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Mystic Rythm

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3540 Stellar

About Mystic Rythm

  • Birthday 06/08/1967

Contact Methods

  • Website URL

Member Information

  • Location
    God's Country
  • Interests
    The Father
    Ted Nugent
  • Gender

Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    R40 St. Louis, MO 2015
  • Favorite Rush Song
    Working Man
  • Favorite Rush Album
    Depends on the day

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905 profile views
  1. Thank you all for the wishes! It was a great birthday with the family!
  2. Sorry for the delay. Happy B-Day Goose!!
  3. Thanks Lorraine!! Where have you been, my friend? I was going to make inquiries about you in the SOCN Sports Bar and Grill, but it completely slipped my mind, as many things do these days. Life got busy. A couple of surgeries and reorganizing priorities in my life the last 6 months or so. All is good and hopefully will find time to visit here more often!
  4. Wish I knew! We could have met at Grumpy's in Little Rock. That's where my wife & I would go when we were dating and living in LR. Next time...this spring maybe? Feeling a bit like Hannibal Lector right now. I skied hard today, and purposely skipped lunch sovI would have an appetite for dinner. I'm at the Gun Barrel in Jackson, WY, which is a "steak and game house". Couldn't decide on an animal, so I got a combo plate with venison sausage, elk steak, and bison prime rib. No fava beans, though... This spring would be perfect! There are some new camo style Hog hats out!!!
  5. Wish I knew! We could have met at Grumpy's in Little Rock. That's where my wife & I would go when we were dating and living in LR.
  6. Camo Razorback ball cap Fake Oakley sunglasses Browning single blade pocket knife S&W 40 cal Ruger 380 LCP
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