.


Never Enough - Top five worst song they've ever recorded.


Sacrificed Sons - See my feelings on track two.


Octavarium - Brilliant song. One of their better overall compositions.


After listening to the album in full yesterday for the first time in a number of years, I was curious to see if my opinion on the tracks i've never cared for have changed. Well, they haven't. I still think this album is half brilliant, half terrible.

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The love for Octavarium I find odd. As I would probably rank it last in my Dream Theater albums. I think it's the most inconsistant album they've released.


The Root Of All Evil - Great opening track. One of the highlights when I saw them on the Dramatic Turn tour.


The Answer Lies Within - Boring. Song plods along and goes nowhere. Both musically and melodically there are no hooks at all.


These Walls - Another excellent tune. I'm surprised it took a few tours for it to get a regular spot in the set.


I Walk Beside You - Along with You Not Me, easily the worst song they've ever recorded.


Panic Attack - Another top notch tune. Seen them do it live a few times and it rocks the house.


Never Enough - Top five worst song they've ever recorded.


Sacrificed Sons - See my feelings on track two.


Octavarium - Brilliant song. One of their better overall compositions.


After listening to the album in full yesterday for the first time in a number of years, I was curious to see if my opinion on the tracks i've never cared for have changed. Well, they haven't. I still think this album is half brilliant, half terrible.


I have two major issues with this album:


I Walk Beside You sounds too generic of U2. Panic Attack sounds exactly like Muse.


The more I listen to Octavarium, the more annoying these elements become. The songs themselves suit my taste so I still like them! It's just a bit too...close to the inspiration for my liking.


But I played Images And Words this morning. It is a 6/10 for me. One of the most overrated albums I have ever heard. Awake is better, by a margin.


I really love Dream Theater now, and as for Octavarium, I have the polar opposite view to you in every respect.

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OK, more and more able to work out the story as I listen to it.


Scenes Of A Memory is really overtaking all the other albums now.


I am amazed by it, its a concept I am getting more and more understanding of, the music is exquisite. Labrie's voice is damn fine! I have even higher hopes the next album will be a success!

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I've given Octavarium a few more listens today, and I was a bit over-euphoric with the initial listen. It's not a "mostly perfect" album like I initially said, though it is still "very good" in my opinion.


Root of all Evil: This one is awesome. It lumbers over you and bashes you from all sides. They're really on it with this one.


The Answer Lies Within: It's okay. It's not bad. Not a standout track but I've yet to hear a softer DT song going backwards from the self titled that does stand out.


These Walls: Segue's onto something with this one. I really dig it. LaBrie's vocals are excellent throughout and so are the drums.


I Walk Beside You: Not very good. Extreme cheese AOR. Kind of embarassing, really. I don't hate it and I won't skip it when listening to the whole album like I would half of Systematic Chaos but it's not something I enjoy.


Panic Attack: There's a reason this song's a "hit" by DT's standards. It f***ing rocks and is one of the best song-style pieces they've written that I've heard. I was treated to this one the one time I saw them live and it was a sick keytar/guitar duel between Rudess and Petrucci. Absolutely nuts :haz:


Never Enough: I like it. Apparently people are bemoaning the lyrical content since apparently it's a confessional from Portnoy, but anyone who knows me knows I don't care about lyrics, for better or worse. The music's fine.


Sacrificed Sons: The news segment at the beginning is too long. Otherwise this is a very nice tune.


Octavarium: Yep. Best epic I've heard thus far. Would and will listen to many times with great satisfaction.

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From what I've listened to so far:


1. Octavarium

2. Black Clouds and Silver Linings

3. Dream Theater

4. A Dramatic Turn of Events

5. Systematic Chaos


I suspect a couple of listens to both Six Degrees and Metropolis might see a shift in the top three!


Seriously, the more I play either of them (and on Six Degrees, the second disc especially), the more I am convinced that they are the bands defining masterpieces!


And as for These Walls, how that wasn't an instant smash hit I will never know! It is just PERFECTION! The bands best non-epic hands down.


Best epic? Sort of going to cheat: the entire Scenes From A Memory album. It works like one long song, and it never drops once (but the narration, though infrequent and brief, sort of jars the experience somewhat).

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I'll start on Train of Thought later today. As I Am sounds like a proggy Black Label Society and it's great, so I'll find out how the rest of the album stands up.


It's OK, I don't like the lyrics much and the full on metal sound suits other bands better.

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ToT's definitely different than the ones that came after it.


I think it's great in its own way, bit for me, its not what I want from DT.

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The first three songs are pretty good, so far this album is something I'd listen to when I don't want necessarily prog metal or rock that I'm used to hearing, this would go well with my mood when I feel like listening to 21st century Maiden.
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