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Is there a Rush album that takes you back to a special time or place?

Rush Fan in Michigan

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Vapor Trails, cos I remember how happy I was for their comeback!

I remember getting a pirated rough version before the actual release. I thought the songs were great, but couldn't wait to hear the final production. And then I heard the actual release...
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I think they all do for me in some respect, However the two that probably teleport me the most would be between Permenant Waves, a wave that will carry me (spindrift pun intended) back to High School daze 1st (Rush)album I HAD to go buy, Everybody I knew seemed to have such a Buzz for it. The other would be Caress of Steel it brings me back to when I was deep in exploration Rush and found a copy of it in a second hand store. I was listining to it on the Hi Fidelity Phonograph piece of furniture in my Moms living room loud enough to not bounce the needle (as any good teenager would when nobody was home)and the jamm in the Necromancer :guitar: brought me to a conclusion these guy's are the best! I can remember that feeling like it was yesterday. The funny thing is it was many years gone by before I learned how it was not well recieved at all. It is pretty awesome music impo. :codger:
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Moving Pictures...there was nothing like being at my aunt's and uncle's cottage out in the country when I was a kid and then hearing Red Barchetta, particularly that opening line "my uncle has a country place no one knows about." Even now every time I hear it, it takes me back to that time. Miss them both so much. :heart:
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I'd say Hemispheres was the first Rush album I was "blown away" by. That's important.


Snakes and Arrows is the album that got me into the band. Played it through a number of times.


Presto takes me back to soul searching drives through mountains in my old truck in 2012.

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Moving Pictures.


It's a defining moment in my musical development.


I remember opening the packaging and listening to it. It was wonderful.


I researched the reviews... without the internet!


I realized that "critics" didn't have any advantage over the "common" fan.


To this day, it's a perfect album.

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I mentioned AFTK already for one reason but ATWAS is up there as well. My first album purchase ever and it provided hours and hours of bliss in my teen years...


I think ATWAS was the second album I bought after AFTK. Then I got 2112, CoS, FBN and RUSH. That's all that was out at that time. Hard to imagine now.

Yep. I got ATWAS first and then got the previous 4 albums and then waited and waited for the next release. Man was I young and excited. What a different time that was. I sort of knew it was coming and I went to the record store after school every day for at least a week asking if it was here yet. Finally it was and and raced home to listen and was not disappointed needless to say...


I remember those times, too- when going to your local record shop was THE main mode of getting new music. The anticipation of knowing it was coming out soon...next month, then two weeks away, then next week...and then finally the moment arrived... :) :D :haz:


Our appreciation of music, and the way experience it now, as opposed to back then, is so much different indeed. I weep for the past.

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Moving Pictures brings me back to my parents' kitchen where I would eat my Cheerios before school and hear Tom Sawyer or Red Barchetta or YYZ coming from my older brother's room which was basically our unfinished basement.. But it was cool as shit down there! Big wire spool coffee table.. Cinder block/ plywood shelving filled with plastic models of Chargers and Super Bees.. Milk crates filled with April Wine, Kiss, Molley Hatchet and Rush records.. Wow. Talk about a time machine record!
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I mentioned AFTK already for one reason but ATWAS is up there as well. My first album purchase ever and it provided hours and hours of bliss in my teen years...


I think ATWAS was the second album I bought after AFTK. Then I got 2112, CoS, FBN and RUSH. That's all that was out at that time. Hard to imagine now.

Yep. I got ATWAS first and then got the previous 4 albums and then waited and waited for the next release. Man was I young and excited. What a different time that was. I sort of knew it was coming and I went to the record store after school every day for at least a week asking if it was here yet. Finally it was and and raced home to listen and was not disappointed needless to say...


We knew next to nothing about the band back then. Pretty much just only what was in magazines or maybe an interview on the radio. The music had to speak for itself since there were no music videos, no YouTube or computers.


Yeah....good luck finding articles on them back then! I remember waiting for the new Circus Magazine to come out so you could see if there was a Rush article! When there was a Neil article or even a mention in Modern Drummer it was an AMAZING thing! You just didn't GET anything!


Most of the magazines were spewing Kiss articles out like wild fire!

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