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Happy 30th P/G


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Great album, almost perfect. I adore every track with the exception of Red Lenses. Not sure what happened with that one but it doesn't have the drive or energy of the rest of the album. The Enemy Within and Kid Gloves are my favorite tunes from this one but overrall I can listen to it front to back with a smile. Distant Early Warning was one of my first Rush videos I recall. It's crazy how long ago that seems and I'm only 33. What the hell will I do when these guys aren't doing this anymore? It's a scary thought.
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Its an awesome album, one of their best, but I dont listen to it that often anymore


I got the album around Christmas, right before start of spring semester of my senior year in college, I was just taking 2 courses, and primarily working at a grocery store to pay the bills. That "spring" in Ohio was pretty rough for me, I was living in my rusted out 87 gmc jimmy and pushing shopping carts all day and night in the slush unitl everything melted in April. I had a cheap semibroken mp3 player and the only thing on it was p/g, my car didnt have a stereo and I didnt have a computer, so it was the only thing I really listened to. Listened to it a lot while pushing shopping carts in the slush. Lets just say ive listen to the album quite a few times.


Still am not a fan of Body electric, I do remember whenever kid gloves came on, that gave me somewhat of a endorphin spike, it was one of the brighter parts of the album.

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Saw this at Vintage Vinyl in NJ:



Is 70 the price? If so Permanent Waves right beside it only costs half as much?... :huh:
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Saw this at Vintage Vinyl in NJ:



Is 70 the price? If so Permanent Waves right beside it only costs half as much?... :huh:

It's 70 bucks because it's in its original seal. The Permanent Waves is not.

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Saw this at Vintage Vinyl in NJ:



Is 70 the price? If so Permanent Waves right beside it only costs half as much?... :huh:

It's 70 bucks because it's in its original seal. The Permanent Waves is not.

Thanks. Been a long time between "record stores" for me..... :codger:
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Saw this at Vintage Vinyl in NJ:



For all we know, that could be my old album. Someone, somewhere, must have made a fortune off them.


Anyway...thirty years. Already? 1984 had to be one THE worst years of my life, and I have Grace Under Pressure to thank for getting me through.


Geddy said in one of the interviews that was on R30 (I think it was the Vapor Trails interview) that a healing often takes place in fans from their music, and that is what bonds us to them. Forever.


Geddy was right. :wub:

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Love it, too. It has its occasional flat spots here and there, but the theme and music was really relevant for that time. If u didnt hear this album in the mid-80s u probably won't have a deeper appreciation for it. One of my favorites....better than anything released after 2000.


Oh? Whatever do you mean by "better than anything released after 2000"? ;)

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Saw this at Vintage Vinyl in NJ:




Damn! I have a few of those sealed, but they're cutouts. I wonder if Permanent Waves still has the inner sleeve.


ll'l be there Saturday for Record Store Day. Maybe I can find out the reasoning for that.


Looks like Signals is just below there.





Kind of a freaky thing back then. When I heard Distant Early Warning for the first time, I had this REALLY bad feeling the Islanders dynasty was over. Tried really hard to shake that feeling, but I never did. Maybe it made it easier to accept when it did happen. I don't know.

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To you, is it movement or is it action?

Is it contact or just reaction?

And you...revolution or just resistance?

Is it living, or just existence?

Yeah, you! It takes a little more persistence

To get up and go the distance


We need new rush

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